Has Ferentz lost Marc Morehouse?

Yeah, I never expect to hear about KF being caught with his secretary in a hot tub that he expected to get for free from a local merchant.

hahahaha thats hilarious. Alford was a grade A a hole. I can't believe a person can be that arrogant. To think he doesn't have to pay for things blows my mind as much as his thinking PP was a "good kid" worth going to bat for.... twice
Or for instance have kirk ferentz order a new lawn and garden tractor and then when billed for it ask "do you know who I am?"

or a haircut, or a new car, or just about anything else............

The invitation only garage sale was also a good one.
As frustrating and maddening as some of Ferentz's game day decisions can be, or his responses to those decisions, to compare him in any way to Alford is flat out wrong.
Ferentz is a decent, generous man. Alfraud was a greedy, self-promoting @$$hole. There is NO comparison.

Plus, Kirk isn't running cover for a rapist. That matters too.
or a haircut, or a new car, or just about anything else............

The invitation only garage sale was also a good one.

My sister was on the homecoming committe when Alfred was here. He wanted to charge the University 10 grand to speak at the ceremony following the parade.

Ferentz offered to do it pro bono. I doubt the idea of charging the U even crossed his mind.

The coordinators are stale. They gotta go. Kirk needs to hire some new blood and let them do their thing.
I think Marc sees the rift in the Iowa fan base and likened it to the Alford situation.

Maybe not as polarizing, but a bit in the same right.
I think Marc sees the rift in the Iowa fan base and likened it to the Alford situation.

Maybe not as polarizing, but a bit in the same right.

But that is not what he said. He said "KF has reached Alford-ness". Ferentz catches heat because he loses games he has no business losing but has also led Iowa football to its best decade in school history, while being an exemplary role model and leader for the Iowa City community and State of Iowa. Alford was a complete scumbag to people and also started the historic tailspin that the basketball program is hopefully finally coming out of. He single handedly alienated pretty much an entire fanbase by himself. That is polarizing.

And also, I would not call a small yet vocal minority a "rift" in the Iowa fan base. Im guessing 5-10% of the Iowa fanbase actually want Ferentz to be fired. It only seems like more because of how often it is talked about on here.
The coordinators are stale. They gotta go. Kirk needs to hire some new blood and let them do their thing.

In principle I agree. Certainly time for a change on the defensive side. Unless there's knock-your-block-off freshmen and sophomores on D that we haven't seen on the field, the talent level has fallen off considerably since Norm's involvement has been sharply curtailed by his illness.

Some people say KOK can coach a wide open and aggressive offense but is limited by Kirk's desire to play it safe. If true, take the reins off, let him call his offense. If he was responsible for getting Ruddock, CJFed, Coker, Canzeri, McNutt, Keenan Davis, Martin-Manley to Iowa City, he's an asset. If neither of those is the case (wide open offensive scheme, strong offensive recruiting), then cut him loose, bring someone in who can develop a better offense.

This staff appears to have gotten stale. Time to make the changes to renew the cycle.
I think Marc sees the rift in the Iowa fan base and likened it to the Alford situation.

Maybe not as polarizing, but a bit in the same right.

I don't think they are even comparable. As others have said KF is about as down to earth nice guys as they come, will bend over backward to help people out in with both his time and money. That said fans are a little upset that we continue to have the same issues on the field and I would say about 80-90% want something to change. I would guess way less than 1% would say he needs to be run out of town.

Alford on the other hand as others have pointed out was a smug, fed with the silver spoon *****, that felt everybody in town owed him something because he was Iowa's BBall coach. He rubbed a great majority of the fan base the wrong way and that was from Day 1 and that isn't even bringing up his lackluster performance on the court where it was always someone else's fault and never hesitated to throw one of his players under the bus. I would guess 80%+ of the fan base wanted him out of town as soon as possible.

Sorry KF and Alford shouldn't be in the same sentence when it comes to who they are as a people or for their record as a coach.

And I think Morehouse does a great job just don't agree with this tweet.
I would argue that so much of the passion and debate about KF is because everyone loves him as a person and wants him to succeed.[/QUOTE]

True. But what was once perceived as "quiet confidence" or strength with Ferentz... is beginning to look more and more like stubbornness and arrogance. Thus, the Alford comparison...and it has some validity.

That's a slippery slope that will only get worse unless KFz owns up to his shortcomings, instead of his aloof responses to legitimate questions.
I would argue that so much of the passion and debate about KF is because everyone loves him as a person and wants him to succeed.[/QUOTE]
Much like a parent rips on their kid for doing something dangerous.

It scares you, concerns you BECAUSE you care about the person or situation.
IMO there is no doubt that KF fits Iowa very well and I'd love to see him be there for 20 more years and have great success. But he can't and shouldn't get a free pass on progressing, improving and continually changing to be the best he and Iowa FB can be.
IMO he has NOT done this. For whatever reason,and I don't care what it is, he has not and well even the most important people can and will be replaced if you can't listen when people speak. No one is perfect and its not like the ideas are ones that have never done before.
And I don't want him to do what any particular person tells him to do I want him to open his mind to change and come up with what he's comfortable with and try to progress.
IMO he has started the writing of his ticket out of Iowa City. But with very little effort (work wise) he can change that before the end of this season. Its all on him and coming to grips with the idea he is wrong about some things and needs to reflect and act accordingly.
Maybe Marc should get out and talk to a good representation of the fanbase. If he's getting that opinion from this board, rivals and others, he should know better. Everyone vents. Everyone then settles down and realizes we have a great thing in Ferentz.

Anyone who compares him to Alford never lived through his years here. No one liked him. He wasn't a stand up guy. He didn't train his athletes to be better men. He didn't care a whole lot about fans. He wasn't an "Iowa guy" by any stretch.
I think Marc sees the rift in the Iowa fan base and likened it to the Alford situation.

Maybe not as polarizing, but a bit in the same right.

I dont see this at all. The only people who find KF Polarizing are expressing it anonymously on message boards, call in shows, etc. I have yet to talk to someone in my normal course of life that want KF gone...people are concerned but this is no way comparable to Alford.

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