Honest Nebraska discussion...

Point conceded. The stats I was looking at didn't include the bowl game.

Darn you Arizona!

Even without the bowl game, Nebraska arguably still had the best D. You see, Nebraska's D had to contend with the fact that they had an absolutely atrocious O. In contrast, Alabama's D at least had a pretty decent O.

I think that is another feature that made Iowa's D so impressive too ... because the O wasn't all that great either ... and the D helped put the team in positions to win most of the time all the same.
thus the reason i said i see iowa and nebraska being able to do about the same things this year, whether it be 8 or 9 wins or completely running the table.

i don't know much about nebraska as a whole so i can't say much there, but i do feel iowa's offense will be much improved this year and the record should follow accordingly
As most of you know my disdain for the Nebraska Media here in Southwest Iowa is well documented. I do however respect the tradition that is Nebraska football. I would like to get some opinions on what folks honestly think about their current state. The recruiting landscape has changed dramatically since their run in the 90's. Teams have went in to Lincoln recently and actually won. Their record against rated teams in NOT what it use to be with the Good Dr. coaching. Bo is a great defensive coach...I think the jury is still out on his head coaching. He is short fused, very hard on his players, hard on his coaches, hard on officials and sometimes just loses it on the field. These are not good traits to have as a head coach. You really need to be somewhat reserved and able to watch the big picture. I am all for some great fire in your head guy but F bombs all over TV does not help him coach. Their offense has really struggled under Watson and Bo...except for the bowl game against an Arizona team that mailed it in. I for one love their tradition coming into the league, I also like the fact we Iowa fans get to settle the discussions on the field now. However, all I hear over here is they are immediately the best team in the conference...they are going to immediately play OSU, PSU, Michigan and what great rivalries they will be. They think Iowa, Wisconsin and other teams are not even close to their talent pool and can't compete with them. I guess time will tell but just wondered what the board was thinking.

Great thread... I wish I had got in on it sooner. IMHO, any Nebraska fan that thinks the Huskers are going to dominate in the B10 needs to have his/her head examined. I believe that the B10 took over the title of the Smashmouth Football Conference after the turn of the century. Nebraska will find out quickly that unlike the B12 North, there will be few cupcakes in our new league.

However, I think there are a few misconceptions about Nebraska football and Bo Pelini:
  1. Bo Pelini Can't Control His Temper: He is a hothead and he's passionate, but he is learning very quickly to control his emotions. He'll never be the stoic, granite face Tom Osborne that Nebraska fans adore, but he's getting better. He has really grown into being a head coach. Within the next 20 years, he will be known as one of the great ones.
  2. Nebraska Doesn't Have an Offense: Absolutely true last season. We lost one of our starting RB's before the season, one had a back injury all season and one had a broken foot for most of the season. Our one and only QB with any experience played all season with an injured wrist which limited his ability to pass. Our entire offensive line played with injuries that probably should have kept them from playing, but we didn't have anyone else to substitute. Look for our passing to be better this season (if we find a couple WR) but I think our run game will be punishing this year. We won't need to rely so much on the defense to win games as we did this last year (unless we get hit by the injury bug again... knock on wood). We played well against Arizona because the team had a chance to recuperate and the wildcat offense was implemented.
  3. Nebraska Plays Finesse Football: That was Bill Callahan. Bo Pelini and Tom Osborne have made it clear to Shawn Watson that some finesse is okay, but let's play smashmouth. I doubt it will ever go back to 5 yards and a cloud of dust, but it will be balanced, simple and (hopefully) effective.

I'm looking forward to playing in the B10. I see a huge rivalry developing between Iowa and Nebraska. It will be a great time! Go Big Red!
Great thread... I wish I had got in on it sooner. IMHO, any Nebraska fan that thinks the Huskers are going to dominate in the B10 needs to have his/her head examined. I believe that the B10 took over the title of the Smashmouth Football Conference after the turn of the century. Nebraska will find out quickly that unlike the B12 North, there will be few cupcakes in our new league.

