Hey Jon.....

I think this is exactly right. HN is a money maker for John and he's not going to jeopordize that. I don't blame him one bit for it btw. It does suck that he's basically been neutered though. Some of the best HN podcasts were during the 2015 debacle.

No, this is not it..though I can understand ppl thinking it. I replied above
Maybe his whole point is it's just a football game. Nobody died.

It sucks losing but the hate that comes out after a loss on this board is unseemly.

This is far more in line with where I am at right now. Some will want more and that is ok...I am sure they can find folks who will give them that rush
Jon doesn't live around here anymore so he's out of the loop. Nor does he care.

I care, I just don't care to have pointless debates with folks whose opinions I don't respect....and that is actually a minority of people around here...but having done the message board thing since 1999, when I was 28, and now being 45, I just don't see the point in debating with trolls, or flamers, or anonymous tough guys...and choose not to. Those who genuinely want to engage in discussion, I am all for it..and very soon, we will have a nice space around here to do just that, and I can't wait. I still enjoy Hawkeye discussions with folks...I just choose to not suffer some elements of the message boards any more
One thing I never understood was why do people think these reporters opinions are important? Jon and these guys have no more knowledge or insight than the rest of us. if people ask questions about some sort of inside knowledge they might have (like Robb and recruiting) I get that. But Jon's been out of the loop for awhile. So basically his opinion is just that, an opinion. And basically as irrelevant (in Kirk's mind) as the rest of ours.

Well reasoned and rationale. I like critical thinking like this ;)
Jon just mentioned Kittle being limited as a reason for our offensive woes this year. Excuse me while I puke....Kittle is NOT a TE....he has a FB build and should NEVER be counted on as a weapon. And BTW, watch Ferments TOTALLY ignore WR next year.....he will mistakenly believe all will be well with the return of Vandenberg.

I mentioned the loss of MVB AND Kittle, in conjunction, as being a significant part of the passing game woes. And if you don't think that had an impact...I'll agree to disagree with you
I'm not a 14 year old girl, so I do not use Twitter....however, I'm being told that you are asking Hawk fans why they are so upset now when they were not 35 days ago. Please put me down for one of those that thought 8-4 was inexcusable given our schedule and what we had returning. Even so, today's lack of preparedness ONCE again for a Bowl Championship (Barta's tag.....not mine) is what should have Ferments run out on a rail.

Dude, "what we had returning " was a bunch of average to above average players. We hawk fans are so delusional. We don't know what championship football looks like. Each year we loose a grip on that more and more. And when we see decent we think it is top notch. I'm as guilty as anyone.

Iowa was 12-0 last year because they won the game that they were supposed to but none of the opponents were that good...maybe Wisky was.

We all need to be more realistic and not let 3 games in November determine the identity of a team
Jon - I heard the podcast after I'd posted that...someone said that you wrote in on Twitter. Anyway, if we are not to be upset, then maybe we should be paying Ferments money comparable to programs who know their lot in D1 football.....and not paying him like the coaches who are expected to compete for National Championships.....which BTW I've STILL never heard him state as a goal. Baby steps, right? I mean, it's only been 17 years.
Dude, "what we had returning " was a bunch of average to above average players. We hawk fans are so delusional. We don't know what championship football looks like. Each year we loose a grip on that more and more. And when we see decent we think it is top notch. I'm as guilty as anyone.

Iowa was 12-0 last year because they won the game that they were supposed to but none of the opponents were that good...maybe Wisky was.

We all need to be more realistic and not let 3 games in November determine the identity of a team

I think this is close to the mark, and talked about it earlier...I fall prey to seeing the flaws in what other tams have coming back or not coming back, but I assume best case related to Iowa and explain things away, because that is what I want to see...it's a huge blind spot that every fan base has...and I want to work on removing that from my analysis.
This is far more in line with where I am at right now. Some will want more and that is ok...I am sure they can find folks who will give them that rush

No, what it boils down to is some of us are NOT okay with 7-8 win seasons and getting blown out in bowl games. Some of us are I guess. You have somehow fallen into the latter....

My main reason for being upset is how can we keep Greg Davis around? How can anyone make a case for keeping him?
Jon - I heard to podcast after I'd posted that....if we are not to be upset, then maybe we should be paying Fermentz money comparable to programs who know their lot in D1 football.....not paying him like the coaches who are expected to compete for National Championships.....which BTW I've STILL never heard him state as a goal. Baby step, right? I mean, it's only been 17 years.

