Read the report folks. As noted, chilling.
I am no saint, but I'll tell ya, you have to be human vermin to support the actions of the players directly involved in this, and then condone the subsequent actions of the team members as a whole. The University of Minnesota Administration has to cover its reputation on this one. Tracy Claeys, who tweeted his full support of the team, with exclamation point no less, needs to be gone, immediately! . The members of the team need to be dismissed from the football program, including loss of remaining scholarships. The U of M needs to clean house, starting from scratch with all new coaches and all new players in its football program. Bowl game be damned! This is WAY beyond a dumpster fire.
I live in Minnesota, I have a daughter who is thinking of attending the U of M. I guarantee the response of the University Administration will play a part in my allowing my daughter to go there. If you have a daughter of this age, I think you can relate. If you don't, you just don't understand what parenting involves.