Heat Directed at JVB

Still he has always been a QB. It is his fault that he is not producing, not all on the coaches. I agree that the coaches are also to blame in this, but JVB also deserves blame. This whole ah shucks JVB plays his hardest and just cant do it, does not hold water with me. He deserves blame just like the coaches.
From everything that I have heard he's not making excuses. He's owning up to his mistakes and isn't giving up like Jon said. Maybe he isn't playing well but he's not going to bench himself. The coaches have to make the call as to who plays and if they really think Vandenberg is the best option, then that's their call. The staff is the one who deserves the heat and not the QB. He didn't ask to have a bad season.
Still he has always been a QB. It is his fault that he is not producing, not all on the coaches. I agree that the coaches are also to blame in this, but JVB also deserves blame. This whole ah shucks JVB plays his hardest and just cant do it, does not hold water with me. He deserves blame just like the coaches.

Tell us, then. What more can he do to make himself better?
Tell us, then. What more can he do to make himself better?

Never said he would get better. The only thing i have been saying is that he DOES deserve blame for how bad this offense is. He may not get any better ever, but when you play bad, you get the blame. That is all i am saying.
Never said he would get better. The only thing i have been saying is that he DOES deserve blame for how bad this offense is. He may not get any better ever, but when you play bad, you get the blame. That is all i am saying.

If there's nothing he can do to get better, how is his performance still his fault? He's doing what he can with what he has. And he's got not control over what he has.
If there's nothing he can do to get better, how is his performance still his fault? He's doing what he can with what he has. And he's got not control over what he has.

What? So since he tries hard and is a good kid he deserves none of the blame? Ah Shucks we cant be critical of JVB because by goly he sure is trying very hard out there.
If there's nothing he can do to get better, how is his performance still his fault? He's doing what he can with what he has. And he's got not control over what he has.

When did JVB become special needs? Just because he tries hard doesn't mean we should all give him a metal!
What? So since he tries hard and is a good kid he deserves none of the blame? Ah Shucks we cant be critical of JVB because by goly he sure is trying very hard out there.

Placing more blame on a guy ill-suited for the task he's charged with than the guy who charged it to him is foolish.
Placing more blame on a guy ill-suited for the task he's charged with than the guy who charged it to him is foolish.

Im placing equal blame. You are the one placing no blame on JVB. He is not ill-suited as a QB. Thats the position he has played all his life. Once again he started as a QB last year, its not like he was the 3rd string LT last year. BOTH JVB and coaches are to blame for this.

Why does he need to be protected from blame?
Im placing equal blame. You are the one placing no blame on JVB. He is not ill-suited as a QB. Thats the position he has played all his life. Once again he started as a QB last year, its not like he was the 3rd string LT last year. BOTH JVB and coaches are to blame for this.

Why does he need to be protected from blame?

He deserves some blame. But I feel like the coaches deserve more of it for continuing to march him out there when he clearly can't get the job done.

Vandy is not well-suited to be a Division-I quarterback, certainly not in this system that puts a premium on the things he's always struggled with the most (quick, smart decisions; accuracy on short/intermediate routes).
He deserves some blame. But I feel like the coaches deserve more of it for continuing to march him out there when he clearly can't get the job done.

Vandy is not well-suited to be a Division-I quarterback, certainly not in this system that puts a premium on the things he's always struggled with the most (quick, smart decisions; accuracy on short/intermediate routes).

The only thing i have been saying in here is that JVB most certainly deserves blame. Why cant we single out the player when he plays bad. It most certainly is his fault when he throws passes straight at the defense, not the coaches.
The only thing i have been saying in here is that JVB most certainly deserves blame. Why cant we single out the player when he plays bad. It most certainly is his fault when he throws passes straight at the defense, not the coaches.

It's the coaches' fault for putting in a player who's incapable of executing. There's a lot of truth in a coach saying he can't expect more than a player's best. I'm not sure we aren't getting Vandy's best right now.
It's the coaches' fault for putting in a player who's incapable of executing. There's a lot of truth in a coach saying he can't expect more than a player's best. I'm not sure we aren't getting Vandy's best right now.

I think we are going in circles here. I have said all along that JVB deserves blame when he plays bad. I am going to leave it that. Have a good afternoon.
I think we are going in circles here. I have said all along that JVB deserves blame when he plays bad. I am going to leave it that. Have a good afternoon.

In most situations, I tend to hold leadership more accountable than I do the "staff". As Mr. Myagi once said, "No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher." I am going to leave it at that.
Through 7 games you can blame JVB, clearly he doesnt have the tools needed. Anything AFTER this is the coaches fault for not putting someone else in. WTF are you expecting him to do? refused to fricken play? WHen I played high school ball I was 5'11" and 235lbs. I was a D lineman. I sucked. If the coaches played me, knowing I sucked, whos fault is that? Mine? Sure as hell isnt. The only difference is the level of play. Same basic concept.
Illinois: Scheelhaase, O'Toole
Indiana: Coffman/Sudfield/Roberson (all have at least 50 attempts and ratings of 124.9 or better)
Minnesota: Gray/Shortell
Ohio State: Miller/Guiton
Northwestern: Colter/Siemian
Purdue: TerBush/Marve
Wisconsin: Stave/O'Brien (Biels pulled the trigger on Stave a while back, and have played well since)

Penn State, Michigan, Nebraska and Michigan State have all used their starters almost exclusively. Ohio State would also be on this list if Miller hadn't gotten hurt.

BUT, Guiton demonstrated he's capable with his performance yesterday. The other backups may be capable, too. But they haven't really been needed.

Iowa is the ONLY Big Ten team whose backup QB has logged ZERO PT this year.

It's far worse than that:

Of the 124 football teams in FBS Iowa is the ONLY team that has played 1 quarterback thru 8 wks of the season.
source: NCAA Public Home Page - NCAA.org Retweeted by marcmorehouse

Yet JDM is doubling down on his tweets right now:

Jon Miller ‏@HawkeyeNation
There are probably several schools of thought on this, but do you want to throw a RS frosh QB who isn't ready to play, into action?
Jon Miller ‏@HawkeyeNation
Folks, Rudock isn't ready to play right now. That and they dot want to burn Sokol's shirt. That's just the reality right now.

Jon, you may be more stubborn than Kirk Ferentz. This is starting to look like your overheated support of JC. What you're saying, quite literally, is that Jake Rudock is the worst backup QB in D1.
Even if he is terrible, Isn't the whole point that you get game reps to a guy in a blowout? How is this hard to understand. He isn't ready isn't an excuse if you pass on the time you have to get him ready because he isn't ready. doesn't make sense.
Through 7 games you can blame JVB, clearly he doesnt have the tools needed. Anything AFTER this is the coaches fault for not putting someone else in. WTF are you expecting him to do? refused to fricken play? WHen I played high school ball I was 5'11" and 235lbs. I was a D lineman. I sucked. If the coaches played me, knowing I sucked, whos fault is that? Mine? Sure as hell isnt. The only difference is the level of play. Same basic concept.

So if you played and sucked, your excuse to your coach is: sorry coach you cant yell at me for sucking, you put me in its your fault?