Hawkeyes (Mostly) Dismantle Iowa State

We've been bitchfesting win or lose, to our hearts' content ever since the days of Hayden and Mr. Davis...but it does feed itself...suddenly wins don't matter when we're PO'd, dropped passes and turnovers that could have had Iowa scoring in the 40's leads to comments of "boring offense" because there were only 27 points scored...etc etc.

Once this fanbase decides it hates a coach, nothing pleases us. This team could go 10-2 and play in another January bowl game (and yes, I know it won't) and we'd still complain about how it was done in spite of the coaching and pissin' and moanin' about how it means "X number of years more of this crap"...
Bullock looked much better today. The offensive line is building great confidence. The defense is coming along but we're pretty inexperienced on the line and the secondary and they didn't stay focused in the second half. Hopefully, it's a lesson learned. They got a lucky bounce on the onside kick and that's what you're hoping for on an onside. The second time they didn't. This was a good win no matter how you look at it.

We've been beaten by ISU when we had a top 10 team. On paper we should beat them every year. In a rivalry, you take the win no matter what the points are. Don't lose the fact that this was a terribly lopsided beating.
A win is a win. At the end of the year nobody cares about the score. This wasa BIG win for Iowa. Man, just enjoy this one folks. You can always second guess, etc. But we won on the road. We dominated the game (for the most part) and we come home with a 2-1 record.

Yes, we still have lots of room for improvement. And I predicted an ISU win. But we did it. A few hiccups toward the end but ... a win is a win. Enjoy the moment.
A win is a win. At the end of the year nobody cares about the score. This wasa BIG win for Iowa. Man, just enjoy this one folks. You can always second guess, etc. But we won on the road. We dominated the game (for the most part) and we come home with a 2-1 record.

Yes, we still have lots of room for improvement. And I predicted an ISU win. But we did it. A few hiccups toward the end but ... a win is a win. Enjoy the moment.

I am trying hard to enjoy the win. I really am. Then I think how bad ISU stinks this year and it makes it a bit of a challenge. On the plus side 2-1 is night and day better then 1-2.

However, as badly as Iowa physically overpowered ISU in the trenches, it is disturbing the Hawks only gained 378 yards of offense on 83 plays against a horrible defense.

The past 2 to 3 years the coaching staff and some fans have been saying, on a weekly basis, we have some areas to improve on. That line is way past old and stale. At least they cut down on penalties. But special teams, dropped passes and a lousy secondary are still there.

With that said, let's see how things go next Saturday.
2-1. Feel pretty good even if it hasn't been pretty getting there.

Like Jon said, it's always nice to beat Iowa State.
We've been bitchfesting win or lose, to our hearts' content ever since the days of Hayden and Mr. Davis...but it does feed itself...suddenly wins don't matter when we're PO'd, dropped passes and turnovers that could have had Iowa scoring in the 40's leads to comments of "boring offense" because there were only 27 points scored...etc etc.

Once this fanbase decides it hates a coach, nothing pleases us. This team could go 10-2 and play in another January bowl game (and yes, I know it won't) and we'd still complain about how it was done in spite of the coaching and pissin' and moanin' about how it means "X number of years more of this crap"...

what the hell are you doing bringing reason into this Shane-o?!?! well, how about this, **** you man! ;)
Yeah, we're delusional for being concerned that Kurt's teams can't close out football games, because his teams can't close out football games, as evidenced by season upon season of witnessing teams that can't close out football games.

That's just delusion. DELOOOOOSION!

They didn't close out the game? I thought Iowa won? That's not closing out?
I'll take a road victory anytime, anywhere, any day baby! The one question I would like to ask Kirk is why do we continue to use TEs receiving that type of onside kick...it has failed miserably two years in a row. CJ last year against CMU and now Hamilton against ISU. Why don't you have your best WR fielding that thing?
I won't touch the comment that the talent isn't there, but I love the fans that use the last 7 minutes to criticize the coaching staff, but then fail to acknowledge anything they did the first 53 minutes of the game. Much easier to ignore the positives and dwell on the negatives to get a point across. Can't critique a performance by giving any credit whatsoever to what went well for fear it ruins their argument. I've yet to read a post from yesterday or previous games in which they actually praised KF and staff for the first 53 minutes and then criticized for the way the final few minutes played out.

I have yet to see a post that has said "we dominated" without being followed by a "(except when we didn't)". So did we dominate or not?
If that game was 30 seconds longer, Iowa loses.

Serious man, enough with your relentless garbage. The repetitive negative posting from you and a few others is going to invoke the banhammer soon. That might irritate the other 10 or 12 negative nancies on here and if that causes them to go elsewhere too, we'll all be fine.

Criticism is allowed..but the relentless onslaught and over the top BS stops.
The Hawks can run the ball, and they can stop the run. Not to simple things down too much, but that's enough to win 4 more games right there. And if they manage to win the turnover battle and add a few special teams plays?...Iowa can get to 7 or 8 wins, as the B1G is obviously not rock-solid.
I am still thinking 6-6 with these guys. And that's going to be tough. Minnesota and Purdue are possible. Even probable. Michigan State is going to be tough with their defense. Northwestern, Ohio State and Wisconsin would be huge upsets. Nebraska and Michigan are going to be very tough.
Hawkeyes (Mostly) Dismantle ISUHawkeye Nation

Whew....that one is out of the way....Also, I think Iowa State may struggle to win one game.

