Greg Davis

I would say that GD has done a remarkably better job this year. I still think we are a year away from really seeing what his offense is about. They are still recruiting his type of players.

The improvement from last year is undeniable. I think he gets another year.... or 5. Or however long KF's contract runs for.
If you think that Greg Davis is running this offense in scheme and personnel in the manner in which he chooses you are absolutely dense.
For better or worse, Ferentz is now "married" to Davis. That was his choice to revamp the offense and he isn't going to hire another one unless Davis leaves of his own accord. Hopefully we've got enough offense to get to a bowl game this year. Then next year, with the schedule softening considerably, 15 add'l bowl game practices and another year of the system under our belt....we can hopefully break out of the offensive duldrums. If not, then KF will ultimately take the fall for that hire.
For better or worse, Ferentz is now "married" to Davis. That was his choice to revamp the offense and he isn't going to hire another one unless Davis leaves of his own accord. Hopefully we've got enough offense to get to a bowl game this year. Then next year, with the schedule softening considerably, 15 add'l bowl game practices and another year of the system under our belt....we can hopefully break out of the offensive duldrums. If not, then KF will ultimately take the fall for that hire.

Exactly... next year is make or break and Kirk won't want to start with a brand new OC and a new offense.
There were a lot of missed opportunities out there and that was on the players not Davis. Although the stretch play with Weisman is never a good idea against a run defense like that. There were missed blocks, penalties, drops, missed receivers, RBs not finding the hole, etc.
If you think that Greg Davis is running this offense in scheme and personnel in the manner in which he chooses you are absolutely dense.

This. Also, KMM cannot drop that ball down by the goalline, that was a huge swing, shouldve been 6. Donnal's false start derailed that drive inside the 5. GD isnt perfect obviously, but its time the players start making the plays they should be. Left a lot of points on the field on plays that should have been made.
This. Also, KMM cannot drop that ball down by the goalline, that was a huge swing, shouldve been 6. Donnal's false start derailed that drive inside the 5. GD isnt perfect obviously, but its time the players start making the plays they should be. Left a lot of points on the field on plays that should have been made.

Yeah on both the field goal drives in the first half there were penalties and big drops by KMM. They should have had two TDs in the first half an been up 14-7 which changes things a ton in the second half especially with the way the D was playing. Then in the second half it was still only 7-6 when Rudock missed wide open receivers that would have been a TD and didn't make te 4th down. That was also a huge. Especially because of field position. It allowed Wisky to punt from a position that led to Iowa starting at their one and it all went down hill from there. Iowa was winning that game up until that point but wasn't executing like they should have been. I also think that defense was really good especially with two weeks to prepare.
Yeah on both the field goal drives in the first half there were penalties and big drops by KMM. They should have had two TDs in the first half an been up 14-7 which changes things a ton in the second half especially with the way the D was playing. Then in the second half it was still only 7-6 when Rudock missed wide open receivers that would have been a TD and didn't make te 4th down. That was also a huge. Especially because of field position. It allowed Wisky to punt from a position that led to Iowa starting at their one and it all went down hill from there. Iowa was winning that game up until that point but wasn't executing like they should have been. I also think that defense was really good especially with two weeks to prepare.

Agree that their miscues, the dropped ball and the procedure call were drive killers, but there's a part of me that thinks it would have only made the second half more painful to watch another lead slip away.

On a larger note, what is Iowa's offensive strategy? It's back to appearing rudderless, like last year.
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KF will give whoever has the job his pre game play book that contains the 10 plays that can be called all day.
You can bring in Chip Kelly and the play book is going to be the same. Nothing happens or is done without the head coach dictating.

I would personally like to see what a true Greg Davis offense might look like because this is not it. The only item I want to keep and actually improve are the true ability to pound the rock and throw the ball down the field 5-7 times a game.

I recall the good old days of the Northern IL game when we ran fast tempo, ran multiple looks with Weisman and Bullock in the game at the same time (lining up at different positions after each play) and we took multiple deep shots to Powell down the field. I suspect that was more Davis than KF. The good stuff is all gone and we are back to the same old same old and are now 11th in the B1G in scoring.

We have wasted a pretty impressive defensive effort this year.
Davis makes some good off schedule plays calls once in a while, running a draw or screen on a second down and 7 rather than waiting until 3rd down.

He will catch a team in a pass rush with a big power run on 3rd down once in awhile.

I give him a B- there but I dont think he uses the slant enough or some sit down or comeback patterns enough.

Slants are tough to throw but hard for the defense to cover. they can break for big yardage.

Sit down routes, like the ones KMM and others run going down 4 yards and stopping, and comeback routes should be high percentage as long as a lineman doesnt bat down the ball.

I would give him a b+ to A- if he ran some deeper sit down, slant, and comeback patterns,

He calls a lot of short pass patterns where the receiver is running parallel to the line out by the boundary which is a hard pass. I give him D+ to C- for that.
Greg Davis is KF puppet. Doesn't matter who's calling the plays, this is KF offense.

Exactly. No one wanted Greg Davis and no up and coming offensive coordinators wanted to come and be subject to ferentz. they were one of a few options eachother had.

I think Brian and probably Davis were able to somewhat sell Kirk on a faster pace more open offense but every week theyre being pushed further back into old school kf ball.

this is not what davis did at UT just like it was not what kok did before comming here.

Its fairly clear GD wanted CJ and wanted to run the read option as his bread and butter while KF wanted Jake and to run stretch plays and play action as his main stay just like always.

What ever they have settled on sucks and has no counter action by the backs or deep balls to keep the d honest.
I like the no huddle, and it seems they are looking at more "athletic" QB's (not necessarily true duel threat guys, but not statues either). Those are about the only 2 things I'm pleased with.

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