Greg Davis

Great managers (and coaches) hire the best people they can, and then let them do their job. Micro-managers tend to stunt their organizations and under utilize talent.

I think we've seen enough (kneel downs, conservative offense, sticking with a weak player because he's an upperclassmen, hesitating to play younger talent, punting from deep into the opponent's territory, playing slow RBs...etc etc. etc.) to know which model KFz leans toward...and just how far he leans that way.

This is not true of all coaches.

You did very well in your first paragraph. I could not agree more strongly. Then, you made a series of unsubstantiated statements, most of which were simply not true. Nice try, but no cigar.
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You did very well in your first paragraph. I could not agree more strongly. Then, you made a series of unsubstantiated statements, most of which were simply not true. Nice try, but no cigar.
oh i think he gets it. Nobody can argue time management. Bet if you looked at thosr years we were about ready to break the rock, bet you anything we punted more often on 4th and one or two, then how many times we went for it. When you cant see the big picture and/or do not understand the flow or not understand odds, you tend to play it close to the vest.
<<Ever heard of Vince Young...>>

Ever hear of Shonn Greene? You can cherry-pick and pinpoint to death.

I, for one, am not a big Greg Davis fan thus far, but to say coaching has NOTHING to do with success (all about Jimmys/Joes vs. Xs/Os) while having EVERYTHING to do with lack of success is patently absurd, just as it absurd to say it's ALL about talent and NEVER about schemes, hard work, etc.

I thought last Saturday's offensive play-calling, especially in the red zone and on 4th-and-short, was awful. But if you hire an OC, the OC runs that show. The HC steps in at ONE point: to fire the OC. Until then, the OC and staff run the offense, the DC and staff run the defense. The HC shouldn't be micro-managing every play or series.

You are clearly unreachable. I'll leave it at that, Jon prefers some things not be said on the board.
Of course it matters.

If wisconsin had continued to run just the jet sweep over and over that iowa was keying on stopping hawks would have won that game.

Instead they countered and were able to move the ball.
They did run the jet sweep over and over again. And they countered by changing up the blocking schemes on the jet sweep and by handing the ball off to the RB.

Iowa's defense didn't counter their counter very quickly or well.
They did run the jet sweep over and over again. And they countered by changing up the blocking schemes on the jet sweep and by handing the ball off to the RB.

Iowa's defense didn't counter their counter very quickly or well.
yeah it was like watching a bad fight. Iowa was going "what we get to fight with both hands, no fair no fair"
They did run the jet sweep over and over again. And they countered by changing up the blocking schemes on the jet sweep and by handing the ball off to the RB.

Iowa's defense didn't counter their counter very quickly or well.

Yeah, that was my point.

You can't do the same thing over and over again when the defense is keying to that initial action. Yet Iowa does this.

Wisconsin has excellent talent running and blocking yet they had to counter what Iowa was doing. Had they kept doing that same play with no counters Iowa would have been able to stop their very talented players.

Iowa on the other hand has average talent and tries to ram its head against a wall rather than counter what the D is doing.

So whether or not Iowa has talent, and its obviously not great, is not the issue. The issue is we operate by a concept that doesn't work. Out executing rather than out scheming.

People who think the main issue is or has been talent are blind.

Again, Iowa doesn't have great talent but it basically takes top 10 type talent to be effective with the way KF wants to play on offense and pretty much the only times it has worked Iowa has had that. Theres no good reason for it to have to be that way.

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