Hey Jon.....

How anyone can watch Franklin and this rose bowl and be content with Ferentx is beyond me.

Yes, I get that football is a game, but paying someone 50-100 million dollars deserves some level of accountability

What can be done about it?
I figured best chance to get Davis fired was when he mentioned he was here to win a National Title..Ferentz choked on his gum I think
Well reasoned and rationale. I like critical thinking like this ;)
I agree. I have no idea why you would listen to these 'reporters' opinions when it's obvious that mine are more relevant and that I obviously have more information that Jon or Rob and much more football knowledge. If any of you want to really understand what is going on, than you need to follow my posts.....
Jon - I've brought the subject up to you several times about Ferments NEVER once stating his ultimate goal as coach...and also brought up to you that he has even ONE time mentioned a National Championship as a goal, when I hear EVERY other HC making his $$$ do this. He doesn't even have to mean it, but just once it might make us feel good to hear it......because certainly his recruiting efforts and stubborn ways in all aspects sure lend itself to showing us that he doesn't give a shit about anything other than going to a bowl every year, and maybe competing for the Big 10 West.
Two things...I didn't change my tune after that podcast. I began to change how I criticized, at the end of the summer of 2015...all through the winter (you may recall me calling Kirk gutless after not letting CJB and Rudock speak to media after Gator Bowl, which was a dumb term, but certainly not a change of tune after the Nebraska game) or any of the subsequent podcasts, including all through the summer, that were almost mocking in tone and all are still right there for you to listen to. I have said this before, in a podcast...but will type if here.

I watched Zach Johnson win the British Open..and I witnessed his genuine grace, humility and class...and was convicted of how petulant I had been acting over a game, and me not liking the outcome, and being childish in my criticisms of someone I do respect (in Kirk)...and that I didn't want to act like that any more.

So I haven't.

No calls from Ft Kinnick...my credentials had already been yanked well before the Nebraska game. The only reason ours were reinstated was because the coaching staff fought for non-traditional media access that following fall..not our site specifically, but it umbrella'd under us.

So you'd be wrong about that.

You'd also be wrong about the weekly Jethro's thing..that happened entirely because of Kirk also having an epiphany on how he acted that off season, and hiring a PR firm to help in that area...and the fall of 2015 was when Iowa began reaching out far more to media avails, and that included the Hawkeye Nation show.

I don't own the website. I haven't for nearly 4 years and I haven't been the primary owner for over 7 years....so you just aren't up to speed on a number of things that you talked about in this reply...but thanks for checking in.

I've been wrong before and I'm damn sure I will be wrong again. I apologize for false accusations.

I believe most of us are frustrated because we have seen this narrative for a long time. We can see other teams improving, trying new things (some good, some bad) in an effort to get better. But we are stagnant.

2 years ago we finally got to a point where a change was possible. Kirk was on the hottest seat and his buyout was manageable. Last year was a response. Idk if Kirk felt the heat and changed, a super weak/easy schedule, the stars aligning or a combo. But it happened and it was great. Barta jumps the gun and puts us right back to where we were.

Not only these things, but an overal decline of gameday experience. The product is questionable, and the university takes any opportunity to make a quick buck off us. "You want your same season tickets that you have had for years? Now you have to pay for the ticket and make a donation that we decide." "Hey Hawk fans, come check out our new North end zone. Don't worry that 70% of that giant screen is pure advertisement" "but look at these new tv screens on the south side, we can get more ads running here" A disgruntled fan base is bound to be expected.

What frustrates me about your articles/poscast etc isn't what you say. You have your opinion and that totally cool. It's that you were the voice of us. You had the stage to voice what we were all frustrated about. And for a little while you put the fans first.

Kakert, Chad Les, Morehouse etc seem to be afraid to make these points to Staff. And I'm not being critical, I like their stuff too. But they don't voice our frustration. So now we just look like Internet forum crazies.
His podcasts sound like he is on Prozak now....he has done a 180 which he blames on "growing up" or "not liking" the 2014 Jon. No, I GUARANTEE is was someone else "not liking" the 2014 Jon which is the reason for the above the fray new Jon. Put me down as NOT FOOLED.

