How Can A Team Be So Inept On Defense?


Well-Known Member
Seriously. Stop and think about it. How can a team be that bad in all aspects of playing defense? All these guys have played organized basketball and must have had decent coaches somewhere along the line. They don't talk at all which is one of the first issues.

How can a team be so lost playing both man then closing out on shooters playing a zone. You would think they would at least get half ass decent with one or the other. Both? Are they not physical enough? Why can't they play tighter? If I was Fran I'd tell them to use their fouls. Heck, they go so deep. What is the point of going deep if you don't play aggressive enough. Screw it at this point. Be physical. They are so soft on defense.

Really, how can they be that inept on defense? Shocking if you really think about it.
I really think it is how they are coached. Read another thread on the HR from a high school coach that attended their practices. He said Fran really does not hold them accountable when they make mistakes. He corrects them, but no consequences.

Personally, I think the little things are poor in technique. For example, when playing zone, the player's hands are almost never up disrupting the passing lanes. Very little communication going on.
Every team carves up our zone like it's nothing. All they have to do is make 2 extra passes along the perimeter for a wide open 3. It's terrible
Every team carves up our zone like it's nothing. All they have to do is make 2 extra passes along the perimeter for a wide open 3. It's terrible

Then they go to man and they don't switch or rotate correctly. And what is up on hedging on every stinking time down. They get burned on that more than if they would just play straight up D.
Easily contactable things like not letting your man beat you baseline don't get better. And like someone else said, hands up to disrupt passing lanes. We have a bunch of long arms that don't get used. It's pathetic because a little bit of correction would get them from terrible to bad, which could have made this season average.
After Johnson hit the 3rd long range shot,Fran should have put a small quicker defender on him. Fronted him so he couldnt catch and shoot so easily. I know we might give up back door but thats just worth 2. Might have had help down low but not good at that either. And after further thought I just remembered we dont have that kinda player who could pull that off.
Seriously. Stop and think about it. How can a team be that bad in all aspects of playing defense? All these guys have played organized basketball and must have had decent coaches somewhere along the line. They don't talk at all which is one of the first issues.

How can a team be so lost playing both man then closing out on shooters playing a zone. You would think they would at least get half ass decent with one or the other. Both? Are they not physical enough? Why can't they play tighter? If I was Fran I'd tell them to use their fouls. Heck, they go so deep. What is the point of going deep if you don't play aggressive enough. Screw it at this point. Be physical. They are so soft on defense.

Really, how can they be that inept on defense? Shocking if you really think about it.

I think its a starts with poor coaching (Fran's defense has lost many, many games over the years) and simple lack of effort from the players. Its a culture thing. Look at Wisconsin. They don't have athletic teams by college basketball standards yet they always have at least a solid, functional defense that makes teams work. The best defensive minded coaches simply don't let guys play who don't play defense. Fran isn't that kind of coach.
Then they go to man and they don't switch or rotate correctly. And what is up on hedging on every stinking time down. They get burned on that more than if they would just play straight up D.
There are position responsibilities in the zone defense they play, that they fail at. They dont play with their hands up, they don't play with their butts to the base line, and they don't communicate. It's one thing to fail to coach one defense correctly. It's another thing to implement 2 or 3 defenses and fail to coach any of them correctly.
Let's take a group with limited athleticism, fail to correctly coach them, refuse to hold them accountable and confuse them too.
Because...why not?
Easily contactable things like not letting your man beat you baseline don't get better. And like someone else said, hands up to disrupt passing lanes. We have a bunch of long arms that don't get used. It's pathetic because a little bit of correction would get them from terrible to bad, which could have made this season average.
Some defenses are designed to let players take the base line dribble, rather than allow them to get in the middle of the lane.
How can a coach make a slow player faster to a better position in the zone or man to man? We are the slowest most unathletic team in the conference . It’s his recruiting that’s killing this defense the most .
How can a coach make a slow player faster to a better position in the zone or man to man? We are the slowest most unathletic team in the conference . It’s his recruiting that’s killing this defense the most .
You have to do everything as close to perfect as possible, in order to make up for lack of athleticism. That takes total commitment from the coaches and players. Bo Ryan had plenty of marginally athletic players on his teams at Wisconsin. He only played one defense. You have to keep it simple and drill it until it becomes second nature.
You have to do everything as close to perfect as possible, in order to make up for lack of athleticism. That takes total commitment from the coaches and players. Bo Ryan had plenty of marginally athletic players on his teams at Wisconsin. He only played one defense. You have to keep it simple and drill it until it becomes second nature.

Bo Ryan liked real point guards. Everything centers around that. He always had several really athletic guys on the floor. We have 1 on the team.
1. They are coached that way
2. Lack of speed and athleticism.
3. Everything D starts with the Pt Guard or you need at least 3 really athletic guys on the floor.

We don't run a half court well, so the other team dictates tempo and number of shots.

OK Walker...disagree :D
It’s always confusing why Fran doesn’t play more man considering how deep his rotation is. It wouldn’t be that effective but it would be his most effective considering. It would make the other team work harder to get shots and wear them out more
A perfect example - the last Indiana basket, Dailey released the shooter as he went down the lane (or didn't stay with him, I'm not sure) and no one rotated over to pick up the guy. Easy basket. No talk, no help, no recognition, limited comparative athleticism, dodgy effort. It's a toxic combination. It's been this way all year, with zero improvement over 29 games. That's the most discouraging aspect of this. If this is the approach next year, it will be substantially the same result.
A perfect example - the last Indiana basket, Dailey released the shooter as he went down the lane (or didn't stay with him, I'm not sure) and no one rotated over to pick up the guy. Easy basket. No talk, no help, no recognition, limited comparative athleticism, dodgy effort. It's a toxic combination. It's been this way all year, with zero improvement over 29 games. That's the most discouraging aspect of this. If this is the approach next year, it will be substantially the same result.
That was a hell of a pass and catch though.

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