Greg Davis is coming back next season

Iowa's strength wasn't expected to come from it's D this season.. Yet Iowa's Defense is ranked 18th in the country in Total Defense..
Gave you a thumbs up to balance out the thumbs down. Facts are facts.

The troubling thing with those facts is that in a couple of games Iowa's defense was really bad.
Which means in a couple of games Iowa's defense was really, really good.

Inconsistency was the problem with both sides of the ball. And a few games terrible inconsistency in the same game.
Iowa gives up 51 points to Minn, and scores 30+ against both MD and Neb and still loses, but the defense isn't to blame? We give up 266 rushing yards to Wisco at a whopping 6.3 per carry, but it's all on the offense? You're an idiot. There has only been one game all year where a lack of offense has been the primary factor in a loss. And beyond that fact, the two biggest factors limiting our offensive production are demonstrably NOT the fault of GD, namely the fact that we play the wrong player at the most important position on the field, and our primary rusher the last 3 seasons has been a slightly undersized offensive lineman. Wake up and get a clue.

Never said it was all on the Offense.. Also Learn some tact bud calling people an idiot now that is real mature..

Minnesota game Iowa's defense was on the field for an eternity I was there.. Nebraska game I was there as well and your putting that on the D?? Wow! FYI Iowa's offense didn't score 30+ against Nebraska.. This idiot is awake! :)

lol.. One game.. Now that is astonishing..

Your right wake up.. :)
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Gave you a thumbs up to balance out the thumbs down. Facts are facts.

The troubling thing with those facts is that in a couple of games Iowa's defense was really bad.
Which means in a couple of games Iowa's defense was really, really good.

Inconsistency was the problem with both sides of the ball. And a few games terrible inconsistency in the same game.

I agree with everything you said. I do however take exception with those putting blame on the defense when not warranted. Certainly Iowa's D struggled at times, I'm not arguing that..
I just don't think that winning today will cover the stink that this season has caused.... Not completely anyway. What were our expectations coming into the year again? Mine were 9 wins at the least with that schedule. I thought 10 was realistic. And here we sit. I just can't overlook that. So unless Iowa puts up 40 plus points on O with a bunch of yards converting 3rd downs etc I'll be pretty grumpy knowing Davis may be back... I don't see that happening either btw.. If Iowa puts up 40 I think there will be a defensive/special teams score and maybe some short fields for the O to work with. I don't have confidence in this O with this coordinator especially knowing that the QB situation is such a joke 13 games in...

It's one thing to have injuries or a player playing badly to help decide to yank a qb or not. But this has been a situation where Rudock has played OK. Not great not bad but serviceable. And another kid with potential and better attributes. So here we are 13 games in and we can't decide which one is the man... I think this talk of CJ getting more time is an attempt to pacify him into staying next yr. If I'm CJ it wouldn't work if he does want to play. I think KF needs him as a backup/maybe starter next yr way more then CJ does the program cause he'll have options.
My take is this. All the blame goes to the OC and this Texas myth. The guy has a natuonal title won by a super playmaker at QB beating an awesome USC team. That is one more title ring than KF. Texas has done ZERO since his departure and this is the number 1 revenue grossing program in the country. They have unlimited resources and unlimited talent to recruit from within the state of Texas alone and yet they have done ZERO since his departure where he also took full blame for a head coach who allowed his program to become complacent and soft. Sound familiar? I believe Texas then brought in the Bosie St OC after Davis and as you know he ran a high-flying attack at Bosie and how did that change work out post Davis? Yes, that is correct it did not and Mack was eventually 'retired'. Where are those Texas fans now?

The first thing Davis told us is we needed a major upgrade in speed and playmaking ability at the WR position. That was exactly spot on, true. We proceeded to recruit 5 guys in Willies, Powell (JC), Harris, Mitchell and AJ Jones. I also think this is the reason we offered Parker & Wadley at the RB position to give us some additional speed/slashing ability at the RB spot. In addition Davis has desperately wanted CJ to be his QB from day 1 this year!

So fast forward. What has happened? Jones transferred out seeing the writing on the wall, Willies was run off and Powell played sparsely despite making more big plays than anyone but T Smith in very limited duty (wasted talent). CJ got railroaded by KF. Instead we trotted out KMM, Hillyer, Vandeburg, Weismann, Jake, etc. All good 'safe' players, PC players. I am not sure what is more stunning these decisions or fans that actually believe that Davis after being surrounded by Texas 4-5 star talent would choose these players to be his primary guys on his own! Wow! I've got some swamp land to sell you.

My point is you can bring in Chip Kelly as OC but if he is going to be forced to run what KF wants and play who KF wants to see play then you are toast. The results are going to be average at best. Not saying Davis is the savior at all but I am sick and tired of seeing the blame go to our OC's when the real problem is the head coach.

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