Hoops Thoughts


That was a painful loss...no getting around it.

This team can be exhilarating and frustrating so many times in the same game.

There were times on Saturday when they played poorly..like, much of the first half with the exception of about 4 minutes where they shot well. Then in the second half they were clearly much tougher and took the game to Wisconsin. Then in the end, Iowa fell apart yet again and could not hold a lead and then couldn't even get a shot up when down one point with roughly :30 seconds to go.

The shot attempt when Iowa was down three doesn't need to be hashed over too much more. Fran said that Zach and Josh were the two primary options. One of them had a double screen called for him, the other didn't. The one who did wouldn't have been the one I would have picked in that instance, through no fault of his own. His coach drew that play up and while I respect having confidence in your guys, there was one guy in this game, who was red hot, who I would have rather seen shoot that shot.

Again, that's not the player's fault; the coaches draw up the plays and make the decisions. Without knowing the exact design of what they drew up I don't feel comfortable taking McCaffery to the mat on it, but again, one player had a double screen drawn up for him, the other didn't.

ZACH MCCABE: Is he performing how he wants to perform on the court? No, he's not. He's trying hard, giving it everything he has. Again, the coaches are the ones who decides who goes in and who doesn't. If you have any angst over who plays what minutes, direct that at the coaches and not the players.

To the flat out anonymous cowards ripping the kid on social media or wherever else anonymous cowards are going to do such things; you're flat out delta bravos. Incredibly weak and deranged. To flat out rip a member of the team you root for is weak. I've always found it weak and I can't believe how many grown men do it and have done it on message boards like this and others through the years.

It's been even more comical at how many anonymous grown men have reacted incredulously when I've deleted their posts ripping the players and/or banned them.

Truly, if this causes your feathers to be ruffled, do us all a favor and leave here and never, ever come back. You're not wanted or welcome.

GOING FORWARD: The regular season title is likely out...it's disappointing, but this team is still capable of doing a lot. Whether or not they reach their full potential this year remains to be seen. Well, I will amend that. In my opinion, they won't reach their full potential this year because Aaron White continues to be used as a three and he's not a three. As a three, his primary scoring method is drive and get fouled and go to the free throw line, or score in transition. He's more skilled than that, but he doesn't have three skills (consistently). He's a four right now and I think he would flat dominate there...and I think we'll see him do just that next year.

Iowa's best lineup for next year will be Gesell at the one, Oglesby at the two, Uthoff at the three, White at the four and Woodbury/Olaseni at the five. If things play out that way, I think White has a chance to be 1st team All Big Ten and vie for player of the year honors.

But that's just not going to happen this year. Melsahn Basabe is probably a part of the reason and perhaps Fran feels he's getting his best options on the floor this way. But White is too good of a player to be so inconsistent in the scoring column as he has been this year and I am convinced it's because he's playing out of position.

Iowa really needs to win four of their last five games to be certain of a four seed in the NCAA tournament. They are probably down in the 5-6 range for sure as of right now...which is where I pegged them before they year began. I thought they'd be 11-7 in the B1G...that said, they are a better team than I thought they would be and 11-7 would be a disappointment.

Getting one of the first four seeds and missing the first round of the B1G tournament is now of the utmost importance.
Grown men acting like idiots on twitter and lashing out at players on the team is beyond insane. Doing it on the message boards is one thing, I can see some value in venting, but to attack a player on social media is low.

Jon, IMO, retweeting some of that stuff is not necessary and I think adds to the problem.
I still love the hawks . I thought it was a good game. Zack is my man, he's gonna be a legend when he leaves. Go Hawks.
. In my opinion, they won't reach their full potential this year because Aaron White continues to be used as a three and he's not a three. As a three, his primary scoring method is drive and get fouled and go to the free throw line, or score in transition. He's more skilled than that, but he doesn't have three skills (consistently). He's a four right now and I think he would flat dominate there...and I think we'll see him do just that next year.

