Heelan frosh tries Florida sports school

Not to nitpick here but wouldn't BW at the very least have two years left if not more?

He played his true freshman year in 2009 then left immediately at the beginning of camp in 2010 so that would be considered a red shirt year. Even if you counted the spring practice he barely participated in for Oklahoma he would still have two years left. Right?
Not to nitpick here but wouldn't BW at the very least have two years left if not more?

He played his true freshman year in 2009 then left immediately at the beginning of camp in 2010 so that would be considered a red shirt year. Even if you counted the spring practice he barely participated in for Oklahoma he would still have two years left. Right?
Isn't is the 4 to play 5 thing? Or 5 to play 4
No way Jack even remotely considers Iowa. First, if he is that good as a high school freshman that the academy reached out to the middle of the country to him, he's Florida-Alabama-Auburn-Ohio State-Texas caliber material, not Iowa. Second, I'm guessing he would come to Iowa City over his parents' dead bodies (figuratively speaking); I don't think the Iowa experience went well for them or their family.

Found the last part of the story interesting:

This turn of events will certainly draw scrutiny from many people and, of course, this is nothing new for the Wegher family.

It may not be the intense microscope Jodie Foster voiced resentment toward during her Golden Globes acceptance speech Sunday night, but the family of Rick and Cathy Wegher have probably wanted to tell plenty of people to mind their own business these last few years.

They’ve been getting more attention than they’d prefer, I’m sure, ever since Brandon’s record 3,238 yards rushing as a senior for Heelan in the fall of 2008.
Of course, Brandon went on to set a freshman rushing record at Iowa and has not played since then, making some decisions, it would appear, that he’d probably like to have back.

Brandon is currently working at the Masaba Mining Equipment factory in Vermillion, where his girlfriend, Megan Glisar, the mother of their son, Brody, is enrolled at the University of South Dakota. Megan, a former state champion high jumper for Sergeant Bluff-Luton, won the NAIA indoor national title for Morningside last winter and now listed as a junior on the USD roster.

“Brandon is toying with trying to make his way back on the field somehow,’’ said Rick, who played one season with the Canadian Football League’s Calgary Stampeders. “He’s growing up, realizing the mistakes he’s made, I think. He would have one year (eligibility) left unless the NCAA gave him another one.’’
I don't doubt that he won't come to Iowa, but I don't think it was Iowa's fault with Brandon. Unless there is something about Erb we just don't know, which I wouldn't doubt either. Anyway it is everyone outside the program that caused sucha fuss, not the program. Though I'm sure it left a bad feeling in the Wegher's toward Iowa. Like you mentioned though, if he's that good he aint coming to Iowa. Maybe KF will be gone in a few years when this kid decides to commit. never know. Lot of time until this saga is settled.
I don't doubt that he won't come to Iowa, but I don't think it was Iowa's fault with Brandon. Unless there is something about Erb we just don't know, which I wouldn't doubt either. Anyway it is everyone outside the program that caused sucha fuss, not the program. Though I'm sure it left a bad feeling in the Wegher's toward Iowa. Like you mentioned though, if he's that good he aint coming to Iowa. Maybe KF will be gone in a few years when this kid decides to commit. never know. Lot of time until this saga is settled.

You're right, this wasn't an Iowa problem, it was a BW problem.
You have 5 to play 4 but for at least a couple of those years I don't even think he was in college so he should at the very least have two years left if he so chose to do it.
If I remember when I was a college athlete(albeit 20 years ago) I seem to remember the clock ran irrespective once you started school. Could be wrong on this as it has been a long time.
I don't doubt that he won't come to Iowa, but I don't think it was Iowa's fault with Brandon. Unless there is something about Erb we just don't know, which I wouldn't doubt either. Anyway it is everyone outside the program that caused sucha fuss, not the program. Though I'm sure it left a bad feeling in the Wegher's toward Iowa. Like you mentioned though, if he's that good he aint coming to Iowa. Maybe KF will be gone in a few years when this kid decides to commit. never know. Lot of time until this saga is settled.

I don't know that the coaching staff was anything but supportive and empathetic to Brandon and his situations. My guess is that the whole experience soured the family on Iowa and Iowa City. As a parent, I suspect that would be the case for us.
You have 5 to play 4 but for at least a couple of those years I don't even think he was in college so he should at the very least have two years left if he so chose to do it.

You get 5 years to play 4 so 2013 would be his last year. He could apply for sixth year due to hardship but I dont think his situation would make him eligible for that. Of course, the NCAA has done strange things regarding sixth year (Beutjer). Doesnt matter if you are in school or not, the clock is running.
Would anyone consider this to be a good thing for their kid? Putting priority on athletics instead of education. Don't they see where that took their other boy. Dad sounds as lost as his son.
Would anyone consider this to be a good thing for their kid? Putting priority on athletics instead of education. Don't they see where that took their other boy. Dad sounds as lost as his son.

Your child gets intense athletic training within the context of a fairly rigid academic and social structure? There are some parents who would observe that to be a good bargain. It would be pure conjecture to speculate that Brandon might have avoided some of his mistakes if he had had more of a structured environment as a prep.

Get used to the notion of more of America's elite athletes coming through the academy system. It is gaining acceptance in many areas on the coasts. You might be interested in a 60 Minutes' segment two weeks ago about Barcelona FC, arguably the best and most successful sports enterprise in the world. The system of bringing young players up through their academy has been a key to their success.

Lionel Messi and the ascent of Barca soccer - 60 Minutes - CBS News
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Would anyone consider this to be a good thing for their kid? Putting priority on athletics instead of education. Don't they see where that took their other boy. Dad sounds as lost as his son.

No, if I had a son with big time abilities and ambitions I would do everything I could to help him achieve his dreams. This does not matter if my child is interested in becoming a football player or an artist.
Would anyone consider this to be a good thing for their kid? Putting priority on athletics instead of education. Don't they see where that took their other boy. Dad sounds as lost as his son.

Let's be honest here, even if this kid is twice as smart as Brandon, his future probably isn't in academics. Might as well try to cash in on athletics.
After seeing what happened to Brandon, perfectly logical for his parents to want to put their younger son in a more structured setting.

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