How big a town are you from?

Man looking for wife in 2017

I am a portly man of 37yrs of age in Lost Nation, Iowa, advertising for
lovely woman to call my wife. My hair is thinning on top but still quite
bully on the sides. I’m divorced twice and father of two, with two different
women. I have a good set of teeth of all but 8, most likely due to my
previous stint with meth, which I am three years clean now. I work hard
so not much around for my boys, so that I can pay a ridiculous amount
in child support and alimony. I believe in Tom Brady, the Pledge of
Allegiance (not in public school of course) and open borders to all who can
make it here. I take up state in a duplex on a massive ¼ acre of land that I
share with my duplex neighbor Ronny. He doesn’t like me to grill after 9:30 p.m.
as he says the smell goes right into his bedroom window. My garden is
weedy but still produces some tasty vegetables. I have two Rotweilers and
a wiener dog. The wiener dog is a complete tool and does not do well with
others. I’m on the Sex Registry but hopefully will get off that in 2 ½ years, as
long as I stay off the internet. I want to get married to a non-bitchy woman.
I want to buy breast implants, skanky lingerie, bread, beer, milk and
Valtrex, when needed for someone of female persuasion during life. Thats
what is important to me. Help me do that!
Man looking for wife in 2017

I am a portly man of 37yrs of age in Lost Nation, Iowa, advertising for
lovely woman to call my wife. My hair is thinning on top but still quite
bully on the sides. I’m divorced twice and father of two, with two different
women. I have a good set of teeth of all but 8, most likely due to my
previous stint with meth, which I am three years clean now. I work hard
so not much around for my boys, so that I can pay a ridiculous amount
in child support and alimony. I believe in Tom Brady, the Pledge of
Allegiance (not in public school of course) and open borders to all who can
make it here. I take up state in a duplex on a massive ¼ acre of land that I
share with my duplex neighbor Ronny. He doesn’t like me to grill after 9:30 p.m.
as he says the smell goes right into his bedroom window. My garden is
weedy but still produces some tasty vegetables. I have two Rotweilers and
a wiener dog. The wiener dog is a complete tool and does not do well with
others. I’m on the Sex Registry but hopefully will get off that in 2 ½ years, as
long as I stay off the internet. I want to get married to a non-bitchy woman.
I want to buy breast implants, skanky lingerie, bread, beer, milk and
Valtrex, when needed for someone of female persuasion during life. Thats
what is important to me. Help me do that!
lol wait what?
Moville, Iowa. About 1300 in the township then. It's been about 22 years since living there though, not sure population now, edit:Google says 1600, seems strange it's grown, I assume most people working in Sioux City but not living there. Same hometown as the Paulsen Twins, great family.
Grew up in a town of 800 or so, graduating class was 27 of which 3 were foreign exchange students. The school has since consolidated. Graduated from Central College in Pella. I love small towns, but have lived in Des Moines now for many years and really like it. It was a great place to grow up. As someone said earlier, kids can do everything in small towns - sports, music, drama, etc. . Not that way in the city these days.
I grew up right next to Boone in a smaller town of about 2,000 and had a graduating class of 60. I think of Boone County as a black hole with little to nothing to offer for opportunities. Being in Des Moines ever since has been perfect for me.
300, went to high school 10 miles away. 41 in my class. Currently I am in a bedroom community near Iowa City. Have lived and worked in cities up to 1.5 million w/ the 60K size being the rule.
Just curious, what was the population of your home town. How many were in your graduating class? Have you moved to a larger town and how well do you like it?

Town was 10,000 people, graduated in a class of 210 people. Town is now 30,000, and in next-to-largest or largest classifications for H.S. sports, but I have been in Orlando area since end of 1985, so it doesn't matter!
Man looking for wife in 2017

I am a portly man of 37yrs of age in Lost Nation, Iowa, advertising for
lovely woman to call my wife. My hair is thinning on top but still quite
bully on the sides. I’m divorced twice and father of two, with two different
women. I have a good set of teeth of all but 8, most likely due to my
previous stint with meth, which I am three years clean now. I work hard
so not much around for my boys, so that I can pay a ridiculous amount
in child support and alimony. I believe in Tom Brady, the Pledge of
Allegiance (not in public school of course) and open borders to all who can
make it here. I take up state in a duplex on a massive ¼ acre of land that I
share with my duplex neighbor Ronny. He doesn’t like me to grill after 9:30 p.m.
as he says the smell goes right into his bedroom window. My garden is
weedy but still produces some tasty vegetables. I have two Rotweilers and
a wiener dog. The wiener dog is a complete tool and does not do well with
others. I’m on the Sex Registry but hopefully will get off that in 2 ½ years, as
long as I stay off the internet. I want to get married to a non-bitchy woman.
I want to buy breast implants, skanky lingerie, bread, beer, milk and
Valtrex, when needed for someone of female persuasion during life. Thats
what is important to me. Help me do that!

