High-Step Showboat Crap

You're completely missing the point. Why even chance it with that sort of behavior? I'm surprised Wadley's never been called before. It's a selfish move that only has a downside--hurting the team with a penalty.
You need to calm down. Blowing this out of proportion aren't you. I think AW got the message. Just how bad do you think he feels. Probably sick about it! Imagine how embarrassed he is. Can you imagine in front of 70,000 people!
Except when he showboats and gets penalties that hurt the team--that's "me first" behavior. This isn't an overall assessment of Wadley's character.

Has not Wadley done the high step before? I remember him doing this a few times, perhaps not quite as out in the open but certainly open. No penalty then. Personally I have never seen a penalty called for this ever. Knowing that he wasn't called for it in the past, I am sure he would not have done it if he knew the refs were going to.

I don't mind it. I think we need a little bit of that from time to time especially from playmakers like Wadley. Like a poster mentioned earlier, nothing wrong with showing some emotion. Even if it is a little show boat like.
I've seen a lot of guys break free, only to get tripped up by the turf monster. Wadley was just keeping his toes up and away from the turf monster at the end of the run.

Would the refs have thrown the flag if he tripped himself up doing the high step? If so, they probably should have thrown the flag on that showboating mofo Colluzzi last year for doing a 360 on the way down after the turf monster got him.
Yeah, I was okay with the guy showboating in front of Gary Barta after the touchdown, but what RB25 did was not cool.
Agree that was not a real High-step, more a leg stretch, Way too much interpretation by the refs. Did anyone see the Oklahoma/Ohio State game? That game would still be playing if they were held to this standard. Hell they celebrate the huddle break. BS call, let a guy have a little fun. I'll be watching games this season to see if this call is being made consistently.
ARE Y'ALL KIDDING ME??? Anyone who is against Wadley on this is crazy. He barely did a high step. A MINOR high step and it was a bogus flag. Most college players do way worse in the end zone with no flags. This was simply a HORRIBLE call and Wadley shouldn't have been flagged.

This is where I'm at on this.
Really its a rule? Ive seen that done in so many college games and never seen it called..

I don't think there is any set rule.. its all officials interpretation.

There isn't a rule against high stepping specifically but there is a rule regarding taunting/unsportsmanlike conduct on breakaway plays where if you do it prior to scoring the officials mark it 15 yards from where it occurred. I think they put it in 4/5 years ago and this is the first time I've seen it called.

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