Whoa whoa whoa. Hold your horses, Rachel Maddow. Don't put words in people's mouths. First of all I don't think anyone's ever proven nor even implied that there was a "gang rape" in this situation. A prosecutor declined to press charges, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that (especially in today's day and age) if there were any inkling that part of it might have been forced, you'd see that prosecutor err on the side of caution and file charges. I'm not defending the players by any stretch, but if the legal system isn't a good enough "standard" for you then I don't think there's anything you and I can talk about.
Second, there's nothing in
@hawkdrummer1 's post that suggests he's doing that. Triggered, victim-seekers like yourself are free to have any opinion you want about any situation, but you don't have the right to project your cockamamie bullshit on others and start throwing blame around like it's hot. Especially when you accuse someone of being ok with "gang rape" (your term, not mine).