Hawkeyes find off-court foes they didn't expect

Can you imagine what would happen if Zach were to retaliate toward a fan at a game if he were called "a piece of crap" to his face? Glad that will never happen....
Can you imagine what would happen if Zach were to retaliate toward a fan at a game if he were called "a piece of crap" to his face? Glad that will never happen....

Here's a real man's comment about Zach McCabe:

“You have to appreciate what a guy brings to the table every day.â€￾ “He comes with it. He gives me everything he’s got every day with tremendous attitude and support of all of his teammates. You’re not going to bad mouth him, not in front of me.â€￾

.....Fran McCaffery, Feburary 19, 2014

I love how McCaffery has the back of all his players.
I think its messed up that people actually tweet crap directly ti him, but as far as crap being posted on a message board, I don't think its that big a deal.

Pretty much everyone in the spotlight gets ridiculed by someone. Whether its sports figures, musicians, or actors. Zack actually has it pretty mild compared to most. No one is attacking his character. They are attacking his ability to play basketball at an elite level. When people say he sucks, they mean he sucks compared to really good players.

Justin Beiber gets attacked for everything he does. From his music to his actions. He is younger than college players (i think) but no one thinks anything's wrong with him getting torn apart in the media.

All that said I watch what I post on here (mostly to abide by Jon's rules) and I would never tweet at a player.
Is this really news? Any idiot can get access to the internet and social media. And many do.

It's interesting that in this age of instant access and information overload... people are largely incapable when it come to how to filter, manage and most importantly...ignore it. Why in the hell would you pay attention to some 14 yr old d-bag, unemployed nobody, or other socially ******** head cases with a laptop?

We live in the age of increasing quantity...and diminished quality. Sadly, we are creeping closer and closer to the America lampooned in the movie "Idiocracy".

EDIT: did the mods really auto block the term re --tard--ed? It's not a slur. It's a legitimate descriptor. How ironic, in light of the topic at hand.
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Is this really news? Any idiot can get access to the internet and social media. And many do.

It's interesting that in this age of instant access and information overload... people are largely incapable when it come to how to filter, manage and most importantly...ignore it. Why in the hell would you pay attention to some 14 yr old d-bag, unemployed nobody, or other socially ******** head cases with a laptop?

We live in the age of increasing quantity...and diminished quality. Sadly, we are creeping closer and clo to the America lampooned in the movie "Idiocracy".

EDIT: did the mods really auto block the term re --tard--ed? It's not a slur. It's a legitimate descriptor. How ironic, in light of the topic at hand.

That is considered offensive because it is the word that was invented to describe people with severe mental issues. They came up with a new term to describe them that isn't as offensive. Not for about 10 more years anyway. Then it too will become offensive and have to be filtered.
As far as the comments go... I agree with patmyne. Anything I post on a message board, facebook, or twitter account I would absolutely say to another person's face. Whether I'm having a discussion with Joe Schmo on a message board, or if I'm talking strategy, coaching decisions, or player performance. If you can get behind your keyboard and say something online then it should be something you would be willing to say in person. If not, then you are a coward. Plain and simple.

These message boards are a perfect example of fans in today's society. There is a select group of people who do nothing but COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN, and COMPLAIN. Most of them have absolutely no clue what the hell they are talking about, but all they need is a keyboard to make themselves heard. I've wasted plenty of time in the past arguing with individuals like this on here for no apparent reason. I've learned my lesson in that regard, but I still find it hard to resist because I just do not understand it. I can't fathom living my life that way. I can't fathom being a fan that way.

I absolutely can not fathom some blowhard sending derogatory comments to a collegiate athlete. It's one of the most pathetic things I've heard of from a fan perspective, and I'm embarrassed that Hawk fans in general get thrown into the same category as the select few individuals who are stupid enough to do something like that. I was embarrassed when I first heard about it, but reading Greg Brunner's comments really made it sink in. These are kids who have put in countless hours of work to wear that Hawkeye jersey. I guarantee you the majority of people taking potshots at them don't have 1/10 the work ethic these players do. For any fan to sit back and make personal insults at a kid who dreamed of playing at Iowa just makes me sick.
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I'm concerned about our teams attitude there. This potential "Us vs the fanbase" mentality that they seem to have just feels like what you'd hear as a team collapses. I hope it causes them to band together and they whoop some ***.

