Heat Directed at JVB

IF james is rattled like we all know he is and rightfully should be. Then he is being asked to do nothing more than manage the game and let Weismann carry the load. With Weismann hurt and our running back by committee decimated that means that no longer can the staff expect James to do nothing more than manage a game. If James is suffering from lack of confidence, regardless of who our next man is then thats the guy we instantly should be going to.
Regardless of game experience, if a QB doesn't have the confidence in himself to make the throws or find the windows then how do we expect him to run the huddle. Not saying Sokol or Rudock are better QB's but I'm guessing that if their numbers are called they'll find the confidence to take over the huddle and elevate the rest of their team.
With a visibly rattled QB running the show what posititve effect could that have on the 10 others out there. Receivers are less likely to run perfect routes knowing the QB doesn't trust himself enough to put a ball in an open window. Running backs are to anxious knowing that they have to pick up additional yards to keep drives going. Blockers worrying about picking up the extra man whose blitzing because they smell fear and he's already struggling. Nothing good comes of it. If it's a confidence issue you find someone who may struggle, but will not be afraid of the possibility they fail.
How someone could watch Iowa football as closely as you have Jon and not be critical of JVB is to say the least, mind boggling.

GD and KF are not the ones regularly making terrible throws, locking on single receivers, making poor reads and not allowing a play to progress by getting rid of the ball to quickly.

JVB deserves the critisim he is getting, he has not shown the ability make the passes that are required in this or any offensive system.

No Iowa doesn't have the best offensive athletes in the B10 but when have we in the past? You can't consistently leave yards and points on the field each and every week and not expect criticism.

At this point, Vandy is what he is. He busts his ***, and he's just not good enough. There's not much he can do about that.

What Jon is saying (and I fully agree), is that the heat is misdirected at this point. James can't really do much more at this point; he is what he is. But he's not the one who decides to put him under center. We can demand better of him, but I really don't think there's any more room for him. Sure, his play has been bad, so you might think he has all kinds of growth that can be made. And a dwarf has all kinds of room to hit 6'4".
How someone could watch Iowa football as closely as you have Jon and not be critical of JVB is to say the least, mind boggling.

GD and KF are not the ones regularly making terrible throws, locking on single receivers, making poor reads and not allowing a play to progress by getting rid of the ball to quickly.

JVB deserves the critisim he is getting, he has not shown the ability make the passes that are required in this or any offensive system.

No Iowa doesn't have the best offensive athletes in the B10 but when have we in the past? You can't consistently leave yards and points on the field each and every week and not expect criticism.

How can you get mad at a guy that is doing the best he can? You can't squeeze blood from a turnip....he is what he is. It would be different if he was sluffing off, yelling at coaches, yelling at teammates and being a complete jerk AND sucking. But what more can you ask from a guy with apparently extremely limited talent. It's not his fault he's in the game....it's the coaches fault. It's not his fault the backups all apparently suck....it's the coaches fault for not getting them prepared.
At this point, Vandy is what he is. He busts his ***, and he's just not good enough. There's not much he can do about that.

What Jon is saying (and I fully agree), is that the heat is misdirected at this point. James can't really do much more at this point; he is what he is. But he's not the one who decides to put him under center. We can demand better of him, but I really don't think there's any more room for him. Sure, his play has been bad, so you might think he has all kinds of growth that can be made. And a dwarf has all kinds of room to hit 6'4".

Got it.

So if I fail at my job it is ultimately my directors fault, I bear no responsibility or criticism?

Not saying the staff doesn't deserve some heat but the burden of responsibility on JVB's lack success is on one James Vandenberg.
Got it.

So if I fail at my job it is ultimately my directors fault, I bear no responsibility or criticism?

Not saying the staff doesn't deserve some heat but the burden of responsibility on JVB's lack success is on one James Vandenberg.

It's one thing to have the ability to do a job you were hired for and then failing vs. being hired for a job you have no talent or skills to perform and failing. The first instance is on you, the second is on the idiot that hired the guy.
Got it.

So if I fail at my job it is ultimately my directors fault, I bear no responsibility or criticism?

Not saying the staff doesn't deserve some heat but the burden of responsibility on JVB's lack success is on one James Vandenberg.

He's being put in a position he clearly can't succeed in. That's not his fault. I wouldn't tell Erkel to beat LeBron one on one.

Blame him for his own poor performance. That's fair. But people wanting to pin all of Iowa's failures on him should look higher up the food chain, at this point.
There enough blame for both sides on this. But to say JVB should not be criticized because A.) he tries really hard and just doesn't have the talent, B.) the coaches are playing him its not his fault; are both crap reasons for there not to be heat put on JVB.
There enough blame for both sides on this. But to say JVB should not be criticized because A.) he tries really hard and just doesn't have the talent, B.) the coaches are playing him its not his fault; are both crap reasons for there not to be heat put on JVB.

So let's say you have no ability in math. You get hired as an accountant and, of course, fail miserably...no matter how much training and time is put into your development. That's your fault? Hell no, it's the fault of the idiot that hired you and then put in all that time training you.
There enough blame for both sides on this. But to say JVB should not be criticized because A.) he tries really hard and just doesn't have the talent, B.) the coaches are playing him its not his fault; are both crap reasons for there not to be heat put on JVB.

I agree, if he sucks, he and the coaching staff should come out and admit it. The way they keep tickling our balls with these delusions of grandeur is 2nd degree blue-balling.
So let's say you have no ability in math. You get hired as an accountant and, of course, fail miserably...no matter how much training and time is put into your development. That's your fault? Hell no, it's the fault of the idiot that hired you and then put in all that time training you.

But the guy that got hired still sucks at accounting. That doesn't change.
But the guy that got hired still sucks at accounting. That doesn't change.

You're absolutely right. But there's a difference between sucking and being responsible for a situation that wasn't your fault.

Bottom line: JVB is a terrible college quarterback, but it's the coaches fault for putting him in that situation.
A wise man once told me that the true definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results. Kurt is insane.
But the guy that got hired still sucks at accounting. That doesn't change.

Absolutely. And he'd lose his job. But the failure ultimately falls on the shoulders of the guy who hired him.

Sarah Palin is nuts, and that's her fault. It's John McCain's fault for blowing up his campaign by making her his running mate.
So let's say you have no ability in math. You get hired as an accountant and, of course, fail miserably...no matter how much training and time is put into your development. That's your fault? Hell no, it's the fault of the idiot that hired you and then put in all that time training you.

If you have no ability in math, why would you apply for a job as an accountant?
Look JVB is a QB, its not like he was LT last year that was moved to QB this year. So your analogy of a guy with no math ability holds no water.
Look JVB is a QB, its not like he was LT last year that was moved to QB this year. So your analogy of a guy with no math ability holds no water.

He's really not all that different from last year, though. The system is different, but he wasn't particularly accurate last year, either. McNutt was able to bail him out a lot of the time, and No. 7 is long gone now. Vandy has never been able to handle a blitz, going all the way back to his freshman year. He's the same guy he ever was; he just fit better with what KOK asked of him than he does in GD's offense.