Honest Nebraska discussion...

was GT ever questioning our speed? Was GT supposed to have speed? I always thought this was a b10 vs. SEC thing

Exactly, I get so sick of hearing this lame argument every post-season.

Ask GT
Ask South Carolina
Ask Florida

All beaten by Iowa in the 2000's.

Ask Texas who Iowa hung with in 2005 Outback Bowl.

What Nebraska may have the most difficulty with, is adjusting to is how physical the Big10 will be on a week by week basis. It is a pounding, win in the trenches, conference & will they be able to handle this over a season. Will they stay healthy enough while having enough depth to absorb injuries? I think they have a wake-up-call with this the first season. After this season, I think they will adjust their training for this style & be competitive. Iowa, Wisky, Mich St & Nebby will all be very similar in make-up & styles. In about 3 yrs, Nebraska will just be one of us & will look like they've always been in the Big10. There are going to be some great games between the teams mentioned above over the years.
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I really dont forsee this being a huge change that all Big10 fans are making it out to be, and I have yet to meet another NU fan who thinks we are going to just roll the field when we show up. I think this is a made up pretense that alot of current Big10 member fans are throwing out there.

There will definately be adjustments, but it wont be anything Bo & company cant overcome. Bo's history speaks for itself, his defenses will be ready to go. Every team Bo has coached for has fielded a defense that is capable of winning National Championships and I dont see this changing just because we switched conferences. Even with our abysmal(sp) offense last year we were :01 from beating a team that played for the NC. That defense will do just fine in any conference. FWIW, I wouldnt count on us showing up to the Big10 with the offense we had last year.

As far as recruiting goes, there will be no affect except maybe in a positive light. You dont field top ten teams at NU with only kids from a small populus state as ours. We go wherever we need to go, to get them. I see us opening up more grounds to recruiting for what little we will lose by moving to the Big10.

I am also super excited with what can be done with an extra 15 million a year in revenue due to the BTN. If we are able to have the facilities we have now and the recruiting ability we have now plus an extra 15 million/year the sky is the limit.

Just as the rest of the Big10 fans tell us we are in for a surprise, I would say you could certainly be in for a surprise when we show up, and we certainly will show up. I will be the one in RED. :cool:
It's probably a bit early to really be talking about this much, since the way the divisions are split up, etc could affect Nebraska's success a great deal.

At a quick glance, though, I would say that it is extremely likely that Nebraska is going to fall in with Iowa, Wisc, and PSU in the conferences second tier. I see no reason that they can't/won't compete, but, like the rest of us, they are several steps behind OSU (and I'm sure Michigan will jump right back up once RR is gone).

I think that, overall, Nebraska's recruiting will improve. It may take a couple of years, but I think that they will get more exposure in the Big10. I also think, though, that the recruiting for Iowa, Wisc, and PSU will probably improve as well, as the Big10 overall will get more exposure from adding Neb.

The Nebraska team that comes into the Big10 will be better than last year's team, and probably better than this year's as well. They will find a more physical conference, but they will also have the advantage of being somewhat of a mystery that first couple of years (the Big10 teams won't be used to their schemes). I think they will do pretty well. The real question will be if they can continue the momentum...

That's what they play the game for, and I will most certainly be looking forward to it...
I think that Nebraska will fit right into the B10 and be a top tier team right out of the gate. When we look back a decade or so after their initial season,we will likly see that Neb, Iowa PSU and possibly Wisc (although I think as long as BB is in charge up there they will fall back a peg) were typically jockying for that 2nd position and the ocasional B10 title.

I think the right replacement for Jo Pa could make PSU a Giant in college football again. I don't think the same is true of Neb. As much as I respect the Neb history, They won't ever replicate that level again consistently IMHO. They will likely always be good, maybe even great once in a while just not ever dominant like they once were.

I think one of the more interesting theings to watch play out is who will have their number and who's number will they have.

Great post. I agree completely.

I am expecting some fun games between UW and Nebraska, as well as Iowa and Nebraska.
I really dont forsee this being a huge change that all Big10 fans are making it out to be, and I have yet to meet another NU fan who thinks we are going to just roll the field when we show up. I think this is a made up pretense that alot of current Big10 member fans are throwing out there.

There will definately be adjustments, but it wont be anything Bo & company cant overcome. Bo's history speaks for itself, his defenses will be ready to go. Every team Bo has coached for has fielded a defense that is capable of winning National Championships This is exactly what Nebraska fans think...see ISU last year...see your record vs rated teams since Bo arrived. and I dont see this changing just because we switched conferences. Even with our abysmal(sp) offense last year we were :01 from beating a team that played for the NC. That defense will do just fine in any conference. FWIW, I wouldnt count on us showing up to the Big10 with the offense we had last year.

