Greg Davis

No criticism of Davis is valid without inclusion of the Head Coach. KFz has a way of neutering guys. Lest you doubt me, take a look at two key pieces of evidence:

1. O'Keefe and Davis have very different philosophies. Yet checking into the stretch play running into the short side of the field (a consistent loser) was a part of KOK's offense, and remains a staple today. There's only one explanation for that.

2. Check out O'Keefe's record as a HC. He had a high scoring, aggressive offensive attack. He wasn't allowed to implement most of that at Iowa under KFz.

O'Keefe took a lot of heat, for what were really Ferentz philophies. And though I'm not sold on Greg Davis, he too is affected to some extent by the "play not to lose" concept we've come to know and love as KFz.
Any thoughts on the job Greg Davis has done? I didn't like the hire from the start. This has to be his last season.

I say let them get a few playmakers on the roster. We run the same plays as a dozens of team out there. I don't think GD is the problem
Really? How long it been since you watched a game?

I watch all of the games. What plays are we missing that you would like to see called? I feel that Iowa just doesn't have good skill position talent, and our QB, while good for a guy with little experience, has a subpar arm. This and the fact that our receivers are poor and we don't have a complete back hurts us even when the right plays are called.
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It doesn't matter what offense they are running if they don't have guys that can make plays at RB and WR. That's the big problem. RB has been decimated and while they have depth they aren't very good. Weisman, Bullock, Canzeri are all subpar talents at RB. Daniels is the only Big Ten talent back there.
KMM makes a good third option but is not a go to receiver. Powell is also not a very good receiver he's just fast and tries hard.
Kok took blame for what Kirk was doing and Norm stopped people from seeing how bad things were. Kirk cashed the checks.
I watch all of the games. What plays are we missing that you would like to see called? I feel that Iowa just doesn't have good skill position talent, and our QB, while good for a guy with little experience, has a subpar arm. This and the fact that our receivers are poor and we don't have a complete back hurts us even when the right plays are called.

Saying iowa doesnt have "the" talent is a silly backwards way to look at.

No crap we dont have the players to run a stretch play straight into a stacked box on 1st & 2nd when the D knows exactly what we are going to do and then try to get open on 3rd and long when the D again knows you have to pass.

Alabama is about the only team in the country that can operate that way.

the staff needs to scheme ways to get players open. Period. Thats how offense works in modern football.

KFs offensive philosophy is THE problem. Every thing else is a peripheral issue.
It doesn't matter what offense they are running if they don't have guys that can make plays at RB and WR. That's the big problem. RB has been decimated and while they have depth they aren't very good. Weisman, Bullock, Canzeri are all subpar talents at RB. Daniels is the only Big Ten talent back there.
KMM makes a good third option but is not a go to receiver. Powell is also not a very good receiver he's just fast and tries hard.

Of course it matters.

If wisconsin had continued to run just the jet sweep over and over that iowa was keying on stopping hawks would have won that game.

Instead they countered and were able to move the ball.

Iowa continues to run the same play that Ds are teeing off on over and over.
Of course it matters.

If wisconsin had continued to run just the jet sweep over and over that iowa was keying on stopping hawks would have won that game.

Instead they countered and were able to move the ball.

Iowa continues to run the same play that Ds are teeing off on over and over.
Ding ding ding, winner winner chicken dinner. Jet sweep with melvin was not going to work, lets try someone and something else. How long before they changed it up? One series with one first down, so 6 plays in, you lnow how your ol is doing, how well all your guys are blocking and where you can find a crease and who is your best option of getting thru it. I love the idea of mark playing fb with a fast guy playing rb. Heck your plays double. When they need spelled you play your regular fb with another faster guy. Ding ding ding three backs have just gotten in the game and all your fbs and rbs are fresh.
If you think that Greg Davis is running this offense in scheme and personnel in the manner in which he chooses you are absolutely dense.

Enlighten us, Mister Insider. I'd LOVE to hear how KF drags these assistants and coordinators in here and "makes" them do his bidding, with no input or say how in things are done. Greg Davis was obviously so hard-up for a job he chose Iowa, that well-known Coaching Prison.
Wow. What a revelation! A head coach who has the ultimate responsibility for the offense. I hope you post a lot more great information.

Great managers (and coaches) hire the best people they can, and then let them do their job. Micro-managers tend to stunt their organizations and under utilize talent.

