Totally agree. I stopped the "pain" of season tickets in 2013 after 35 years. Just couldn't take it any more. Gladly Stub-Hub 1 or 2 games I actually want to see and spare myself the pain & suffering in the process. This year I stub-hubb NWU and watched them sh*# the bed (again) and then was blown away when they railed OSU. Hard to believe it was the same team!
The first 12 years Ferentz era was fun. The last 7 years have been pain & misery. No doubts about it. In my mind, 2010 Wisconsin Bielema football fake punt was the day the music dies in Kinnick stadium. Pretty much all down hill since then. (the Greg Davis Era, ugh!)
The last Bowl game I traveled to was essentially over at the end of the first quarter. (Rose Bowl although that could be the last 5 for sure) Guess they didn't "clean up" a few things and execute fundamentals. (or get off the damn bus)
I told the I-Club fundraiser caller when the put a better product on the field, I'll reup and donate. That would require better recruitment and there in lies the problem. Too many Mac type recruits/Johnny Hayseed walk ons to compete. Add a dash or two of injuries, recruits leaving program, poor coaching & game day coaching errors and the "hot garbage on" produces a very mediocre product and not in the least enjoyable to watch.
I simply flip to another game on the tube or go outside and do some yard work. I have way less invested in this mess and consequently have enjoy a ton of football on tube I missed for years.
Some may view this attitude as a problem. I tend to view it as part of a solution. Nothing will change with the Gare-Bear/Ferentz love fest until the revenue stream is effected. They can try all of the smoke mirrors/ticket price increases/concession increases they want. Fewer butts in the chairs is the fans only recourse.