Game thread

Receiving was very disappointing. McNutt was a stud and Davis looked pretty good. After that, not so much...

The failure of our RB's to hold on to the ball was pretty disappointing as well. The weather was certainly part of that, but they absolutely have to get better.

Losing McCall really sucks. He was running very well.

JVB looked pretty good. Most of his incomplete passes were well-thrown balls that the receiver dropped.

Like the swagger of AJ Derby. He walked on the field like he owned that biatch...

Was really impressed by our LB's today. They did very well.

Overall, due to the weather, it is hard to tell how good/bad we are. Looks like there are plenty of things to work on for next week. This might be a bit unfair, perhaps the weather affected them a lot more than I think it should have, but at the end of this game, I am much more concerned about ISU then I was before the game...

Let's hope we get a LOT of improvement over the next week.

BTW - I thought that KOK called a very nice game.
i don't think we showed a whole lot either because of the weather and typical first game conservative not showing much before the next game
there is at least one: everybody's sweetheart MNHawkeyeFreak is there! ;):D sweet!

I had on a real raincoat fellas. So no wet T shirt. Wet pants, socks, jeans and shoes. I was at a game last year when it rained but this was much worse. It was pretty torrential at tmes. Dont know if it looked like that on TV. Frankly I don't know how any of the players held onto the ball.

I was standing at field level before they evacuated the stadium. The water was coming down the stairs like a waterfall. I would have videoed it but I didn't want to get my phone wet. They were telling people to go to the UI parking garage for shelter. That was just crazy. I was in the bathroom where it was warmer and where I could try to get my kids warmed up under the hand dryers. There was no way I was going to leave if they were going finish the game.
So Freak, did you wait out the entire 86-minute delay in the bathroom, and then watch the 4th quarter/end of game??
If yes, good on you. If no, I totally understand.
So Freak, did you wait out the entire 86-minute delay in the bathroom, and then watch the 4th quarter/end of game??
If yes, good on you. If no, I totally understand.

I waited outside the bathroom mostly and ate overpriced stadium chicken. Talked to my sister and my dad... And mr freak of course. Then as soon as they said we could go in we did. Gots to stay for "in heaven there is no beer".:D

I am a die hard fan. They were talking about the delays going until 7pm. I would have waited. Now to Des Moines for a visit.

It was great to be in Kinnick even with the rain.

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