Hate mongering.

07-22-2012 03:39 PMhawkfan1319Quote:Originally Posted by CountryHawk5 i bet if it was ur kids it wouldnt be crap....grow up or buy a " we are ped state=" shirt...just like life is full of choices dont read the post=No I would take my millions of dollars and try to move on with my families lives. Also I would never randomly let my children shower alone at a campus. No one seems to ever bring that up.You think it's the parents fault then?
Nope just stating a fact that I would never let my young children randomly shower in the football facilities at the University.

it sure would be a shame if your kids got molested somewhere and you learned the hard way blaming parents isnt cool.
07-22-2012 03:39 PMhawkfan1319Quote:Originally Posted by CountryHawk5 i bet if it was ur kids it wouldnt be crap....grow up or buy a " we are ped state=" shirt...just like life is full of choices dont read the post=No I would take my millions of dollars and try to move on with my families lives. Also I would never randomly let my children shower alone at a campus. No one seems to ever bring that up.You think it's the parents fault then?
Nope just stating a fact that I would never let my young children randomly shower in the football facilities at the University.
it sure would be a shame if your kids got molested somewhere and you learned the hard way blaming parents isnt cool.

Nope just stating that I wouldn't let my kids be randomly on campus without my supervision.
HEY come on ,cool your tempers, it's understandable why we flared up the most during heat wave. Now gentlemen and ladies ,carry on...
Nope just stating that I wouldn't let my kids be randomly on campus without my supervision.

You don't know much about these kids, do you? Hint: where did they meet Sandusky, and why were they there?

And what does any of that have to do with what happened subsequently?
Randomly on campus? What does that even mean? The parents left their children with a person they trusted, that person used that trust and abused their children. Is there anyone you trust you would leave you children with? Because if there is, this exact same thing could happen to you if you have children. And if there isn't, so your plan is to spend 100% of your time with your children?
07-22-2012 04:16 PMimported_5446myno
Originally Posted by hawkfan1319
Nope just stating that I wouldn't let my kids be randomly on campus without my supervision.
You don't know much about these kids, do you? Hint: where did they meet Sandusky, and why were they there?

And what does any of that have to do with what happened subsequently?

Thank you. He is blind.
Oh lynch mob either burn the campus down, and lynch the whole staff , or move on with your lives.

I think that's what everyone has been working on for months. Joe was fired, Sandusky is in jail, the statue is gone, and tomorrow the NCAA is going to destroy the football team. Then the B1G is going to step in and put on the finishing touches. In the long run more members of the BOT are going to step down and they're going to end up changing the name of the library. The voice of the masses are making sure that this is swift and painful for all the whole "Penn State Family".

If you don't realize that you're as blind as you are stupid.
A couple of my friends were raped when they were younger.. The guy got some jail time but nothing big. There was no media attention and no millions for them. I think these families will do fine because I have seen it myself. move on.
They won't change name of library. From president of PSU statement:

On the other hand, the Paterno Library symbolizes the substantial and lasting contributions to the academic life and educational excellence that the Paterno family has made to Penn State University. The library remains a tribute to Joe and Sue Paterno's commitment to Penn State's student body and academic success, and it highlights the positive impacts Coach Paterno had on the University. Thus I feel strongly that the library's name should remain unchanged.
They won't change name of library. From president of PSU statement:

On the other hand, the Paterno Library symbolizes the substantial and lasting contributions to the academic life and educational excellence that the Paterno family has made to Penn State University. The library remains a tribute to Joe and Sue Paterno's commitment to Penn State's student body and academic success, and it highlights the positive impacts Coach Paterno had on the University. Thus I feel strongly that the library's name should remain unchanged.

They *think* they won't be changing the name of the library, but I'm not sure this is realistic. There's going to be a lot of external pressure coming down on their heads until Paterno's face/image/likeness/namesake/etc is purged from PSU culture (which is kinda hard to argue against).
Oh yes I'm just a terrible troll because I'm not going along with the flow of the sheep.

No, you're a troll because you're holding the parents of these kids responsible when the entire reason they were at Second Mile in the first place is because their parents were either out of the picture, at-risk, or otherwise screwed up. You're clueless.
The death penalty, literally, was handed down somewhere? I missed that. If you mean an old man dying of cancer as being 'death handed down', I'd disagree on that.

We are talking about one of the more evil cover ups in like...American history. A pedophile, a known pedophile, was allowed to escape justice in the late 1990's because at least four powerful men at Penn State felt like concealing his crimes. And then he kept on committing the same crimes and shattering lives forever.

Yeah, people are ****** off about that.

All of penn sts revenue for one or two years should go helping a serious problem in this country and around the world. These are sickening acts against gullible, young children and it is sickening. To think that these mature, well educated men helped cover this up is terrible.

They represented PSU so PSU must also pay.
All of penn sts revenue for one or two years should go helping a serious problem in this country and around the world. These are sickening acts against gullible, young children and it is sickening. To think that these mature, well educated men helped cover this up is terrible.

They represented PSU so PSU must also pay.

They are going to be fined between 30 and 60 million dollars, and the money will go towards a children's fund.
Oh yes I'm just a terrible troll because I'm not going along with the flow of the sheep.

Don't disagree with Team Legend if you do you are a troll.

Clearly, the majority of Team Legend posters didn't take a debate class in high school learning that it's OK for other opinions to be heard.

Just an FYI, you can argue without name calling.

Cheerio! and Good Day!

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