Hawkeyes find off-court foes they didn't expect

Great job of keeping the story on the front page, instead of letting it die. Well done, becasue, you know, it's a story so the media gets a pass and gets to comment on it; therefore, keeping the story on the front page. Yep, this article showed great judgement and timing. Putz.
Anyone else not able to get the link to work

It was really a recap of what happened, the list of Hawkeye who's who, and that they are dumb founded at what some ******* fans did. My point is that if ol' mr. Hlas really cared more about the torment McCabe is going through over this; moreso than writing an article about it and fanning the flames, he wouldn't have written the article. By writing the article; therefor, fanning the flames and keeping the topic on the "front page" Hlas is adding to the hurt McCabe may still be feeling.
Great job of keeping the story on the front page, instead of letting it die. Well done, becasue, you know, it's a story so the media gets a pass and gets to comment on it; therefore, keeping the story on the front page. Yep, this article showed great judgement and timing. Putz.
Why should the morons who attack kids on Twitter be let off the hook by "letting it die"? The level of stupid is not gonna go away. Face it a lot people who post here were probably the putzes who feel the need to say every thought they have.
Why should the morons who attack kids on Twitter be let off the hook by "letting it die"? The level of stupid is not gonna go away. Face it a lot people who post here were probably the putzes who feel the need to say every thought they have.

If you can identify those morons, please do and then we can talk about some public humiliation for them. Until they are identified, the only person living this thing is Zach McCabe. And it was wrong to write an article in a newspaper keeping the subject in the limelight.
Thanks for the link, Spliff. Good to see former Hawk athletes supporting Zach. Greg Brunner was one of my favorite players and he really wrote an excellent reply to the supreme nastiness toward a hard-working Hawk who gives his best for the team. Brunner is entirely correct and I was surprised how well he related to the situation.....

I remember one time Greg was going through perhaps a three game slump, and it was only a matter of time before he broke out of it. Finally he drove in from the right side to the basket with a Monster Dunk and Carver erupted with cheers as did I and every other real Hawk fan. Surprisingly good reply by Greg and he is spot on.....

It is not only online in forums and social online media that people are so nasty, negative and critical of the Hawkeyes. I have Hawkeye alum friends who watch every football and basketball game and when we lose, some of them say things like: We stink. I attempt to explain things to them but their reaction is always the same. It is irritating to the degree that I don't watch the games with some friends whom I have done so for years.....

Now I watch the games with my son and daughter who love the Hawks and scream at the screen when they think we are getting the shaft. My daughter was at the Mall of America doing early Christmas shopping the Friday before a Hawkeye football game in Minny. She saw a Hawk couple wearing Iowa gear, went up to them and started singing a popular song called Black and Gold. They laughed and enjoyed the situation.....

People should pay attention to what former Hawkeye players are saying. They really know how destructive some people can be....

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Thanks for the link, Spliff. Good to see former Hawk athletes supporting Zach. Greg Brunner was one of my favorite players and he really wrote an excellent reply to the supreme nastiness toward a hard-working Hawk who give his best for the team. Brunner is entirely correct and I was surprised how well he related to the situation.....

I remember one time Greg was going through oerhaps a three game slump, and it was only a matter of time before he broke out of it. Finally he drove in from the right side to the basket with a Monster Dunk and Carver erupted with cheers as did i and every other real Hawk fan. Surprisingly good reply by Greg and he is spot on.....

It is not only online in forums and social online media that people are so nasty, negative and critical of the Hawkeyes. They watch every football and basketball game and when we lose, some of them say things like: We stink. I attempt to explain things to them but their reaction is always the same. It is irritating to the degree that I don't watch the games with some friends whom I have done so for years.....

Now I watch the games with my son and daughter who love the Hawks and scream at the screen when they think we are getting the shaft. My daughter was at the Mall of America doing early Christmas shopping the Friday before a Hawkeye football game in Minny. She saw a Hawk couple wearing Iowa gear, went up to them and started singing a popular song called Black and Gold. They laughed and enjoyed the situation.....

People should pay attention to what former Hawkeye players are saying. They really know how destructive some people can be....


Of course you are correct and you stated it well.
Great job of keeping the story on the front page, instead of letting it die. Well done, becasue, you know, it's a story so the media gets a pass and gets to comment on it; therefore, keeping the story on the front page. Yep, this article showed great judgement and timing. Putz.
Let it die? What the *** are you thinking? I hope this stays current until the idiots who piled on McCabe leave in shame. But that will never happen, internet tough guys have no shame.
Let it die? What the *** are you thinking? I hope this stays current until the idiots who piled on McCabe leave in shame. But that will never happen, internet tough guys have no shame.

Right, so Zach can continue to hear about this for ever and ever and ever. Come on, the jackasses that ripped him aren't going to "learn their lesson" or be "duly chastised" and become sorry for what they did. They're effing idiots and they will more than likely always be idiots. The only person living this stupid nightmare in the public's eye is Zach. Think about it.
Why should the morons who attack kids on Twitter be let off the hook by "letting it die"? The level of stupid is not gonna go away. Face it a lot people who post here were probably the putzes who feel the need to say every thought they have.

Don't call them morons. If you've seen the screen grab of the comments, it's pretty clear they are younger than McCabe. How dare you say something mean on the internet. Just awful, stop the presses- no, stop the entire world from spinning. Big time news, people say mean things online. I mean, I have a buddy about a year older than McCabe serving in Afghanistan right now, but McCabe is just a cute little kid that needs to be coddled.
Don't call them morons. If you've seen the screen grab of the comments, it's pretty clear they are younger than McCabe. How dare you say something mean on the internet. Just awful, stop the presses- no, stop the entire world from spinning. Big time news, people say mean things online. I mean, I have a buddy about a year older than McCabe serving in Afghanistan right now, but McCabe is just a cute little kid that needs to be coddled.
I knew someone would bring in military service. This is more of a go to than the poor college kid bit you tried.

You don't want to be called a moron because everyone does it. You are still a moron. The fact that you tweet anything to an athlete tells you you are a moron (unless you are family or friends, not a guy who sits next to them in a class).
I knew someone would bring in military service. This is more of a go to than the poor college kid bit you tried.

You don't want to be called a moron because everyone does it. You are still a moron. The fact that you tweet anything to an athlete tells you you are a moron (unless you are family or friends, not a guy who sits next to them in a class).

Hey twit, I've never contacted a player via twitter, email, facebook, telephone, in person, or mail. But those that did, were kids. How dare you!

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