To play the #4, White will need to get some more muscle and learn some post moves near the hoop. He is strong and wiry now, but to play the #4, he'll be going up against some bulky power forwards. He will need to learn some techniques to use his body to get position near the hoop on both ends of the court.
Question for Jon Miller: Jon, you talk with a lot of basketball people. What do they say about White improving his game. Besides the fact that he hasn't been shooting from the outside lately and if he can make that shot more often he will be harder to guard, I can't remember hardly anytime he has dribbled, stopped, raised up and hit a jumper. Is this the main thing White needs to work on?

Ogelsby seems to be getting his dribble drive jumper game back. Most of the time it comes from dribbling with the right hand so if he can add this move from the other side of the court dribbling with the left hand he could be really tough to stop next year.

I agree with you on next years starting 5/top five as of now. I look for Uhtoff to make some big strides as he can hit the 3 ptr, stop and pop, and go to the rim. I hope he really can improve his ball handling as he gets stripped a few times.

I also hope to see Clemmons attack the rim next year and be a big backup at the point and maybe get more floor time at the two.
To play the #4, White will need to get some more muscle and learn some post moves near the hoop. He is strong and wiry now, but to play the #4, he'll be going up against some bulky power forwards. He will need to learn some techniques to use his body to get position near the hoop on both ends of the court.

You do realize he started his career as a 4 and did just fine. The reason he is playing the 3 was to have our best 5 on the floor at the same time even if one guy was out of position.
That was a painful loss...no getting around it.

This team can be exhilarating and frustrating so many times in the same game.

There were times on Saturday when they played poorly..like, much of the first half with the exception of about 4 minutes where they shot well. Then in the second half they were clearly much tougher and took the game to Wisconsin. Then in the end, Iowa fell apart yet again and could not hold a lead and then couldn't even get a shot up when down one point with roughly :30 seconds to go.

The shot attempt when Iowa was down three doesn't need to be hashed over too much more. Fran said that Zach and Josh were the two primary options. One of them had a double screen called for him, the other didn't. The one who did wouldn't have been the one I would have picked in that instance, through no fault of his own. His coach drew that play up and while I respect having confidence in your guys, there was one guy in this game, who was red hot, who I would have rather seen shoot that shot.

Again, that's not the player's fault; the coaches draw up the plays and make the decisions. Without knowing the exact design of what they drew up I don't feel comfortable taking McCaffery to the mat on it, but again, one player had a double screen drawn up for him, the other didn't.

ZACH MCCABE: Is he performing how he wants to perform on the court? No, he's not. He's trying hard, giving it everything he has. Again, the coaches are the ones who decides who goes in and who doesn't. If you have any angst over who plays what minutes, direct that at the coaches and not the players.

To the flat out anonymous cowards ripping the kid on social media or wherever else anonymous cowards are going to do such things; you're flat out delta bravos. Incredibly weak and deranged. To flat out rip a member of the team you root for is weak. I've always found it weak and I can't believe how many grown men do it and have done it on message boards like this and others through the years.

It's been even more comical at how many anonymous grown men have reacted incredulously when I've deleted their posts ripping the players and/or banned them.

Truly, if this causes your feathers to be ruffled, do us all a favor and leave here and never, ever come back. You're not wanted or welcome.

GOING FORWARD: The regular season title is likely out...it's disappointing, but this team is still capable of doing a lot. Whether or not they reach their full potential this year remains to be seen. Well, I will amend that. In my opinion, they won't reach their full potential this year because Aaron White continues to be used as a three and he's not a three. As a three, his primary scoring method is drive and get fouled and go to the free throw line, or score in transition. He's more skilled than that, but he doesn't have three skills (consistently). He's a four right now and I think he would flat dominate there...and I think we'll see him do just that next year.

Iowa's best lineup for next year will be Gesell at the one, Oglesby at the two, Uthoff at the three, White at the four and Woodbury/Olaseni at the five. If things play out that way, I think White has a chance to be 1st team All Big Ten and vie for player of the year honors.

But that's just not going to happen this year. Melsahn Basabe is probably a part of the reason and perhaps Fran feels he's getting his best options on the floor this way. But White is too good of a player to be so inconsistent in the scoring column as he has been this year and I am convinced it's because he's playing out of position.

