Gameday Experience


Well-Known Member
I gotta say that my first trip through the tunnel at Kinnick each year is one of my favorites, and it was an absolutely gorgeous day.

I'd love to hear what other people have to say or add to this, but there was definitely a lot to complain about before the game. First off all, the bathroom situation is a ridiculous nightmare. With the crack down on public urination, the lines for the port o potties were terribly long. And I can't be sure, but it seems like there were a lot less of them. If they're going to crack down, then they need to accommodate for larger number of people.
Secondly, getting into the stadium was a nightmare. We attempted to go inside about 20-25 minutes early, like usual, but we stood in line for at least 10. There were far less ticket scanners at the gates and the bag checks took a very long time. While waiting in line some dude hollered "hurry it up" and two police swooped in on him and gave him the business. It was crazy. I hope they figure it out for next week.
I have to agree with everything you said. I waited 35 minutes to go to the bathroom. Getting into the stadium was kind of mass confusion too.
There didn't seem to be enough ticket takers. After being in line and getting up to one, I was told to get in a different line because that one had a table for checking purses. So I went to the other one and two different guys violated my purse with sticks! Last year they just took a peek. Last year they looked in my camera bag....this year they did not.

My dad had taken his young great grandson to the game. He brought a diaper and change of clothes in a plastic Hy-Vee bag. They gave him a terrible time about that because the bag wasn't clear and he had to carry the stuff in with out the bag. Meanwhile, the man next to him walked in with a back pack! Really...just doesn't make sense. Must have got some people from the airport security or something....
jeebus :mad:
this all sounds extremely bogus for people who shell out significant $ to support the university and the town of IC.
Last time I was at a home game (2007), I did not perceive any behavior that would have warranted all these crackdowns and severe attitudes.
I just don't get it. :confused:
I agree they seemed to have cracked down a little too hard. I had to stand in the line that people had bags and purses that needed checked just because i had a UN- opened water bottle. and all they did when i finally got up there was just look and say ok go ahead. The last years they did that at every gate. not making people get in one huge long stupid line. It was the N.E. corner gates. Beyond that, being back in the stadium was great, good game and when Stanzi went down and Eddie was saying it didn't look good (acl) i think me and everyone around wanted to throw up! but he is true to his name - The Manzi !!!
They wanted to search my water. I turned around and saw the line of 30+ people waiting to be searched. I gave the PER MAR person my water, "Here you can have it", and walked in.

Search my water, Christ on a bike. Next game I am going to bring a bag of my poo for them to search.
They wanted to search my water. I turned around and saw the line of 30+ people waiting to be searched. I gave the PER MAR person my water, "Here you can have it", and walked in.

Search my water, Christ on a bike. Next game I am going to bring a bag of my poo for them to search.

Post Of The Day.
We got to Gate G a half hour before kick-off and ended up missing the whole first touchdown drive due to the one long search line. They had 15 people to let in the people without bags but only 4 people to check bags. Per Mar needs to get their act together. RIDICULOUS!

I guess I don't understand why so many people need to bring bags into the stadium. I bring my ticket and my radio. Maybe a stadium blanket if it is cold out.
We got to Gate G a half hour before kick-off and ended up missing the whole first touchdown drive due to the one long search line. They had 15 people to let in the people without bags but only 4 people to check bags. Per Mar needs to get their act together. RIDICULOUS!

I think that the worst part was that there were at least 5 Per Mar people standing around around inside behind the bag checkers and ticket scanners. I have no idea what they were doing...but it seemed like nothing.
They messed up Back in Black. Typically when it hits, you can look at Hawkvision and see the Hawks walking down the tunnel. Yesterday when it hit they were already standing at the bottom of the tunnel.

Also, the entrance thing wasn't as smooth as it has been in the past. The sealed water bottle and the purse thing slowed down some people in our group.

Lastly, the "free" lot that we have parked in for the last 10 years is no longer free. Now it is an hourly fee. That is kind of stupid considering how far you are from Kinnick, but whatever.

Hawks won, and that is all that matters at the end of the day, but since someone asked about the experience I thought I'd share.
intimidator, most women bring bags, people take water (allowed), people have binoculars. All those things are now searched, not in the lines marked " items to be searched" but in another unmarked line with only a couple of rent-a-cops.
I had no problems at all. Today was no different than any other year.

I entered through the south entrance (statue entrance) and it was the same as years past. Long lines, but I was through in 5 minutes.
My wife has a small hawkeye purse and never had trouble until this year getting in.We each had a water (NOT OPENED) so I was redirected to the 4 table line with hundreds of others.They didn't even bother me with the water,I turned it upside down and had a few nice words for them and went in.Is there a E-Mail address to complain about the lack of areas to go in with a purse.The water episode was totally wrong.
Budget cuts people. These people are paid by the university. The university has had to reduce faculty and staff due to budget cuts. Other people have had to go on furlow. The university has had massive cuts in state funding. Makes sense this would hit the stadium staff too.

Remember, this is a COLLEGE football game, not a PROFESSIONAL football game. Even though the fans pay enough money to warrant a good stadium experience, it is understandable that things at the stadium would echo what are happening across the university.

That being said, an organized campaign to address these issues to the athletic department and president's office should ease things some. Also, when I last lived there, we couldn't bring any bags or backpacks into the stadium. Might be best for people to go back to that kind of thinking.

If it was me, I would pick my fight and it would center on the portables.
Had to add this,we tailgate with college grads on the backside of Finkbine and they like to play tippy cup and throw a ping pong ball into cups (not sure what its called).Lord and behold here came Iowa City's finest and told them no more drinking games period.Didn't matter they were old enough just no drinking games on campus property.
Budget cuts people. These people are paid by the university. The university has had to reduce faculty and staff due to budget cuts. Other people have had to go on furlow. The university has had massive cuts in state funding. Makes sense this would hit the stadium staff too.

Remember, this is a COLLEGE football game, not a PROFESSIONAL football game. Even though the fans pay enough money to warrant a good stadium experience, it is understandable that things at the stadium would echo what are happening across the university.

That being said, an organized campaign to address these issues to the athletic department and president's office should ease things some. Also, when I last lived there, we couldn't bring any bags or backpacks into the stadium. Might be best for people to go back to that kind of thinking.

If it was me, I would pick my fight and it would center on the portables.

^I call B.S. on this one ^

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