I'll just put you down as being wrong. But here is the deal...I don't blame you for your take...because human nature is to assume the opinions we have, or the rational we have (we meaning ourselves) is RIGHT...so that what we think is the truth, and there can't possibly be another motive or reality. So I get the wrong conclusions being reached on this topic...and I have explained it clearly, so there is no misunderstanding going forward. Believe it or not, most people do grow up...or rather, one can reflect back on ones actions and be displeased by them. As I have said repeatedly, I would not change the foundation of my past critiques, but I would change the delivery method and choice of some words.
Why are people so concerned about what Jon miller thinks? really. why?
I personally enjoy his analysis..along with people like Hawkeye Gamefilm..Jon has the guts to be his true self..unlike everybody else hiding behind a facade
What can be done about it?
A lot. Failures on the field create noise. Noise creates urgency. Urgency creates change. It is not coincidental that pre Internet coaches stayed at schools for years and years. Whether you like it or not (it's weird that you don't since you have spent so much of your adult life involved in it) the Internet creates change in today's world.
I'm not complaining about the amount of money he makes....what I am complaining about is the LOW bar set for a HC making that amount of money, and how it only flies in Iowa.
What frustrates me about your articles/poscast etc isn't what you say. You have your opinion and that totally cool. It's that you were the voice of us. You had the stage to voice what we were all frustrated about. And for a little while you put the fans first.

Kakert, Chad Les, Morehouse etc seem to be afraid to make these points to Staff. And I'm not being critical, I like their stuff too. But they don't voice our frustration. So now we just look like Internet forum crazies.

I can understand this take...I still intend to be critical when I see things to be critical about...it just may not be delivered as emotionally charged as it was in the past...that may make it far less entertaining or interesting to some...and when the day comes that most people don't care for it any more, then I'll just move on with no regrets. But I've long despised contrivance in the sports media world..and I am not going to be something I am not, or no longer am...not saying you are asking me to.

Stick around...I think something is coming that you and others who want to have substantive conversations (and I count myself among that crowd) will enjoy.
A lot. Failures on the field create noise. Noise creates urgency. Urgency creates change. It is not coincidental that pre Internet coaches stayed at schools for years and years. Whether you like it or not (it's weird that you don't since you have spent so much of your adult life involved in it) the Internet creates change in today's world.

Specifically, what can be done to effect change, when the man at the top of the food chain has an untouchable contract, and attendance at home games is no longer a coach killer due to the riches of the BTN?

Specifically mind you, not unactionable platitudes
I mentioned the loss of MVB AND Kittle, in conjunction, as being a significant part of the passing game woes. And if you don't think that had an impact...I'll agree to disagree with you
Yeah, because no one wants to admit they were wrong about CJ (I was one of the few that was right about him). He's sucks. He was a cancer to the team in 2014 but in 2015 they were able to win from good rushing defense, great turnover margin and a good run game but all the ignorant sheep wanted to give CJ the credit even though he was worthless against the 'good' teams we played that year. Look at the facts, they don't lie. We weren't as good consistently in some of those areas this year, so he was totally exposed for the pretender he is. I don't know what his degree is in, but daddy and grandpa will take care of him and his out-of-wedlock child so he really doesn't give a shit, but I can tell you, he will never take a snap in the NFL. He's always 'hurt', has absolutely no POCKET PRESENCE and like I've said after seeing him practice over 3 yrs. IS ABSOLUTELY SLOW GOING THROUGH HIS PROGRESSIONS, in fact, most of the time he doesn't even bother, he just stares down some receiver and throws into tight coverage or right into the face mask of a D-lineman (like he did today). You guys all want to complain about how bad we've been in bowl games the last 3 yrs. well who played the most QB in those 3 games??? CJ (ConJob) Beehurt.....All of you that hitched your wagon to this primadonna in 2014 are to blame...........
Specifically, what can be done to effect change, when the man at the top of the food chain has an untouchable contract, and attendance at home games is no longer a coach killer due to the riches of the BTN?

Specifically mind you, not unactionable platitudes
I think you just illustrated exactly why we vent, because there is nothing else we can do. The internet can effect extreme change in today's world.
I'm actually more upset that my Cowboys as a #1 seed will have a tougher Divisional Playoff game than Atlanta will....that is real injustice. :)
fire up a moveon.org petition.