Iowa really needs to win four of their last five games to be certain of a four seed in the NCAA tournament. They are probably down in the 5-6 range for sure as of right now...which is where I pegged them before they year began. I thought they'd be 11-7 in the B1G...that said, they are a better team than I thought they would be and 11-7 would be a disappointment.

Getting one of the first four seeds and missing the first round of the B1G tournament is now of the utmost importance.

White is not a better option at the 4. He can't post. He can't defend.Rebound block shots block out etc better than Basabe. He should.actually be the 6 man and Uthoff at the 3 or Marble at 3 with Olgesby at the 2. Alleoop Dunks and Fts is Whites game
Completely agree about white being out of position.

completely agree about oglesby being best 2 (but I think you start jok - will get into that in a bit).

i think there are 3 types of players. 1) play best as starters 2) play best off the bench 3) play about the same off the bench or starting.

i feel jok and Uthoff are #1 while oglesby is #3 and olaseni is #2. So I would go with:

pg - gesell (he should get 32+ min a game this yr so definitely next yr)
sg - jok (see how well he gets into the flow...josh will play more minutes but josh bring good pts off the bench, keep him in that spot)
sf - Uthoff (same as jok see if he gets in the flow. If he doesn't than you can go with oglesby and jok in at same time or move white to the 3 if the matchups work. But Uthoff should be more consistent next yr)
pf - white (all conference 4 and should play 30+ at the 4 but only play the 3 if necessary)
c - woody (olaseni and woody are a good tandem keep them both around 20 min...no need to play both at once because it would cause us to sit them together at times and go really small and I don't like that for next yr)
White is not a better option at the 4. He can't post. He can't defend.Rebound block shots block out etc better than Basabe. He should.actually be the 6 man and Uthoff at the 3 or Marble at 3 with Olgesby at the 2. Alleoop Dunks and Fts is Whites game

He started at the 4 as a frosh...he is a 4...in Fran's offense his skill set is perfect for the 4.
To play the #4, White will need to get some more muscle and learn some post moves near the hoop. He is strong and wiry now, but to play the #4, he'll be going up against some bulky power forwards. He will need to learn some techniques to use his body to get position near the hoop on both ends of the court.

Can you name a few of these guys in the Big Ten?
He started at the 4 as a frosh...he is a 4...in Fran's offense his skill set is perfect for the 4.

If you remember correctly he had a jump shot that year and they made Basabe gain weight and muscle anf didn't work out. White Is good on the fast break. He used to have a jumpshot. He is too inconsistent for me to say he really got game. Thus why he wasn't recruited big Tyme.
Except he can shoot from the outside and actually can handle the ball.

He does those things we'll for a big man. However if you compare him to other 3s in the league he would be below average.

Sure he shoots 43% from 3 but he's only taken 32 3 point shots all year.

i would prefer to see more of a 3 guard lineup like mike, josh, Peter but unfortunately Pete and josh create a defensive liability.
Uthoff at the 3 next year seems to be similar to White as a 3 this year.

I disagree. Uthoff has shooting abilities that White doesn't have and probably never will. Uhtoff can be a pretty mismatch at the three as far as some ball skills and posting up smaller players.
He does those things we'll for a big man. However if you compare him to other 3s in the league he would be below average.

Sure he shoots 43% from 3 but he's only taken 32 3 point shots all year.

i would prefer to see more of a 3 guard lineup like mike, josh, Peter but unfortunately Pete and josh create a defensive liability.

Jok is a defensive liability...yes but not oglesby. Uthoff is a 3 I have seen him in person he is pressing this yr and will really make leaps next yr.
I'm in the belief that the games we have lost are due to our inability to shoot the 3 ball.

Yes uthoff is obviously a better shooter than white but he still has only taken 32 3pt attempts.

Next year that # will increase as should his minutes played but I still see Uthoff similar to White in that he uses his ball skills to take advantage of t matchup he has with other big men. Other teams will just match up with him with smaller guys. He's not strong enough to post similar to White and I'm not confident he'll be a consistent outside shooter.

i guess we'll find out next year.

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