However, I think there are a few misconceptions about Nebraska football and Bo Pelini:
  1. Bo Pelini Can't Control His Temper: He is a hothead and he's passionate, but he is learning very quickly to control his emotions. He'll never be the stoic, granite face Tom Osborne that Nebraska fans adore, but he's getting better. He has really grown into being a head coach. Within the next 20 years, he will be known as one of the great ones.
  2. Nebraska Doesn't Have an Offense: Absolutely true last season. We lost one of our starting RB's before the season, one had a back injury all season and one had a broken foot for most of the season. Our one and only QB with any experience played all season with an injured wrist which limited his ability to pass. Our entire offensive line played with injuries that probably should have kept them from playing, but we didn't have anyone else to substitute. Look for our passing to be better this season (if we find a couple WR) but I think our run game will be punishing this year. We won't need to rely so much on the defense to win games as we did this last year (unless we get hit by the injury bug again... knock on wood). We played well against Arizona because the team had a chance to recuperate and the wildcat offense was implemented.
  3. Nebraska Plays Finesse Football: That was Bill Callahan. Bo Pelini and Tom Osborne have made it clear to Shawn Watson that some finesse is okay, but let's play smashmouth. I doubt it will ever go back to 5 yards and a cloud of dust, but it will be balanced, simple and (hopefully) effective.

I'm looking forward to playing in the B10. I see a huge rivalry developing between Iowa and Nebraska. It will be a great time! Go Big Red!
A civil Husker fan...ahhhh breath of fresh air. I never have said in this discussion that Nebraska isn't good. However, when most Husker fans talk about their dynasty's...they are just that past dynasty's. Bo is passionate yes, a great in-game coach I think the jury is still out there. Your offense has really struggled, except for the Arizona game...but I feel Arizona just mailed that game in. For any casual fan Iowa is on equal footing with Nebraska in all phases of the game in the present and now. Those who believe otherwise are sadly mistaken. I for one can't wait for the games to be played and then we can see the headlines of the World Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, the Omaha TV stations and how it will be swept to the back page and we cheated to win. It will be fun and interesting.
Nice thread and great discussion. Here's my take as a lifelong Hawkeye from Omaha:

1. The Blackshirts Are Back. Two years ago jaws were dropping from coast to coast at the utter ineptitude of Callahan's defense. In 2009 the defense was elite again. Pretty quick turnaround. That's Pellini's focus, his specialty, his reputation. As long as he's there, expect the Huskers to field a defense that's on the same level as what you would expect from PSU, OSU, and Iowa.

2. Defense wins Championships. Especially in the Big Ten. Therefore, Nebraska will be a contender for Big Ten championships most years. On any given Saturday, they'll have a real chance at winning thanks to their defense. Much like Kirk's best teams at Iowa.

3. Welcome to the Terrordome. The "meat-grinder" analogy for the Big Ten is apt. Nebraska will have to get used to losing some games they "shouldn't" in the Big Ten, and they won't even have to puke all over themselves (ISU last year) to do it.

In their first ten years, I predict Nebraska to have... (spot the homer pick!)

1-2 Big Ten championships

2-3 BC$ bowl appearances

3-4 Big Ten championship game appearances

8-10 Bowl appearances

60%-65% Winning percentage in conference games,

and a 3-7 record against Iowa ;)
A civil Husker fan...ahhhh breath of fresh air. I never have said in this discussion that Nebraska isn't good. However, when most Husker fans talk about their dynasty's...they are just that past dynasty's. Bo is passionate yes, a great in-game coach I think the jury is still out there. Your offense has really struggled, except for the Arizona game...but I feel Arizona just mailed that game in. For any casual fan Iowa is on equal footing with Nebraska in all phases of the game in the present and now. Those who believe otherwise are sadly mistaken. I for one can't wait for the games to be played and then we can see the headlines of the World Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, the Omaha TV stations and how it will be swept to the back page and we cheated to win. It will be fun and interesting.

loesshillshawk -

I think that Husker fans would have a fair argument that the Husker O wasn't all that bad in Pelini's first year at the helm ... of course, that was also with a pretty darn veteran SR QB in Ganz at the helm. Without a Callahan-esque emphasis on O ... will the Huskers develop that sort of O again? I don't know. Of course, Big 12 Ds weren't really all that impressive during Pelini's first year ... so that possibly biases some of the Husker's stats in '08.
Nice thread and great discussion. Here's my take as a lifelong Hawkeye from Omaha:

1. The Blackshirts Are Back. Two years ago jaws were dropping from coast to coast at the utter ineptitude of Callahan's defense. In 2009 the defense was elite again. Pretty quick turnaround. That's Pellini's focus, his specialty, his reputation. As long as he's there, expect the Huskers to field a defense that's on the same level as what you would expect from PSU, OSU, and Iowa.

