Hawks Minny Game Day Thread (official)

What ever happens.... let a team with very little chance to beat us think they can play with us...... recipe for disaster.
The Hawks are gonna lose this one. The playcalling is horrible and our defense is flat-out terrible.

Once again Kirk is being outcoached and a bottom feeder is being allowed to hang around.

Fire the players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vint I live here in Ioway. This ain't a rivalry game. The flippin stadium is 1/2 empty and it would be 14 -0 if we ran only running plays. Our offensive scheme is way way off right now. If we decided to never pass again in this game we would win by 30.

Every drive that has stalled was because we only got 3 or 4 yards rushing on downs 1 and 2. Just to be clear - you would run on 3rd and 7??

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