Here is how Kinnick will look Saturday from above


Iowa wants fans to be in seats 15 minutes before the start of the game...there will be two sided cards in every seat...

Good luck with that one.

I was surprised how well the alternating went over last year but you can still color me skeptical.
How is this going to be complicated??? There should be a square sitting in your seat to hold up and flip over after the national anthem.
I am glad this game is on the BTN and not a bigger network. This is a very busy design. Hope it turns out, but it might look like ***t.
Wow the old farts are out in force in this thread. How hard do you think this will be people? You get a card and hold it up! If you cant do that then I feel sorry for you.
Wow the old farts are out in force in this thread. How hard do you think this will be people? You get a card and hold it up! If you cant do that then I feel sorry for you.

He's not saying the process is too complicated,'s the overly busy pattern.

And I got news for's not just the "old farts" that often have trouble executing a simple plan. And that's putting it kindly. (didn't see many 45 yr olds rush the field early and cost us 15 yards against Penn St 3 years ago. And try sustaining a cheer like "Let's Go Hawks" these goes into "faster faster...blow-it-up mode" within seconds in the student section) If there's a group incapable of following directions in Kinnick, it sure as hell won't be us "crusty old" alums.

That being said...I do think it's a little busy and could look like a cluster f***...even if everyone executes on command. But who could be spectacular!

If only Ferentz were willing to try such high-risk plays once-in-a-while.
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I have a bad feeling that those stars are going to look like blobs. Might need to simplify their design on this one.
Speaking as one of the over the hill one foot in the grave old farts, I think the flaw here is that everyone will be in their seats at least 15 minutes before kickoff. Is that being adequately publicized? Does everyone know about it? If everyone is there, it will work. If everyone is not there, it will look like one big cluster f____________
Not surprised by the negativity from some on here, whenever something new is announced are those skeptics. I remember the Black and Gold out, that will never work blah, blah and blah. FYI that night was unreal and expect Saturday to be the same at Kinnick. Iowa fans typically don't disappoint.

So my take is Iowa Fans will rise up again and put on another heck of a show..
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