2. Defense wins Championships. Especially in the Big Ten. Therefore, Nebraska will be a contender for Big Ten championships most years. On any given Saturday, they'll have a real chance at winning thanks to their defense. Much like Kirk's best teams at Iowa.

3. Welcome to the Terrordome. The "meat-grinder" analogy for the Big Ten is apt. Nebraska will have to get used to losing some games they "shouldn't" in the Big Ten, and they won't even have to puke all over themselves (ISU last year) to do it.

In their first ten years, I predict Nebraska to have... (spot the homer pick!)

1-2 Big Ten championships

2-3 BC$ bowl appearances

3-4 Big Ten championship game appearances

8-10 Bowl appearances

60%-65% Winning percentage in conference games,

and a 3-7 record against Iowa ;)

A few remarks ...

- A Tressel-led tOSU squad will be awfully difficult for ANY Big 10 team to unseat. tOSU is loaded with talent and Tressel and Co are one heck of a coaching staff.

- PSU, Iowa, and Wisky are arguably all now in an "upswing." There may be transient years that are only "okay" ... however, each program are legit contenders for BCS bowl games nearly every year. The point being ... the bar is set pretty high.

- What happens if and/or when Michigan finally regains its feet? If we are to believe Jon ... that might be as soon as 2010. With Michigan "back" ... that would make the competition at the top even more heated.

- Pelini's Husker D definitely has a more clear-cut identity. However, the same can not be said concerning the Husker's identity on O. Defense might be able to keep teams competitive ... however, I have trouble recalling a Big 10 squad that managed to win the conference without having a definite identity on both sides of the ball. Even Iowa's 2004 O had a definite identity.

- A lot will still depend on how the divisions are broken up.

- Some may doubt this one ... but if Dantonio can actually gain a bit more control over his guys ... I think that the Spartans might have a chance to finally turn the corner and become legit contenders for the Big 10 Championship. The squad has the talent and it has the identities on both sides of the ball, ... but will they ever have the discipline and heart? Of course, if MSU can turn the corner, I honestly believe that it could end up being at the expense of the Wolverines.
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Husker fans -

One thing that you have to take in account is that even the Lincoln Journal Star sports "journalists" write crap like "Iowa will be a loser" as a result of Nebraska entering the Big 10. I could even buy that sort of line if they qualified by emphasizing how the Huskers could ace Iowa out of bowl spots due to the fact that the Husker faithful travel just as well as the Hawkeye nation. However, the fact that they write something as trite as suggesting that Iowa would have trouble keeping in-state kids away from Lincoln ... that's simply ignorant trash. Of course, most folks I know in Lincoln refer to the paper as the Urinal star ... so I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised.
Husker fans -

One thing that you have to take in account is that even the Lincoln Journal Star sports "journalists" write crap like "Iowa will be a loser" as a result of Nebraska entering the Big 10. I could even buy that sort of line if they qualified by emphasizing how the Huskers could ace Iowa out of bowl spots due to the fact that the Husker faithful travel just as well as the Hawkeye nation. However, the fact that they write something as trite as suggesting that Iowa would have trouble keeping in-state kids away from Lincoln ... that's simply ignorant trash. Of course, most folks I know in Lincoln refer to the paper as the Urinal star ... so I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised.

The Huskers have our ample share of homers and homer journalists. Every team does. Please don't form an opinion of Husker Nation and the team from our fringe. In general, the fans are a good group and the Husker teams will battle hard on the field.

I don't think that the battle between Iowa, ISU and NU for Iowa athletes will change much in the future. Iowa will get the majority of the players they desire with ISU and NU picking up a few here and there... no different than what happens in Nebraska or other states that have a single dominant college team. However, don't be surprised if our coaches blanket the state heavily to at least try to grab a few gems! :D
The Huskers have our ample share of homers and homer journalists. Every team does. Please don't form an opinion of Husker Nation and the team from our fringe. In general, the fans are a good group and the Husker teams will battle hard on the field.

