Hawkeyes Top Cyclones on the Mat

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I don't post a lot but I do come hear to catch up on news from Pin, WildTurkey, & CR. I understand the frustration, but I hope you guys can all see that there are a large portion of the audience that really enjoy your insight and knowledge and would hate to see u leave. In the long run wrestling itself will loose not because of someone not caring to put a story on front page, but because you guys are not hear sharing what u know and your insights. So if u feel you need to go then so be it, at least throw a post up as to where you are going so I know where to go to get Iowa wrestling info.

I here u but don't loose sleep he'll be back hear.
Saddest part n all of this "drama", we should be talking about the fact that we dominated Isu again, we have a stud at 25 that is going to be a handful for anyone he wrestles, hopfully Telford gets back soon and som of our under performers pick up the pace and we make a hard charge at the big ten title and then a national title. I for one am looking forward to the 12th as it will be our first chance to see this team this year. So Go Hawks!
I don't get all the hubbub. The 4 people that seem interested in wrasslin have apparently found this thread
. For one, yes, we can do a better job of covering wrestling on this site. Just like I can do a better job of moderating this site. In each instance, I have a hard time of letting others 'represent me' or the brand name that I've been fortunate to build.

This is likely a character flaw, but I haven't been too comfortable turning over the keys to the car on the mod front, and when I've done that a couple times this last year, it hasn't worked out...in fact, it's been opposite of worked out.

I am appreciative to Tony for his passion and desire and wish him well.

As for me being a frontrunner wrestling fan, there may be truth to that. Or enough where I won't engage in the debate. I did listen to the meet streaming online as I was in the car for nine hours on Sunday and got home late and went straight to bed.
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Iowa vs ISU not worthy of a post on the main page?

Goodbye Hawkeyenation

Several of you posting about Pin's comment have no clue what he brought to this website. He was a rock here in a room full of mud. He and I had our differences but we shared a passion for Hawkeye wrestling. He has the same thoughts as I do on the current coverage of wrestling on this site. Many quality wrestling posters have left here for good reason over the last several years. Miller was always a pumpkin pushing fan first and that's fine. Unless the Hawks are winning a national championship he doesn't care. Until the coverage changes I am in the same boat as Pin.

Wow, are you guys really that childish over this because it didn't appear on the front page? I appreciated what Pin provided but at the same time most of the stuff he posted I could also get here:

InterMat Wrestling

Or here:

USA Wrestling - Features, Events, Results | Team USA

or here:

The Predicament- Your Ulitmate source in Iowa Wrestling

I think you get the point. He didn't post any "insider" info into Iowa or anything else that you couldn't get off another site.
. For one, yes, we can do a better job of covering wrestling on this site. Just like I can do a better job of moderating this site. In each instance, I have a hard time of letting others 'represent me' or the brand name that I've been fortunate to build.

This is likely a character flaw, but I haven't been too comfortable turning over the keys to the car on the mod front, and when I've done that a couple times this last year, it hasn't worked out...in fact, it's been opposite of worked out.

I am appreciative to Tony for his passion and desire and wish him well.

As for me being a frontrunner wrestling fan, there may be truth to that. Or enough where I won't engage in the debate. I did listen to the meet streaming online as I was in the car for nine hours on Sunday and got home late and went straight to bed.

..... or maybe nobody cares about wrestling, which you know perfectly well.
I'm not going anywhere just like messing with the guys over at the wasteland. I am writing for another site that shares the same obvious passion I have for this sport. Just gave up on the fact it wasn't going to be this one. Most of my time will be spent over there but I will come around here from time to time.
I'm not going anywhere just like messing with the guys over at the wasteland. I am writing for another site that shares the same obvious passion I have for this sport. Just gave up on the fact it wasn't going to be this one. Most of my time will be spent over there but I will come around here from time to time.

If you want to intentionally attempt to troll others, please do so in a different medium and on someone else's bandwidth. I'm not interested in that. This would be a significant factor as to why things are where they are specific to those involved. I struggle turning over some reigns. I especially struggling doing that with someone engaging in drama on a regular basis. I have zero interest in that.
If you want to intentionally attempt to troll others, please do so in a different medium and on someone else's bandwidth. I'm not interested in that. This would be a significant factor as to why things are where they are specific to those involved. I struggle turning over some reigns. I especially struggling doing that with someone engaging in drama on a regular basis. I have zero interest in that.