I think we've seen enough (kneel downs, conservative offense, sticking with a weak player because he's an upperclassmen, hesitating to play younger talent, punting from deep into the opponent's territory, playing slow RBs...etc etc. etc.) to know which model KFz leans toward...and just how far he leans that way.

This is not true of all coaches.
Enlighten us, Mister Insider. I'd LOVE to hear how KF drags these assistants and coordinators in here and "makes" them do his bidding, with no input or say how in things are done. Greg Davis was obviously so hard-up for a job he chose Iowa, that well-known Coaching Prison.

check out O'Keefe's offense when he was a HC vs what he was allowed to do under Ferentz.

Ever seen that stretch play into the short side of the field that we audible into so often (which gains no yardage). Davis and O'Keefe have very different offensive styles...yet somehow that play is as common it was 5 years ago. Coincidence? No. And it's still a loser.

Neither Davis nor O'Keefe ran the type of offenses in that would punt from the opponent's 35 yd line. No elaboration needed.

There are plenty more examples...

As for Davis being "hard up", as you sarcastically state. He was unemployed and didn't exactly have people knocking his door down. I think we've seen why, and Texas fans tried to tell us.
It seems to me that Iowa has done a decent job on offense early in games, when they seem to be on a scripted series of plays, like at OSU and early vs Wisky. Clearly, after halftime they have not done much. So, Davis has improved this year, imo. If we hold the lead vs NIU, we would have lost to the 3 elite teams in the league only, which is not a shock considering last seasons performance. Wis,MSU and OSU are legitimately good teams that could all easily be top ten in the no shame in not bowling them over. But, the last three games will tell the real tale,imo, as these are teams that are not elite and Iowa needs to beat them.
check out O'Keefe's offense when he was a HC vs what he was allowed to do under Ferentz.

Ever seen that stretch play into the short side of the field that we audible into so often (which gains no yardage). Davis and O'Keefe have very different offensive styles...yet somehow that play is as common it was 5 years ago. Coincidence? No. And it's still a loser.

Neither Davis nor O'Keefe ran the type of offenses in that would punt from the opponent's 35 yd line. No elaboration needed.

There are plenty more examples...

As for Davis being "hard up", as you sarcastically state. He was unemployed and didn't exactly have people knocking his door down. I think we've seen why, and Texas fans tried to tell us.

You mean a HC at..."St Wherever?" And there is a difference between being the HC and being a coordinator. And, presumably, wherever he has been HC, he has had a

<<<Texas fans tried to tell us>>

Which is as obsessive and creepy as Iowa fans that went to New Mexico boards and tried to tell them about Alford. And there are an appreciable of creeps that followed Alford to the UCLA boards to tell THEM.

So Davis was part-genius, part-buffoon at Texas? Or was it Mack Brown? Or...?
You mean a HC at..."St Wherever?" And there is a difference between being the HC and being a coordinator. And, presumably, wherever he has been HC, he has had a

<<<Texas fans tried to tell us>>

Which is as obsessive and creepy as Iowa fans that went to New Mexico boards and tried to tell them about Alford.

creepy or not, both groups were right.

So Davis was part-genius, part-buffoon at Texas? Or was it Mack Brown? Or...?

Ever heard of Vince Young? That kind of athlete can do what he wants on a college field or Colt McCoy? a Heisman trophy finalist. That QB talent paired with the speedy athletes widely available in Texas would make any offense look great
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Ever heard of Vince Young? That kind of athlete can do what he wants on a college field or Colt McCoy? a Heisman trophy finalist. That QB talent paired with the speedy athletes widely available in Texas would make any offense look great

<<Ever heard of Vince Young...>>

Ever hear of Shonn Greene? You can cherry-pick and pinpoint to death.

I, for one, am not a big Greg Davis fan thus far, but to say coaching has NOTHING to do with success (all about Jimmys/Joes vs. Xs/Os) while having EVERYTHING to do with lack of success is patently absurd, just as it absurd to say it's ALL about talent and NEVER about schemes, hard work, etc.

I thought last Saturday's offensive play-calling, especially in the red zone and on 4th-and-short, was awful. But if you hire an OC, the OC runs that show. The HC steps in at ONE point: to fire the OC. Until then, the OC and staff run the offense, the DC and staff run the defense. The HC shouldn't be micro-managing every play or series.

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