I don't think that the battle between Iowa, ISU and NU for Iowa athletes will change much in the future. Iowa will get the majority of the players they desire with ISU and NU picking up a few here and there... no different than what happens in Nebraska or other states that have a single dominant college team. However, don't be surprised if our coaches blanket the state heavily to at least try to grab a few gems! :D

BleedNRed -

I now live in Lincoln and my wife has a ton of family who live in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska. Obviously a good many of the in-laws are perfectly nice and good Husker fans ... of course, part of that is also because they know that I'm a respectful and rabid Hawkeye fan. Also, my mother and father in-law are particularly good ... however, that's also because their daughter is a "born-again" Hawkeye (she attended college at Iowa and became a Hawkeye).

However, there are more than a few of my wife's relatives who frequently talk smack to us via facebook. Funny stuff ... but many of them are genuinely believe some of the homerisms. Of course, after watching how the Huskers absolutely demolished a much hyped Florida squad many, many moons ago ... I can understand the roots of such absolute confidence.
BleedNRed -

I now live in Lincoln and my wife has a ton of family who live in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska. Obviously a good many of the in-laws are perfectly nice and good Husker fans ... of course, part of that is also because they know that I'm a respectful and rabid Hawkeye fan. Also, my mother and father in-law are particularly good ... however, that's also because their daughter is a "born-again" Hawkeye (she attended college at Iowa and became a Hawkeye).

However, there are more than a few of my wife's relatives who frequently talk smack to us via facebook. Funny stuff ... but many of them are genuinely believe some of the homerisms. Of course, after watching how the Huskers absolutely demolished a much hyped Florida squad many, many moons ago ... I can understand the roots of such absolute confidence.

I don't mind hanging with diehard fans of rivals or other college football fans. However, I HATE being around fair weather football fans. (I deal with the fair weather USC fans on a daily basis in SoCal.) I would much rather be a Husker fan in the middle of Hawkeye country.
BleedNRed -

I now live in Lincoln and my wife has a ton of family who live in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska. Obviously a good many of the in-laws are perfectly nice and good Husker fans ... of course, part of that is also because they know that I'm a respectful and rabid Hawkeye fan. Also, my mother and father in-law are particularly good ... however, that's also because their daughter is a "born-again" Hawkeye (she attended college at Iowa and became a Hawkeye).

However, there are more than a few of my wife's relatives who frequently talk smack to us via facebook. Funny stuff ... but many of them are genuinely believe some of the homerisms. Of course, after watching how the Huskers absolutely demolished a much hyped Florida squad many, many moons ago ... I can understand the roots of such absolute confidence.

A husker turned hawkeye, i didnt think you could convert a husker.
loesshillshawk -

I think that Husker fans would have a fair argument that the Husker O wasn't all that bad in Pelini's first year at the helm ... of course, that was also with a pretty darn veteran SR QB in Ganz at the helm. Without a Callahan-esque emphasis on O ... will the Huskers develop that sort of O again? I don't know. Of course, Big 12 Ds weren't really all that impressive during Pelini's first year ... so that possibly biases some of the Husker's stats in '08.
Maybe a fair argument??? Go back and see how weak that schedule was...and look up his record against quality opponents (rated opponents). The defenses they faced were poor.
A husker turned hawkeye, i didnt think you could convert a husker.

She still cheers for the Huskers ... however, if the Huskers were to play the Hawks (and they will), she'll cheer for the Hawks. She was a Hawkeye crew-team member ... so that probably helps too. Besides she met me at the University of Iowa ... so that has also positively colored her view of the Hawks.

I was kinda surprised that she's such a convert too ... her grandparents had Husker season tix for over 50 years.
Maybe a fair argument??? Go back and see how weak that schedule was...and look up his record against quality opponents (rated opponents). The defenses they faced were poor.

Sure. The statement wasn't that they fielded a dominant O. However, all the same, it was still a very good O. Ganz was a quality QB and could have done even more damage had his WRs been better.

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