Heelan frosh tries Florida sports school

The fact that Mr and Mrs Wegher are not at all interested in having their son home for supper during the next 4 years tells me all I need to know about that family.
The fact that Mr and Mrs Wegher are not at all interested in having their son home for supper during the next 4 years tells me all I need to know about that family.

IMG school is the difference between Jack being an NFL superstar, or a dropout working in a factory. It's either pass up the next 3 years of suppers, or wind up having him eat supper with you for the nest 30 years, because he lives in a room above the garage.
Its my understanding that the cost of living and doing business is low in Sioux City, and even lower in Dakota City. $66,000.00 in one year can build an indoor practice facility, new weight room, one of those underwater treadmills with a television in front that Chip Kelly has at Oregon, and double-ventilated locker with a Nike logo on it. Thats just for one year. $66,000.00 multiplied by four years, then look at it through the eyes of Sioux City dollars, or South Dakota dollars. Were talking about conveyor belt natural grass field and retractable roof stadium money here. His dad works in construction, so he can cut costs there.
Its my understanding that the cost of living and doing business is low in Sioux City, and even lower in Dakota City. $66,000.00 in one year can build an indoor practice facility, new weight room, one of those underwater treadmills with a television in front that Chip Kelly has at Oregon, and double-ventilated locker with a Nike logo on it. Thats just for one year. $66,000.00 multiplied by four years, then look at it through the eyes of Sioux City dollars, or South Dakota dollars. Were talking about conveyor belt natural grass field and retractable roof stadium money here. His dad works in construction, so he can cut costs there.

Whar Chris Weinke tho?
The fact that Mr and Mrs Wegher are not at all interested in having their son home for supper during the next 4 years tells me all I need to know about that family.

The Wegher family has 5 children. Jack is the first to move away from home before high school graduation. Lets be cautious when judging.

For those interested, Brandon Wegher is currently training at IMG Academy with this 2013 NFL Combine Training Class. He seems to have good focus and determination. We'll see how far it takes him.

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The Wegher family has 5 children. Jack is the first to move away from home before high school graduation. Lets be cautious when judging.

For those interested, Brandon Wegher is currently training at IMG Academy with this 2013 NFL Combine Training Class. He seems to have good focus and determination. We'll see how far it takes him.

IMG Academy

Chris Weinke has trained Cam Newton, Christian Ponder, Russell Wilson, Ryan Tannehill, and Kirk Cousins for extensive periods each before their NFL rookie seasons over the last two years. He's currently working with Matt Barkley, Geno Smith, and Tyler Wilson. That's a pretty good resume in a short span as a young, first-time coach. James Vandenburg could have used him this past off-season.

2014 quarterback Michael O'Connor has enrolled at the academy and will compete for the #1 quarterback spot in the country in recruiting rankings. He's a great kid and going to improve a ton before the end of May. Michigan and Michigan State were at practice today and I'm sure will offer very soon. There will be plenty of other good players for colleges to evaluate.

Everyone took good care!

Hey, guy who works for IMG, why don't you go away and shill some other place.

I'm not kidding, this guy seriously does work for IMG. Josh Clark | IMG Academy
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Hey, guy who works for IMG, why don't you go away and shill some other place.

I'm not kidding, this guy seriously does work for IMG. Josh Clark | IMG Academy


Ghost, before my time with IMG Academy, I worked as a publisher with sites: superhawkeye.com, hawktalkonline.com, and contributed to hawkeyenation.com. I only stopped by to provide some claification to the sitaution. Always intrigued to hear what hawkeye fans have to say. Carry on.
Fair enough.

After I read your post, I thought "this guy sounds like a publicist for IMG". Then I look up IMG publicists, and look who it is! So as much as I appreciate your "claification" on the matter, I don't think a guy working in admissions for this scam school is the guy I want answers from.
I've seen wegher play. Not sure how the talent at IMG compares to manatee and palmetto, I'm sure comparable if not better. I saw those 2 play last fall. Mr wegher better strap the helmet on and learn how to run water to the huddle from what I saw.
IMG school is the difference between Jack being an NFL superstar, or a dropout working in a factory. It's either pass up the next 3 years of suppers, or wind up having him eat supper with you for the nest 30 years, because he lives in a room above the garage.

good point.
maybe ma and pa are throwin' in the proverbial towel for kid #5.

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