How can the Iowa MBB become a destination program - Nationwide?

Michigan is already a blue blood school. Howard is a product of that school from it's best days. Iowa has nothing even remotely in the same area code as Michigan when it comes to history, recruiting power, and hiring power. Not even remotely close.
Garza as head coach!

ZOMG. Thank you! I love that lady. I don't put a lot of stock into those rankings but for those who do the gal said we were 71 in national universities at the time of the interview and now we're 88.

Anyway, I agree with the list Harreld was using because there are really just 8 public ivies, but the insinuation that Harreld had any sort of plan that was going to move Iowa into the same discussion with schools like UVA, UNC and Michigan is even more absurd than the notion of Iowa doing what Florida did and winning the football title and the hoops title within a few years of each other. And Iowa winning a football title or a hoops title on their own are absurd thoughts.
OT: I do gotta say how nice it is to be almost to May and we are still talking basketball. Usually this place is dead by now.
I signed off in mid March...return in November. But the Portal, etc. gives us a lot to talk about. JW, JBo center coming a year early, etc. are all discussion worthy.
True, but they sucked last year and he readjusted on his staff. Why?

Hoiberg? ISU a blue blood?

Anyway, you asked I provided... without the normal excuses.
You said nothing new. Pay closer attention to what others have said. But you get credit for starting a (pointless) thread. Hang your hat on that if you wish.
True, but they sucked last year and he readjusted on his staff. Why?

Hoiberg? ISU a blue blood?

Anyway, you asked I provided... without the normal excuses.
I get what you are saying here. Some would say that ISU got lucky I guess. Like you I am not one to put up a white flag. We had white flags all over the place when Hayden Fry got to Iowa City. He kicked those MFing flags down and said WE CAN. As he said, he had to get the we can't loser mindset switched over to HOLY SHIT WE CAN (the holy shit part are my words). No one in their right mind would have conceded when he first got here that in a few years we would be playing in a Rose Bowl. NOBODY!!!

I also get what Fry (the moderator) is getting at. It seems the odds are really stacked against anyone trying to do it in an honest way. The only way that seems a possibility to me would mean a total shift in the mindset of the powers that be at Iowa. Go to a proven winner and offer a mega contract that would be hard for him to turn down.

Unfortunately the odds of this happening are about like winning the power ball lottery. I don't think it's just about money at Iowa, as Iowa is one of the more wealthier universities. I think it is more about power control. If you hire a mega coach and he is successful it would be nearly impossible for the nerds running everything to keep that coach under wraps and to control him. In other words what I am saying is THEY don't want anyone that is BIGGER than they THINK they are. A mega coach would call the shots and the fans would let him do it, which could mean a death knell to the nerd gang in Iowa City.
Unfortunately the odds of this happening are about like winning the power ball lottery. I don't think it's just about money at Iowa, as Iowa is one of the more wealthier universities. I think it is more about power control. If you hire a mega coach and he is successful it would be nearly impossible for the nerds running everything to keep that coach under wraps and to control him. In other words what I am saying is THEY don't want anyone that is BIGGER than they THINK they are. A mega coach would call the shots and the fans would let him do it, which could mean a death knell to the nerd gang in Iowa City.
Very true... and absolutely agree. To build off that, maybe that's where an AD needs to focus - it'd take someone with a set and a convincing argument to push/pull that group to agree on what it'd take - Barta doesn't seem to fit that mold, quite the contrary in my opinion... it's a plan or a start to move in that direction.

Look... I don't necessarily disagree with what people are commenting, but I don't believe in throwing up the white flag, either... otherwise, what's the point of being a fan?
I’ll say this about Fran, he’s coaching at Iowa in an era where 1000+ kids transfer and guys who have no business leaving for the NBA leave early. How good would Davis had been if he couldn’t keep his entire roster in tact multiple years? How good could Iowa be if we could have kept guys like Cook, Moss, CJ and JoeW
You have to play the AAU game and get a shoe manufacturers and donors to pay players and coaches. The coaches are rarely involved directly in this but every top program does this, it’s just how it’s done.
I still think we could have closed the thread after Fry's first reply but, as long as the party is still rolling...

1. Start cheating
2. Luck into the next Lute
3. Major structural changes occur to how D1 hoops is organized and we find ourselves competing with other schools that also aren't cheating and expecting players to go to class.
I get what you are saying here. Some would say that ISU got lucky I guess. Like you I am not one to put up a white flag. We had white flags all over the place when Hayden Fry got to Iowa City. He kicked those MFing flags down and said WE CAN. As he said, he had to get the we can't loser mindset switched over to HOLY SHIT WE CAN (the holy shit part are my words). No one in their right mind would have conceded when he first got here that in a few years we would be playing in a Rose Bowl. NOBODY!!!

I also get what Fry (the moderator) is getting at. It seems the odds are really stacked against anyone trying to do it in an honest way. The only way that seems a possibility to me would mean a total shift in the mindset of the powers that be at Iowa. Go to a proven winner and offer a mega contract that would be hard for him to turn down.

Unfortunately the odds of this happening are about like winning the power ball lottery. I don't think it's just about money at Iowa, as Iowa is one of the more wealthier universities. I think it is more about power control. If you hire a mega coach and he is successful it would be nearly impossible for the nerds running everything to keep that coach under wraps and to control him. In other words what I am saying is THEY don't want anyone that is BIGGER than they THINK they are. A mega coach would call the shots and the fans would let him do it, which could mean a death knell to the nerd gang in Iowa City.
Hayden was both a lucky hire and not good enough to not get torn up on message boards if he coached today.