Have the organizations officials made any comment?

Have they made any changes?

Did they have rules in place about coaches sleeping in the same bed as players?

Did officials monitor things?

440 known victims and no one knew anything?

No charges against leaders?
Have the organizations officials made any comment?

Have they made any changes?

Did they have rules in place about coaches sleeping in the same bed as players?

Did officials monitor things?

440 known victims and no one knew anything?

No charges against leaders?

Cook said the rules prohibiting coaches and athletes to sleep in the same room were not enforced. The civil suit could take more than a year to go through the court system, but Cook said Thursday's prison sentencing is significant because it shows how seriously a federal judge took the case.

Stephen lived in Monticello, where his former brother-in-law found a recording device in the home containing video of boys showering in a hotel.

Cook said the rules prohibiting coaches and athletes to sleep in the same room were not enforced. The civil suit could take more than a year to go through the court system, but Cook said Thursday's prison sentencing is significant because it shows how seriously a federal judge took the case.

Stephen lived in Monticello, where his former brother-in-law found a recording device in the home containing video of boys showering in a hotel.
That BIL should eat and drink for free in the state of Iowa for the remainder of his life and never pay another dime in property taxes.

We all know that being a good person is expected and shouldn’t have to be rewarded, but we don’t live in a perfect world. There are unfortunately plenty of folks out there who would sweep that shit under the rug to keep from causing waves in their marriage or a million other stupid reasons.
That BIL should eat and drink for free in the state of Iowa for the remainder of his life and never pay another dime in property taxes.

We all know that being a good person is expected and shouldn’t have to be rewarded, but we don’t live in a perfect world. There are unfortunately plenty of folks out there who would sweep that shit under the rug to keep from causing waves in their marriage or a million other stupid reasons.
I think it was a former, not current, brother in law and that he had an axe to grind. I could be wrong about the second point but if it's true it's interesting why Greg allowed access to his residence in the first place.

I thought the BIL was contracted to do some electrician work and it's not out of the realm of possibility that Stephen forgot about the recording device in the bathroom or didn't think the brother in law would find it. A careless move either way.

Monticello is less than an hour from my hometown. My son has both played in that gym and tried out for a Stephen coached barnstormer team in it. Scary that something like this could happen so close to home, but proof that it can definitely happen anywhere.
I think it was a former, not current, brother in law and that he had an axe to grind. I could be wrong about the second point but if it's true it's interesting why Greg allowed access to his residence in the first place.

I thought the BIL was contracted to do some electrician work and it's not out of the realm of possibility that Stephen forgot about the recording device in the bathroom or didn't think the brother in law would find it. A careless move either way.

Monticello is less than an hour from my hometown. My son has both played in that gym and tried out for a Stephen coached barnstormer team in it. Scary that something like this could happen so close to home, but proof that it can definitely happen anywhere.
Plenty of exes and family get along after a split. A couple times a month on average I babysit my son’s 4 year old brother from his mom and her husband (who I go fishing with all the time).

I don’t think there necessarily has to be animosity to make someone go...holy shit, I better call the cops. Either way he stopped it and kept other kids from potentially being abused. Guys like this are like serial killers, eventually they don’t get the thrill anymore from voyeurism and they move on to bolder things.
Plenty of exes and family get along after a split. A couple times a month on average I babysit my son’s 4 year old brother from his mom and her husband (who I go fishing with all the time).

I don’t think there necessarily has to be animosity to make someone go...holy shit, I better call the cops. Either way he stopped it and kept other kids from potentially being abused. Guys like this are like serial killers, eventually they don’t get the thrill anymore from voyeurism and they move on to bolder things.
True, and in this case he was caught before it escalated to that point. Schemers, cheaters, thieves, abusers of power, all the way down the line, if they're not careful they will eventually get caught.

I got a feeling that your son's half brother will be fishing soon, if he isn't already!
For those of you in eastern Iowa who know this puke personally, does he have kids of his own?
No. Single dude. What I know of him was he played small college ball and like a lot of guys, don’t want to leave the game. Think he peddled cars in the family business, bounced around coaching hoops here n there before hooking up with Johnson on the Stormers invention. I’ve read johnson said he was caught completely off guard with all this as I think they likely traveled separately and you don’t always know someone like you think you do. It’s been years, but when I witnessed him, I always found him very intense, business-like and certainly looked the part. Talking to all the coaches from red face to many others. But obviously, what someone does in private can be totally different as we’ve seen over and over. Bizarre indeed.

