Game thread

From talking to some folks that were at the game, Kinnick could be looking at Florida Marlin's level attendance if this thing resumes.
well I think the line could be a bit better, too bad about McCall....annnd I am 99.9% sure my cell phone is totally ruined. Wonderful day, ugh.

I would not be surprised if the NCAA banned Iowa from recruiting and fielding RB's. Playing RB at Iowa appears to be a sentence to not be able to play D-1 football within 2 years of coming to campus guaranteed. The first thing I thought was 'this is just ridiculous.'
Auburn steals one. In other news, Purdue just took the lead on MTSU and NW beat BC, so the Big Ten is doing well for the day so far.
Onside kick brought back painful memories of the NW game a few years ago, might have been when the Purple Problems started.....

Some couldn't make it to the restrooms.....


How did you get a picture of my girlfriend??
1/2 hr rule is stupid. They should base it off radar and common sense.

Half-hour is actually smart. Lighting can strike up to 10 miles from a thunderstorm, so "common sense" is not very sensible. Just like the "lightning never stikes the same place twice" BS.