As far as recruiting goes, there will be no affect except maybe in a positive light. You dont field top ten teams at NU with only kids from a small populus state as ours. We go wherever we need to go, to get them. I see us opening up more grounds to recruiting for what little we will lose by moving to the Big10.

I am also super excited with what can be done with an extra 15 million a year in revenue due to the BTN. If we are able to have the facilities we have now and the recruiting ability we have now plus an extra 15 million/year the sky is the limit.

Just as the rest of the Big10 fans tell us we are in for a surprise, I would say you could certainly be in for a surprise when we show up, and we certainly will show up. I will be the one in RED. :cool:
I anticipate that Nebraska will be a good fit for the Big 10.

The new philosophy under Pelini seems to center around playing elite D and working hard to control the ball. In the end, that would permit Nebraska to be competitive in ANY conference they would have landed in. That's the very reason why I think that Iowa fares well against other BCS conference foes. Iowa's strategy permits us to stick with any team ... and when you're in a close game, you always have a chance to win it.

Nebraska's D will probably be enough most years to allow them to be competitive. However, the big question will be how well their O will fare against some seriously high-quality Big 10 Ds.

Pretty much every year tOSU, PSU, and Iowa feature pretty elite Ds. On top of that, Wisky and MSU typically field pretty decent Ds too. Thus, the going will not be all that easy for the Nebraska O.

Also, while I do believe that Nebraska's D will fare well in the Big 10. I don't think that it will exactly be a cake-walk for the Husker blackshirts either. An interesting thing about the Big 10 is that not only is it a pretty physical conference, but also there is quite a variety of different offensive strategies. You get rather different flavors of the spread from Northwestern, Purdue, and Indiana ... you get hybrid Os from PSU and tOSU ... you get more traditional Os from Minny, Wisky, Iowa, MSU, and Illinois ... and, at least for now, a more run-oriented spread option at Michigan.
"This is exactly what Nebraska fans think...see ISU last year...see your record vs rated teams since Bo arrived. "

Yeah our record agianst rated teams isnt very good, but you also have to understand Bo is going into his 3rd year. I dont recall KF's record in his 1st two years agianst rated teams, but I am sure it wasnt very good.

I was at the ISU game last year, and granted they beat us and good for them. But they didnt cross the 50 yd line but once to kick a field goal. Their touchdown came on a 55 yd hail mary. Meanwhile we fumbled 5 times within the 5 yd line. Without the fluke 8 TO's we win that game in blowout fashion.

Also we have every right to think Bo can win an NC. His past performance proves it. See our defensive unit when he was here the first time, top notch. See his defensive unit at OU, top notch. See his defensive unit at LSU, top notch and won an NC. Our defensive unit last year was #1 in the country and if we had a pulse on offense we would have likely won 3 more games. Dont expect our offense to continue to not have a pulse, we were extremely young and injured last year. Our D will continue to produce at a very high level, because that is what Pelini coached D's do.
Nebraksa will do pretty decent but agree that they are in for a rude awakening if they think they are going to dominate. Too much balance and too many teams that can beat you if you dont bring it every saturday.

Not saying that Nebby cant rise up and win it a few times a decade (similar to Iowa), just dont get your hopes up too high Nebraska fan
Most Nebraska fans look only at themselves...PERIOD. To look objectively at the rest of the conferences is something most Husker fans do not do. I think another thing that will hurt Nebraska, probably fans mostly, is their lack of available seats in visiting stadiums. Husker fans are use to being able to snatch up however many tickets they want...in the B10 you will be relegated to your few rows in the corner. You will not have the fan presence on the road.

lol..Notre dame said the same thing...as did virginia tech....usc...PSU a few yrs back
Nebraksa will do pretty decent but agree that they are in for a rude awakening if they think they are going to dominate. Too much balance and too many teams that can beat you if you dont bring it every saturday.

Not saying that Nebby cant rise up and win it a few times a decade (similar to Iowa), just dont get your hopes up too high Nebraska fan

I dont think many of us are thinking we are going to dominate. I really havent seen anyone of us on here saying we are going to dominate. I certainly would love to see a Big10 title 3 times a decade, more than likely that means we will be playing for an NC. Currently we have played for an NC atleast once in every decade since the 70's. I would love to keep that streak going.
Another thing that folks have to consider concerns the composition of the Huskers as they enter the Big 10 in 2011.

