Heat Directed at JVB

So if you played and sucked, your excuse to your coach is: sorry coach you cant yell at me for sucking, you put me in its your fault?

No, that's not your response if you're the player in question. And that's not been Vandy's stance at any point. But if a player has done all they can do, and still can't get the job done, the blame then shifts onto those putting that player in a position to repeatedly fail.
No, that's not your response if you're the player in question. And that's not been Vandy's stance at any point. But if a player has done all they can do, and still can't get the job done, the blame then shifts onto those putting that player in a position to repeatedly fail.

I think most of the frustration is not because Vandy sucks. It is because he sucks when he should be so much better. He has shown things in the past that would lead people to believe he is a serviceable QB, yet he is out there getting happy feet, throwing bad balls, locking in on covered recievers, and missing wide open ones.

I think 99% of Vandy's problems are above the shoulder pads, so yeah, it is his fault.
Jon, you may be more stubborn than Kirk Ferentz. This is starting to look like your overheated support of JC. What you're saying, quite literally, is that Jake Rudock is the worst backup QB in D1.

LOL. Look, I am saying hypothetically, because quite honestly it's the only thing that makes ANY sort of sense to me. Nothing else does...and if it's not the hypothetical I am tossing out, then I really don't want to face that reality.
LOL. Look, I am saying hypothetically, because quite honestly it's the only thing that makes ANY sort of sense to me. Nothing else does...and if it's not the hypothetical I am tossing out, then I really don't want to face that reality.

You are not acting like it is a hypothetical defense. Whether JVB is the best we have, and none of us know that, including you, there is absolutely NO reason to not get your 2nd string QB game reps when you are down by 38 points. Rudock is one snap away from playing time and he should have gotten snaps Saturday night.
You are not acting like it is a hypothetical defense. Whether JVB is the best we have, and none of us know that, including you, there is absolutely NO reason to not get your 2nd string QB game reps when you are down by 38 points. Rudock is one snap away from playing time and he should have gotten snaps Saturday night.

Everyone one I have spoken with, including others in the media who have their own sources, says the same thing; Rudock isn't ready to play Big Ten football right now.

Then everyone is making the leap that he isn't going to be any good ever, which is silly.
Everyone one I have spoken with, including others in the media who have their own sources, says the same thing; Rudock isn't ready to play Big Ten football right now.

Then everyone is making the leap that he isn't going to be any good ever, which is silly.

Peyton Manning wasn't ready to play in the NFL his rookie year either, but he played and he got better. If Rudock sucks, then Sokol takes over next year and all is well. If he doesn't then maybe we have two solid QB's next year to battle it out. Either way is OK with me.
LOL. Look, I am saying hypothetically, because quite honestly it's the only thing that makes ANY sort of sense to me. Nothing else does...and if it's not the hypothetical I am tossing out, then I really don't want to face that reality.

"Jon, I'm Billso, I've been here since last night and what I see here is a bunch of people that love ya alot that feel like they're losin ya', and they wanna fight to get ya back. This is just them askin for you to join the fight"

Scorpio79: "Jon, your addiction to KF Kool-Aid has affected me in the following ways: You're not posting as much and I miss you. Hell, you haven't even banned me for like 2 weeks!! Do you know how much that hurts?!"

HomerHawkeye: "Jon, I haven't posted here in forever. I'll tell ya what though. I think the kool-aid tastes like heaven and rainbows and I think we should get an apartment together!!!!"

GhostofBig10: "Derp teh Weitman Kurt phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Billso: "Jon, will you accept this gift that we are offering you today?"

Jon: "if it's not the hypothetical I am tossing out, then I really don't want to face that reality....I'll go...I'll go"

Hawkeyenation erupts in applause and tears!

Fiiiiiiiiive steeeeeeeeeeps you're overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Everyone one I have spoken with, including others in the media who have their own sources, says the same thing; Rudock isn't ready to play Big Ten football right now.

Then everyone is making the leap that he isn't going to be any good ever, which is silly.

I am not making that leap. To be honest, JVB is not ready to play Big Ten football right now. I don't know what happened to him mentally or what, but he just is not very good right now. He is clearly missing wide open receivers down field. He has happy feet, and is making bad throws.

That being said, Saturday night was a perfect opportunity to get Rudock a few snaps in live game action. He could not have been worse then JVB was, and our back up needs to get reps when the opportunity presents itself.
I think most of the frustration is not because Vandy sucks. It is because he sucks when he should be so much better. He has shown things in the past that would lead people to believe he is a serviceable QB, yet he is out there getting happy feet, throwing bad balls, locking in on covered recievers, and missing wide open ones.

I think 99% of Vandy's problems are above the shoulder pads, so yeah, it is his fault.

Think a little more critically about the things he's shown in the past. Ohio State did NOTHING to pressure him, and while he did make a few good throws (the TD's to McNutt in particular), he made a lot of poor decisions. The same sort of decisions we see him making today. And he still makes a handful of good throws.

But he's NEVER handled the blitz well, not from Day One. He's just not capable of handling the pressure. And he's also never been particularly accurate, especially on the short/intermediate throws. He's shown flashes, but that's it. He's not been able to get consistent, and that's hardly from a lack of effort. The "it" factor just isn't there.