Good grief, get off your high horse. He did nothing wrong.
Good grief, get off your high horse. He did nothing wrong.

Careful there, pal. Posting material on a message board just to get a rise out of others when you don't really mean what you said is by definition trolling. Trolling is not allowed on this message board, as many posters have learned the hard way. A number of posters were banned when they created a secret group with a mission of trolling others anonymously. It's not a line Tony should have crossed.
I'm not going anywhere just like messing with the guys over at the wasteland. I am writing for another site that shares the same obvious passion I have for this sport. Just gave up on the fact it wasn't going to be this one. Most of my time will be spent over there but I will come around here from time to time.

I knew it was too good to be true. Why keep coming back somewhere that you are not wanted?
so wait. Pin gets in trouble for his "trolling post" when there are tons of people in this exact thread taking shots at Pin? makes a lot of sense.

listen Jon, either just ban everyone or let someone like Freak be mod to lighten your load.
"IPA" suggests a strong interest in beer. Is Storminspank still here? If so, perhaps this is one of his alts.

spank is here forever. why would he have an alt? there have been a few "new" posters lately that just have a ton of posts right out of the gate. i'm just suspicious, that's all.

also, i really respect Pin's knowledge of wrestling, and it annoys me how Vintage and Ghosts followers still pile on him so much. good grief folks, let it go already.
I used to use this forum to catch up with the wrestling news. Spent many night either following the action on these message board or trying to update the action myself. There are several posters in this forum that have great passion for Iowa wrestling. Hope that they will continue to stay on. As for match by match update, I have found a few Twitter accounts that update the action in nearly a play by play.
spank is here forever. why would he have an alt? there have been a few "new" posters lately that just have a ton of posts right out of the gate. i'm just suspicious, that's all.

also, i really respect Pin's knowledge of wrestling, and it annoys me how Vintage and Ghosts followers still pile on him so much. good grief folks, let it go already.

Pin certainly has exhibited a deep knowledge of and interest in the sport of sweaty young men throwing each other to the floor and trying to put the opponent in a submissive position, an expertise appreciated by some posters on HN. So why make an empty threat to leave when Iowa wrestling isn't featured prominently on the site's front page? Seems rather immature. Jon was correct to call it out as trolling.
Pin certainly has exhibited a deep knowledge of and interest in the sport of sweaty young men throwing each other to the floor and trying to put the opponent in a submissive position, an expertise appreciated by some posters on HN. So why make an empty threat to leave when Iowa wrestling isn't featured prominently on the site's front page? Seems rather immature. Jon was correct to call it out as trolling.

such a brown-noser! :p

also, if you no likely the wrestling, why click on the thread?
If you want to intentionally attempt to troll others, please do so in a different medium and on someone else's bandwidth. I'm not interested in that. This would be a significant factor as to why things are where they are specific to those involved. I struggle turning over some reigns. I especially struggling doing that with someone engaging in drama on a regular basis. I have zero interest in that.

There's a number of posters on here who post simply to troll others, and get away with doing so on a daily basis. Just because Pin admitted to doing it in this thread means he deserves a lecture? At least he had the guts to admit he was just joking, and he doesn't carry on with it.

The guy clearly has a passion for wrestling. Something that is dwindling in the mainstream today. I think it's perfectly understandable why he would feel a little upset that HAWKEYENATION isn't doing a very good job covering a sport that has such an incredible reputation at the University of Iowa. Especially when he's been willing to provide the coverage in the past and it seems you must have taken that right away from him. If you aren't going to do it justice then maybe it would be worth considering allowing someone who clearly pays more attention to it, and has more passion for it than you do to provide the coverage... I've found that the best leaders recognize their weaknesses and delegate accordingly.

That's just my two cents. I have no intention of stirring up a debate, but I do feel like this is somewhat hoity-toity of you to be so callous towards someone who's only guilty of being passionate about the coverage of his favorite sport.
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