Specifically, after 2010 they lose the following impact players on O:

- Zac Lee (starting QB)
- Roy Helu Jr (top RB)
- Niles Paul (starting and top WR)
- Mike McNeill (top receiving TE)
- Mike Smith (starting OT)
- Keith Williams (starting OG)
- Ricky Henry (starting OG)

And from the D ...

- Pierre Allen (starting DE)
- Prince Amukamara (starting and star CB)
- DeJon Gomes (CB with many starts)
- Anthony West (CB with many starts)
- Eric Hagg (S with many starts)
- Rickey Thenarse (S with many starts)

By the losses, I think that we can anticipate that the D will still be very strong. After all, they simply don't lose much from the front 7 and having a strong 7 is pretty critical in the Big 10. However, on the flip side, in the Big 12 Nebraska is much more accustomed to playing nickel and dime looks and consequently their DL and LBs are likely not as accustomed to playing against Os trying to bulldoze them between the tackles. Schematically, they'll then likely be entering the 2011 season with 2 LB spots locked down ... but they'll need to fill the 3rd.

It probably goes without saying that their secondary will be rather depleted, however, I anticipate that they'll still have pretty good play at safety. However, opposing Big 10 Os that can stave off the Husker pass rush will likely be able to exploit the Husker secondary.

The thing that could end up having the Huskers hurting a bit more in their Big 10 season debut is that their losses on O really are rather significant. Don't get me wrong, Nebraska fans love the upside of their backup QB and anticipate that he'll be good to go by 2011 ... futhermore, Burkhead (RB) and Cotton (TE) both are pretty promising young guys. However, they still will be pretty green on O. And, most significantly, they're going to need to do some legit rebuilding on their OL ... because they're not going to have a whole lot of experienced depth ... and that's on top of having 3 first year starters.

Of course, it may not be quite as dangerous for the Huskers to be rebuilding on O because tOSU, Iowa, and MSU will each be losing quite a number of talented guys from their respective Ds following the 2010 season.
I don't know how big of a factor it has been or is currently with the Nebraska program but aren't some of the academic qualifications lower for Big 12 schools vs. Big 10? Anyone know the specifics of the requirements for entry by an athlete into each of the conferences? Isn't the Big 12 more lenient with the number of non qualifiers allowed for their football programs?

Seems like this might be a bit of a change for the Huskers in their search for recruits.

Nebraska is a good addition to the competitive field of the Big 10 but I'm not convinced "they're back" at this point under the Pelini leadership.
I understand your pain of living so close to Nebraska fans. I spent some time working in SW Iowa prior to Tom Osborne's first National Championship in 1994 and the talk radio was full of Nebraska fans calling for his head because he would never win a national champ.

I know that Nebraska is a good addition to the Big 10, however I am not excited because I can not stand their fans. Look at how many of these *** are now on the Hawkeye Nation board. Seriously, I could care less what some chuckle head from Nebraska has to say now, when we have a whole season before they will be in the Big 10.

Nebraska is a strong program, have a great stadium, watching games in Lincoln will be a good time. That being said, it doesn't make you special in the Big 10. You are not that special, deal with that.

Next year when we have a date that we are going to play, I will be curious what you have to say. Now I couldn't care less!
I understand your pain of living so close to Nebraska fans. I spent some time working in SW Iowa prior to Tom Osborne's first National Championship in 1994 and the talk radio was full of Nebraska fans calling for his head because he would never win a national champ.

I know that Nebraska is a good addition to the Big 10, however I am not excited because I can not stand their fans. Look at how many of these *** are now on the Hawkeye Nation board. Seriously, I could care less what some chuckle head from Nebraska has to say now, when we have a whole season before they will be in the Big 10.

Nebraska is a strong program, have a great stadium, watching games in Lincoln will be a good time. That being said, it doesn't make you special in the Big 10. You are not that special, deal with that.

Next year when we have a date that we are going to play, I will be curious what you have to say. Now I couldn't care less!

If that was the case then why did you even read this thread let alone respond to it? The title being "Honest Nebraska Discussion" would lead me to believe we would talk about NU football and the position they will be in when entering the Big10. Obvious some people care as there are several posts in this thread about the subject. You are the kind of fan I and most NU fans cant stand. We want to talk football, be cordial and explain points. You just want to yell from the roof tops how much you hate us. Why dont you go start a separate thread for that and I will choose not to read it. :cool:
"This is exactly what Nebraska fans think...see ISU last year...see your record vs rated teams since Bo arrived. "

Yeah our record agianst rated teams isnt very good, but you also have to understand Bo is going into his 3rd year. I dont recall KF's record in his 1st two years agianst rated teams, but I am sure it wasnt very good.