No. Single dude. What I know of him was he played small college ball and like a lot of guys, don’t want to leave the game. Think he peddled cars in the family business, bounced around coaching hoops here n there before hooking up with Johnson on the Stormers invention. I’ve read johnson said he was caught completely off guard with all this as I think they likely traveled separately and you don’t always know someone like you think you do. It’s been years, but when I witnessed him, I always found him very intense, business-like and certainly looked the part. Talking to all the coaches from red face to many others. But obviously, what someone does in private can be totally different as we’ve seen over and over. Bizarre indeed.
I coach youth baseball and I address this shit right up front. If any of you have kids in sports where you don’t hear policies from coaches find a different coach.

At the beginning of the year I email all parents that I will at no time, ever give a player a ride to or from practice, i.e. your player and I will never be alone. At all. My son is the only player who’ll ever get in my vehicle.

If your player can’t get to a practice or tournament, I have a list of moms and families your player can ride with. If the tournament is far away and somehow your player doesn’t have a prearranged ride home for whatever reason, I will stay in a public place with your kid until you can arrange something and he’ll be 100% safe, but he’s not riding home with me (this one has never happened to me) If your player is in a hotel and you aren’t there, he is to stay with the family you’ve given permission to supervise him, at all times.

If a practice gets rained out and you can’t get there in time, I’ll walk with your player to the HyVee across the street from our practice fields, and we will be in the deli until you get there. No rides.

I don’t let kids come to practice until I get an email reply from his parents that they read my email.

Also, I don’t do this because I’m a creep or to make parents worry that I might be. I do it to 1) cover my ass, and 2) make parents feel more at ease. Whether coaches like it or not, we are in a position of power over these kids and it is never ok to leave any ambiguity about any situation. It’s caused logistical headaches before, but the response I’ve gotten from parents has been overwhelmingly positive.

Again, find a different coach if they don’t have policies in place. It doesn’t automatically mean they’re predators, but it does mean they’re idiots. I don’t want my kid entrusted to an idiot.

Cook said the rules prohibiting coaches and athletes to sleep in the same room were not enforced. The civil suit could take more than a year to go through the court system, but Cook said Thursday's prison sentencing is significant because it shows how seriously a federal judge took the case.

Stephen lived in Monticello, where his former brother-in-law found a recording device in the home containing video of boys showering in a hotel.

I coach youth baseball and I address this shit right up front. If any of you have kids in sports where you don’t hear policies from coaches find a different coach.

At the beginning of the year I email all parents that I will at no time, ever give a player a ride to or from practice, i.e. your player and I will never be alone. At all. My son is the only player who’ll ever get in my vehicle.

If your player can’t get to a practice or tournament, I have a list of moms and families your player can ride with. If the tournament is far away and somehow your player doesn’t have a prearranged ride home for whatever reason, I will stay in a public place with your kid until you can arrange something and he’ll be 100% safe, but he’s not riding home with me (this one has never happened to me) If your player is in a hotel and you aren’t there, he is to stay with the family you’ve given permission to supervise him, at all times.

If a practice gets rained out and you can’t get there in time, I’ll walk with your player to the HyVee across the street from our practice fields, and we will be in the deli until you get there. No rides.

I don’t let kids come to practice until I get an email reply from his parents that they read my email.

Also, I don’t do this because I’m a creep or to make parents worry that I might be. I do it to 1) cover my ass, and 2) make parents feel more at ease. Whether coaches like it or not, we are in a position of power over these kids and it is never ok to leave any ambiguity about any situation. It’s caused logistical headaches before, but the response I’ve gotten from parents has been overwhelmingly positive.

Again, find a different coach if they don’t have policies in place. It doesn’t automatically mean they’re predators, but it does mean they’re idiots. I don’t want my kid entrusted to an idiot.
I think the barnstormers had a bas or two where some of the teams traveled together
I think the barnstormers had a bas or two where some of the teams traveled together
Right, but what I meant was in a general sense. I don’t leave any grey area. I tell parents, who are often times quick to say, hey, could you give Johnny a ride to practice, or can he room with you and Fryowa Jr at a tournament and I’ll pay the ain’t happenin. No way no how.

It seems strict but there’s no grey area that parents ever have to worry about, and no chance of false accusations made by kids or adults. I’ve known every kid I coach for probably 6 years minimum (12-u) and I know all the parents really well. None of them in my opinion would do or say anything like that but I’ve read news stories about it and I’m leaving nothing up for chance.