Best of luck!
Grew up on a farm in SW Iowa. Town had about 12500 and class had 59. Now live in Western Colorado in a city of about 130,000. Lived in Iowa all my life, but couldn't resist the lure of Colorado and moved here to teach and coach in 1979. Still have in laws in Iowa so still get back there at least once a year. Loved growing up in Iowa and being a Hawkeye, but Colorado came calling. Coming back this summer for my 50th class reunion. Be good to see the classmates again.
Grew up on a farm in SW Iowa. Town had about 12500 and class had 59. Now live in Western Colorado in a city of about 130,000. Lived in Iowa all my life, but couldn't resist the lure of Colorado and moved here to teach and coach in 1979. Still have in laws in Iowa so still get back there at least once a year. Loved growing up in Iowa and being a Hawkeye, but Colorado came calling. Coming back this summer for my 50th class reunion. Be good to see the classmates again.
Let me guess.. you ride a dirt bike?
Grew up in Philadelphia until the seventh grade when we moved to DM.....

Over 2 million folks for neighbors at the time.....

Used to ride the trolleys and subway/elevated trains. In the Summer we would wait by the turnstiles for the sound of the subway approaching. When we heard it slow down we would race to the turnstiles and slide under them, not unlike sliding into third base, and run to the train with the security screaming at us.....:cool:



When Christmas came around we would go to John Wanamaker's Department Store to ride the monorail around the ceiling.....


Nonetheless, Iowa is a much better place to live.....

Grew up on a farm in SW Iowa. Town had about 12500 and class had 59. Now live in Western Colorado in a city of about 130,000. Lived in Iowa all my life, but couldn't resist the lure of Colorado and moved here to teach and coach in 1979. Still have in laws in Iowa so still get back there at least once a year. Loved growing up in Iowa and being a Hawkeye, but Colorado came calling. Coming back this summer for my 50th class reunion. Be good to see the classmates again.

A town of 12,500 but a graduating class of 59?! The math doesn't work.

Also...what city in Western Colorado has a population of 130,000?
A town of 12,500 but a graduating class of 59?! The math doesn't work.

Also...what city in Western Colorado has a population of 130,000?
GJhawk - Hmm, how about Grand Junction? I believe he said that in thread about travel to the Rose Bowl a couple years ago. Got to agree on the number there, 590 would be about right for a town w/ 12.5K, - OR - town of 1250 would have a class of about 59. Thinking the number of zeros in one of those two numbers is off.
GJhawk - Hmm, how about Grand Junction? I believe he said that in thread about travel to the Rose Bowl a couple years ago. Got to agree on the number there, 590 would be about right for a town w/ 12.5K, - OR - town of 1250 would have a class of about 59. Thinking the number of zeros in one of those two numbers is off.
That's why he likes to ride dirt bikes.
I went to 7 different H.S, San Diego Wright Brothers H.S., Millington Tennessee Central H.S.,Burlington,Iowa Notre Dame H.S., Mahomet Seymour H.S., Champagin Centennial H.S both of these in Illinois, Jacksonville Florida Forrest Gump H.S. and Oceanside California H.S. Most of them are in large cities. smallest class were in Burlington Notre Dame.The largest I ever been in at Forrest Gump Jacksonville,Florida. I guess if you want to have adventure, join the Navy.
i grew up in SE Iowa on a farm outside a small town of 1000. I went to small catholic school that graduated 45.

i moved to the Chicago suburbs after graduating from Iowa 27 years ago. It took a long time to get used to life in the Chicago suburbs in these modern times. It just seems like you never see anybody you know when you go out. everybody you work with lives 25 miles apart. But there is still part of me that is glad I left. I would not want to move back to my home town, but I would not mind moving back to Iowa City or Cedar Rapids one day.

Still I think about my small home town in Iowa and all the small towns that voted for Donald Trump and wonder if I am part of the problem. If all the college graduates from small towns end up moving to big cities, instead of moving back to their small towns after college, then its no wonder the towns are struggling.

West Point?
Small farm town of 700 now about 1000. I've taught in several schools. Nothing as crazy as what happened in that town. Bricks through teachers home windows. Classmate dragged a cop down the street with his car....
When I was a teenager, we were living in Chicago and I moved with my mother to a small town in NW Iowa to live with my aunt and uncle. Soon after after moving to the small town, I learned city council has banned dancing and rock music. I soon met a rebellious teenage girl with a very strict Reverend father. We were determined to change her fathers opinions and the town and allow music and dance again.

I went before the city council and read several Bible verses to cite scriptural support for the worth of dancing to rejoice, exercise, or celebrate. Although the Reverend was moved, the council votes against me and music and dance are once again banned from the town.

It was at this time, I was able to obtain a video of Kirk Ferentz dancing in the Hawkeye lockerroom after a victory at Nebraska securing a 12-0 season. I showed the Reverend the video and he was moved to allow dance and music again.

We were then allowed to have music and dancing at our prom. Man, I got so laid at prom that year.

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