I was at the ISU game last year, and granted they beat us and good for them. But they didnt cross the 50 yd line but once to kick a field goal. Their touchdown came on a 55 yd hail mary. Meanwhile we fumbled 5 times within the 5 yd line. Without the fluke 8 TO's we win that game in blowout fashion.

Also we have every right to think Bo can win an NC. His past performance proves it. See our defensive unit when he was here the first time, top notch. See his defensive unit at OU, top notch. See his defensive unit at LSU, top notch and won an NC. Our defensive unit last year was #1 in the country and if we had a pulse on offense we would have likely won 3 more games. Dont expect our offense to continue to not have a pulse, we were extremely young and injured last year. Our D will continue to produce at a very high level, because that is what Pelini coached D's do.
Kirk didn't walk into a program in the shape of Nebraska's. Even under Callahan talent was not an issue so that argument is a no go....teams still have success running right at you....big backs like in the b10 will be an issue.
"This is exactly what Nebraska fans think...see ISU last year...see your record vs rated teams since Bo arrived. "

Yeah our record agianst rated teams isnt very good, but you also have to understand Bo is going into his 3rd year. I dont recall KF's record in his 1st two years agianst rated teams, but I am sure it wasnt very good.

I was at the ISU game last year, and granted they beat us and good for them. But they didnt cross the 50 yd line but once to kick a field goal. Their touchdown came on a 55 yd hail mary. Meanwhile we fumbled 5 times within the 5 yd line. Without the fluke 8 TO's we win that game in blowout fashion.

Also we have every right to think Bo can win an NC. His past performance proves it. See our defensive unit when he was here the first time, top notch. See his defensive unit at OU, top notch. See his defensive unit at LSU, top notch and won an NC. Our defensive unit last year was #1 in the country and if we had a pulse on offense we would have likely won 3 more games. Dont expect our offense to continue to not have a pulse, we were extremely young and injured last year. Our D will continue to produce at a very high level, because that is what Pelini coached D's do.

I feel I must quibble with you here. Alabama was the #1 defense.
Kirk didn't walk into a program in the shape of Nebraska's. Even under Callahan talent was not an issue so that argument is a no go....teams still have success running right at you....big backs like in the b10 will be an issue.

Obviously you dont recall the era that was Callahan, I wish I could forget it. He single handedly drove the program into shambles. If we had talent, I sure didnt see while we were busy getting smacked by 40+ pts a game.

What teams have had success running directly at us? I dont seem to recall giving up big yardage to straight ahead running. Under Callahan that was a different story, simple traps and counters would go for 30+. If you think "Big Backs" are going to be an issue, you must think Pelini is going to continue with the same defensive scheme no matter who we play. He will adjust like he always does and it wont be an issue.

2009 rushing stats:
FAU 35/122 = 3.5
Ark St 38/143 = 3.8
Vtech 37/86 = 2.3
ULL 37/102 = 2.8
MU 35/91 = 2.6
TTech 25/25 = 1
ISU 48/137 = 2.9
Baylor 32/54 = 1.7
OU 29/80 = 2.8
KU 29/99 = 3.4
KSU 34/140 = 4.2
CU 28/134 = 4.8
TU 38/18 = .5
AZ 20/63 = 3.2

If you do the math that comes out to 2.8 yds per carry avg. Not exactly the success you and others would love to believe. Its a great talking point for pundits to try and throw out there for those that dont really pay attention.
i, personally, feel that iowa and nebraska will be on the same level this season. i could see both running the table, i could see both winning 7 or 8.

i am rather excited to have nebraska join the big 10. it creates an instant rivalry(at least between fans) and, if nothing else, it brings more eyes to the big 10. not just nebraska fans, but nebraska is still a big name in college football and people will be watching
i, personally, feel that iowa and nebraska will be on the same level this season. i could see both running the table, i could see both winning 7 or 8.

i am rather excited to have nebraska join the big 10. it creates an instant rivalry(at least between fans) and, if nothing else, it brings more eyes to the big 10. not just nebraska fans, but nebraska is still a big name in college football and people will be watching

It will definatley make for some interesting games. I cant imagine the story lines if somehow they both were to run the table this year. It would be a media frenzy.