Parents feel good about it and I feel good about it.

I guess if you wouldn’t leave your kids in a room alone with a cop or doctor, why would you let them get in a car or hotel room with a coach?
Right, but what I meant was in a general sense. I don’t leave any grey area. I tell parents, who are often times quick to say, hey, could you give Johnny a ride to practice, or can he room with you and Fryowa Jr at a tournament and I’ll pay the ain’t happenin. No way no how.

It seems strict but there’s no grey area that parents ever have to worry about, and no chance of false accusations made by kids or adults. I’ve known every kid I coach for probably 6 years minimum (12-u) and I know all the parents really well. None of them in my opinion would do or say anything like that but I’ve read news stories about it and I’m leaving nothing up for chance.

Parents feel good about it and I feel good about it.

I guess if you wouldn’t leave your kids in a room alone with a cop or doctor, why would you let them get in a car or hotel room with a coach?

It is a sad world we live in, but it isn't new. As previously mentioned by me there was a rather large child porn/abuse
network operating in SE in the 60s/70s in a very rural county/community. Looks like a nice place on the exterior.

Some numbers to think about from victims of crime dot org. These numbers don't include physical/emotional abuse, but the incidents tend to be correlated.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau report Child Maltreatment 2010 found that 9.2% of victimized children were sexually assaulted (page 24).

Studies by David Finkelhor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, show that:

  • 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse;
  • Self-report studies show that 20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual abuse incident;
  • During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;
  • Over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;
  • Children are most vulnerable to CSA between the ages of 7 and 13.
According to a 2003 National Institute of Justice report, 3 out of 4 adolescents who have been sexually assaulted were victimized by someone they knew well (page 5).
Right, but what I meant was in a general sense. I don’t leave any grey area. I tell parents, who are often times quick to say, hey, could you give Johnny a ride to practice, or can he room with you and Fryowa Jr at a tournament and I’ll pay the ain’t happenin. No way no how.

It seems strict but there’s no grey area that parents ever have to worry about, and no chance of false accusations made by kids or adults. I’ve known every kid I coach for probably 6 years minimum (12-u) and I know all the parents really well. None of them in my opinion would do or say anything like that but I’ve read news stories about it and I’m leaving nothing up for chance.

Parents feel good about it and I feel good about it.

I guess if you wouldn’t leave your kids in a room alone with a cop or doctor, why would you let them get in a car or hotel room with a coach?
I’m certainly not making excuses, only imagining how it likely happens. This wasn’t a “travel team” in a general sense. They are a try out only operation where players come in from multiple states (in some cases). The elite of elite. Certainly the older the kids get, the more competitive and the more intense travel becomes. Parents may or may not know the coaches or even other parents as players can be from different states. Certainly, different parts of the state. Logistics are always an issue. Lots of money, time commitment, hrs, practices, long weekends, etc. Many parents go into it with illusions of grandeur following scholarship dreams that likely isn’t coming. Coaches are put on pedestals s they are the conduit to red face, Jacobsen, bo ryan back in the day and many others. Heavy trust is bestowed and you follow the lead of parents that went before you.
The fact that so many players engaged in hanky-panky on their phones without anyone parents knowing should concern all parents. Times are changing.
I’m certainly not making excuses, only imagining how it likely happens. This wasn’t a “travel team” in a general sense. They are a try out only operation where players come in from multiple states (in some cases). The elite of elite. Certainly the older the kids get, the more competitive and the more intense travel becomes. Parents may or may not know the coaches or even other parents as players can be from different states. Certainly, different parts of the state. Logistics are always an issue. Lots of money, time commitment, hrs, practices, long weekends, etc. Many parents go into it with illusions of grandeur following scholarship dreams that likely isn’t coming. Coaches are put on pedestals s they are the conduit to red face, Jacobsen, bo ryan back in the day and many others. Heavy trust is bestowed and you follow the lead of parents that went before you.
I didn't mean to imply you were making excuses.

But at the end of the day parents were trusting a grown adult male to accompany underage boys to hotels at best, and sleep in the same room at worst. The parents weren't necessarily reckless or negligent, just stupid.

I don't care if he's won 20 NCAA championships in a row, I'm not letting it happen and I won't let my kid be alone with anybody in a position of influence over him

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