I get people being irritated, or ticked at an outcome of a game...but some of the vitriol and the like that gets directed at my timeline or twitter, or that I have always seen in game threads on sites like this, I just can't relate to that level of mind losing of something you cannot control. Perhaps I'm just weird.
MC - I'm not delusional....I was saying last year that the 12-0 season was done with smoke, mirrors, and a terrible schedule. The backslide this year was ZERO shock to me....but that doesn't mean it's excusable.
No, what it boils down to is some of us are NOT okay with 7-8 win seasons and getting blown out in bowl games. Some of us are I guess. You have somehow fallen into the latter....

My main reason for being upset is how can we keep Greg Davis around? How can anyone make a case for keeping him?

I don't think you can make a great case for keeping him around. I wanted to see him gone two years ago and said as much every week. But you get to the point where you know what you say or think on a topic like this has zero bearing when the head coach has a lifetime contract...and is basically untouchable. I criticized the recent extension pursuant to the buyout years and structure again, but beyond that, what can you do? Well, I guess you can scream and flame and be negative all the time...but it doesn't matter at all. So I am not gonna carry a pitchfork around with me and look the fool when in the grand scheme of things, it does not matter given the near immunity Iowa has given Kirk via his contracts. It's done.

If I had a vote, I would vote for a new coordinator in a second. But I don't, so I am not gonna fire up a moveon.org petition.
I care. I just don't care what you think.
Just as you, I don't concern myself with what others think. I use the message board as an outlet and a source of community for Hawkeye sports. Doesn't mean I'm a troll because I'm passionate, regardless of how sanctimonious you may be.
Jon - I heard the podcast after I'd posted that...someone said that you wrote in on Twitter. Anyway, if we are not to be upset, then maybe we should be paying Ferments money comparable to programs who know their lot in D1 football.....and not paying him like the coaches who are expected to compete for National Championships.....which BTW I've STILL never heard him state as a goal. Baby steps, right? I mean, it's only been 17 years.

This is another favorite....the money.

I've said and written over the past three years that it was the most one-sided contract in the history of collegiate athletics....and then when Barta extended him in September, Rob and I did a podcast where I said that again, and said that it was a bad move on the buyout terms....as basically, Kirk has a lifetime deal now, all of the control, Iowa will not afford to buy him out and fire him...so all of that is OVER.

So to sit here and complain about what he makes and the results on the field...can you tell me what that possibly accomplishes, other that it somehow makes you feel better in some masochistic way? Because outside of that, I don't see the upside.
Count me as one of the fans who were upset during the game. But I would rather release my frustrations out on a message board than to let it eat at me in my personal life.

It is just a game. And there is absolutely nothing I can do or say that is going to fix our football teams problems or affect the team in any way, shape or form.

I vent....and then move on with my life.
Just as you, I don't concern myself with what others think. I use the message board as an outlet and a source of community for Hawkeye sports. Doesn't mean I'm a troll because I'm passionate, regardless of how sanctimonious you may be.

You're probably right, you probably are not a troll. You're just an annoying pessimist who typically only posts to bitch and moan. For me, there is little difference, or value.
Jon seems like a real nice dude, and 3 years ago I'd have probably banned already for being too critical. But damn, I miss the old Jon who told it like it was without fear of repercussion...which he tries to disguise as having some kind of personal awakening/change in maturity.
Jon is not hiding behind a user name on a message board. I must admit,there's stuff I've posted that I would be embarrassed about if my real name was associated with it. He also has a life ..wife ,kids,responsibilities. Real life. It sucks that we got beat like a red headed step child again in a bowl. But whether we won by a landslide..Does it matter in our lives? We don't don't play the game anymore..Just stand by and spectate and monday moring QB about what we should have done.
How anyone can watch Franklin and this rose bowl and be content with Ferentx is beyond me.

Yes, I get that football is a game, but paying someone 50-100 million dollars deserves some level of accountability
MC - I'm not delusional....I was saying last year that the 12-0 season was done with smoke, mirrors, and a terrible schedule. The backslide this year was ZERO shock to me....but that doesn't mean it's excusable.

I think you're right, and I am ticked at myself that I didn't stick to what I was thinking all offseason re: this team's record. Not going down that road again. I think 6-6 next year....and I am gonna have to fight the urge to move that up when we get closer.