Even last year, we saw this. He had more success, IMO, for two reasons: 1. He had McNutt. 2. He's a much better fit in KOK's system, which relied more heavily on play-action. He's always struggled with short/intermediate throws and with making smart, quick decisions. This system places a premium on those.

So we're seeing the same player, just in a system that exacerbates his weaknesses rather than minimizing them.
I am 100% able to accept Rudock is not ready to play Big 10 football right now. I am having a very hard time accepting that Iowa currently doesn't have any QBs on the roster ready to play Big 10 football right now, which is apparently the case. I feel bad for JVB because it doesn't look like he is getting much coaching. Why does he still have this horribly awkward left lean when he throws the football - they can't coach that out of him? Why is he continuing to throw the ball way, way too hard? Is that not being stressed to him? I ask because JVB is obviously a smart, smart guy. If his coach is telling him to quit throwing the ball so hard than presumably he should be able to make that adjustment. Play calling wise, he's had success throwing the fade, and it looks like Iowa gets one on one coverage on the outside a lot of the time - why not let him keep throwing it? At this point, Iowa is still very much alive for a bowl game (which Sokol and Rudock both need practice time wise), and like it or not that goes through JVB. At this point, KF and Davis need to let go of doing what they want to do to win and start figuring out what they need to do to win. I think at this point they need to go with more max protection sets and start letting (ordering) JVB to go vertical/take chances with the deep passing game.
A caller on the Murph and Andy show just put it in to perspective for me. He said,

"It's not the coach. Ferentz CAN'T HELP JVB HIT THE OPEN RECEIVER."

Really? Because isn't that what a coach is supposed to do? It seems like we want JVB to overcome all of this adversity and give the coaching staff, and especially Ferentz, a free ride.
A caller on the Murph and Andy show just put it in to perspective for me. He said,

"It's not the coach. Ferentz CAN'T HELP JVB HIT THE OPEN RECEIVER."

Really? Because isn't that what a coach is supposed to do? It seems like we want JVB to overcome all of this adversity and give the coaching staff, and especially Ferentz, a free ride.

Huh? I must've missed the part where Kurt throws the ball for JVC. They can teach him mechanics, but they can't throw the ball for him. Fail.
A caller on the Murph and Andy show just put it in to perspective for me. He said,

"It's not the coach. Ferentz CAN'T HELP JVB HIT THE OPEN RECEIVER."

Really? Because isn't that what a coach is supposed to do? It seems like we want JVB to overcome all of this adversity and give the coaching staff, and especially Ferentz, a free ride.

Baseball game no outs bases loaded, coach tells us infield in and take it to home. I get a ground ball to short, clean snag but I miss my throw to the catcher as it sailed to the right.

I wish I knew then that I could have blamed that throw on my manager.
Baseball game no outs bases loaded, coach tells us infield in and take it to home. I get a ground ball to short, clean snag but I miss my throw to the catcher as it sailed to the right.

I wish I knew then that I could have blamed that throw on my manager.

Maybe your coach should have done a little extra work with you on your sketchy throwing motion that caused you to miss the throw.

Also, never bring a baseball to a football fight again. Baseball is a sport for woop woops.
Baseball game no outs bases loaded, coach tells us infield in and take it to home. I get a ground ball to short, clean snag but I miss my throw to the catcher as it sailed to the right.

I wish I knew then that I could have blamed that throw on my manager.

That depends. Are you Derek Jeter, or the fat kid who always gets picked last in P.E.? If it's the latter, that's on the manager.
Baseball game no outs bases loaded, coach tells us infield in and take it to home. I get a ground ball to short, clean snag but I miss my throw to the catcher as it sailed to the right.

I wish I knew then that I could have blamed that throw on my manager.

If you can't see the difference between a completely competent player that makes an error and a completely incompetent player who is constantly paraded out series after series long after it's become obvious that he doesn't possess the skills to do the job, then I can't help you son. The former is on the player, the latter is on the coach.
So if you played and sucked, your excuse to your coach is: sorry coach you cant yell at me for sucking, you put me in its your fault?

Dude, are you just tolling? Im having a very had time believing that youre this dense...I dont know how you cant grasp what we are saying. OR, you just have a hard on for JVB and hate him. A bad game or 2 is HIS fault, I am with you there. But every, single, game, the fault turns to someone higher up. At that point, if that person keeps putting him in there, when he fails every, single, time, then its THAT persons fault. I love JVB. I love that as far as we know, he has been a great, great hawkeye. A great representative of our program from the standpoint of hes a great person. He just doesnt have it as a QB, and I am OK with that as long as he gives his best every day, and kirk puts someone else in. Do you feel he should bench himself? Just answer THAT question.
I ain't even mad, bro. I'm just sad, frustrated and embarrassed. And no, isn't JVB's fault. I blame KF. Ruddock should've come into the game last night. Especially in the second half. I know KF doesn't want a QB controversy but he's got one whether he likes it or not.

But if he gives the back-up any reps, he won't have an entirely green signal caller next season, which might jeopardize his chances of finishing with 7 or fewer wins three years in a row. Can't do that.