All will be forgotten by Sunday if Iowa comes back home with wins in Minneapolis and Bloomington this week.

I actually expect McCabe to get the loudest ovation now on Senior Day against Illinois.
Don't call them morons. If you've seen the screen grab of the comments, it's pretty clear they are younger than McCabe. How dare you say something mean on the internet. Just awful, stop the presses- no, stop the entire world from spinning. Big time news, people say mean things online. I mean, I have a buddy about a year older than McCabe serving in Afghanistan right now, but McCabe is just a cute little kid that needs to be coddled.
Coddled? You don't really see the failed comparison?
All will be forgotten by Sunday if Iowa comes back home with wins in Minneapolis and Bloomington this week.

I actually expect McCabe to get the loudest ovation now on Senior Day against Illinois.

That would actually be really cool.
I actually expect McCabe to get the loudest ovation now on Senior Day against Illinois.

There's no way that happens. I'm willing to bet McCabe made a lot of enemies with that ****, tweet, whatever it's called that he posted. Actually that ugly *** shot he threw up with the game on the line made him a lot more enemies I'm sure. And just his season as a whole.

Sometimes there's just a player that needs to go. If he proves me wrong then that's great. But I really doubt it. If he wants to win back fans, then he needs to come in and play well for 5-10 minutes per game... max.
There's no way that happens. I'm willing to bet McCabe made a lot of enemies with that ****, tweet, whatever it's called that he posted. Actually that ugly *** shot he threw up with the game on the line made him a lot more enemies I'm sure. And just his season as a whole.

Sometimes there's just a player that needs to go. If he proves me wrong then that's great. But I really doubt it. If he wants to win back fans, then he needs to come in and play well for 5-10 minutes per game... max.

But the fans who actually attend games and support the team financially probably werent the ones tweeting garbage at McCabe.
Tweetering is ********. I'm sorry. It's just as dumb or dumber than facebook. I'm sure many people who use twitter have a teenager mentality. And I'm sure those are the ones who were bad mouthing him.

But... I know most of my friends and my wife and people on facebook. And just a lot of people in general are tired of Zach McCabe. And it has to do with his play on the court.

Just because we aren't publicly twattering about it, doesn't mean we aren't thinking it.
There's no way that happens. I'm willing to bet McCabe made a lot of enemies with that ****, tweet, whatever it's called that he posted. Actually that ugly *** shot he threw up with the game on the line made him a lot more enemies I'm sure. And just his season as a whole.

Sometimes there's just a player that needs to go. If he proves me wrong then that's great. But I really doubt it. If he wants to win back fans, then he needs to come in and play well for 5-10 minutes per game... max.

I guarantee it will happen.
I'm glad McCabe's a Hawk. I look forward to watching him play the rest of this season. I will miss him when he's gone.
There's no way that happens. I'm willing to bet McCabe made a lot of enemies with that ****, tweet, whatever it's called that he posted. Actually that ugly *** shot he threw up with the game on the line made him a lot more enemies I'm sure. And just his season as a whole.

Sometimes there's just a player that needs to go. If he proves me wrong then that's great. But I really doubt it. If he wants to win back fans, then he needs to come in and play well for 5-10 minutes per game... max.

You make two errors in your post. One, you imply that McCabe was talking to the vast majority of Iowa fans; you could not be more wrong. Secondly, if you really believe that McCabe made "enemies" by missing a shot, you are in serious need of mental repair.
You make two errors in your post. One, you imply that McCabe was talking to the vast majority of Iowa fans; you could not be more wrong. Secondly, if you really believe that McCabe made "enemies" by missing a shot, you are in serious need of mental repair.

Almost every Iowa fan I know from die-hards to casuals has complained about McCabe's play all season long. With the exception of some early games against teams in the RPI 200's.

You guys that think he's some sort of beloved Hawkeye are the ones who are mentally delusional.

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