I may be getting ahead of myself a little but I think we'll be 4-1 when facing a beatable but relatively tough opponent in MSU at Kinnick. We'll need three wins in conference to be bowl eligible and I think besides Minnesota we have a good chance to beat Purdue and upset a team in Kinnick. Everyone on the schedule could beat us and we could probably beat any of them with OSU and UM we'd really need a mix of them playing really below par and we playing at our best. But, not seeing a great Big Ten team. UM's lines look mediocre to questionable, Northwestern has some star players on defense but also some real holes, UW has a struggling QB, great backs and a solid but unspectacular defense. MSU has a very good defense but is struggling at a number of areas on offense. Even OSU, which has a great offense, doesn't look typically strong on defense. Nebraska defensively looks terrible. So, a little bit much to expect to go .500 in conference but 3-5 seems very attainable. Maybe, .500 with some good bounces.
I am trying hard to enjoy the win. I really am. Then I think how bad ISU stinks this year and it makes it a bit of a challenge. On the plus side 2-1 is night and day better then 1-2.

However, as badly as Iowa physically overpowered ISU in the trenches, it is disturbing the Hawks only gained 378 yards of offense on 83 plays against a horrible defense.

The past 2 to 3 years the coaching staff and some fans have been saying, on a weekly basis, we have some areas to improve on. That line is way past old and stale. At least they cut down on penalties. But special teams, dropped passes and a lousy secondary are still there.

You can think how bad ISU is all you want. The fact remains that this game means the world to ISU and their fans. I work in an office that is almost entirely ISU fans.
They were extremely confident they would win this game and they were stoked. ISU plays up that game to a fever pitch. Iowa went into that little rat's nest and won, decisively, with a pretty average team. Much better Iowa teams than this one have gone in there in the last 15 years and lost to crappy ISU team. This was a good win and a season changer. Enjoy the win.. I know I will. Only problem is, the rest of my office will act like this game never happened. There will be no discussion of the game, whatsoever.

With that said, let's see how things go next Saturday.
Serious man, enough with your relentless garbage. The repetitive negative posting from you and a few others is going to invoke the banhammer soon. That might irritate the other 10 or 12 negative nancies on here and if that causes them to go elsewhere too, we'll all be fine.

Criticism is allowed..but the relentless onslaught and over the top BS stops.
You should pay more attention to your own website. Ban away if it makes you feel better, but I have been one of the most optimistic people around up until that crap show on Sat. As your buddy would say, don't **** on me and tell me it's raining. The lickliter era of Iowa football is here, and you now have your MSU signature win.
You should pay more attention to your own website. Ban away if it makes you feel better, but I have been one of the most optimistic people around up until that crap show on Sat. As your buddy would say, don't **** on me and tell me it's raining. The lickliter era of Iowa football is here, and you now have your MSU signature win.

In just this one thread, I've seen enough to know it's gonna be a long fall. If you don't like it, that's fine you can offer your thoughts...but post after post after post, including some stuff that I just don;t think you even believe, it's tiresome
You should pay more attention to your own website. Ban away if it makes you feel better, but I have been one of the most optimistic people around up until that crap show on Sat. As your buddy would say, don't **** on me and tell me it's raining. The lickliter era of Iowa football is here, and you now have your MSU signature win.

Did you really think Saturday was that bad? Or did 5 min. of the game pizz you off? I'm just wondering, because when you look at it, Iowa dominated 50-55 min. of that game. Heck ask any Clone fan out there, we demoralized that fan base with what we did to them.
Hawkeyes (Mostly) Dismantle ISUHawkeye Nation

Whew....that one is out of the way....Also, I think Iowa State may struggle to win one game.

Pleased as hell with the win. Question for you and others.

Why did Iowa not go for two after the last touchdown?
28-7 would have looked a lot better than 27-7. Had we not gotten the two points, 26-7 was no different than 27-7 as far as what ISU still needed to win the game.

I understood kicking after the previous score, but with only 7 minutes left, Iowa should have went for two. Had ISU recovered the last onside kick, they would have won the game with a touchdown.

Serious man, enough with your relentless garbage. The repetitive negative posting from you and a few others is going to invoke the banhammer soon. That might irritate the other 10 or 12 negative nancies on here and if that causes them to go elsewhere too, we'll all be fine.

Criticism is allowed..but the relentless onslaught and over the top BS stops.

I hope it does not come to this, I enjoy reading opinions that I do not agree with both positive and negative as long as they are telling us why they feel that way. Just making negative comments just to be a jerk does get tiring. But theboat made a comment that a lot of us were feeling towards the end of the game. Everything that could go wrong in the last 7 minutes did with the exception of the interception and the 2nd onside kick. The momentum was snowballing towards Iowa State and I was relieved when the clock showed 00:00 because I also felt if the game had lasted any longer Iowa State could have won the game. This game had the feel of last years Central Michigan game.

What I personally don't enjoy is the name calling and "put down" type of comments that add nothing to the discussion/debate. Those are the ones I wish you would crack down on. Most of us are Hawkeye fans here and when I see other "Hawk fans" that seem to do nothing but look to bash others it irritates the heck out of me. Some people need to learn it is ok to disagree with a fellow Hawk fan but do it without calling them names. If we all agreed with everything then this place would be boring.