Future HAWK needs your prayers!

My prayers are with you. My second son was born at 26 weeks and weighed two pounds. This was at the Iowa Hospitals. He is now 14 and doing very well. It was a long haul but he has done very well. Our third son was born at 27 weeks and weighed 2 pounds 10 ounces. He got a staff infection while in the NICU but recovered to do well. Our family will pray for you.
Prayers are with you.

As you know they've come a long way with providing care for premature infants.

Let your friends and family support you and trust in God to guide you through this.
Prayers are with you! My 14 year old daughter was born at 27 weeks and 1 lb! I know your worries! Prayers are with you and your family.
My wife and I had twin boys that wee born at 24 weeks 2 days two years ago this September. They each weighed in at 1 lb 10 oz. Unfortunately we lost one of them but the other is doing great. During a recent checkup the Dr's. informed us that he is completely healthy with no signs of any side effects. There were definitely plenty of ups & downs along the way but keep the faith and live it one day at a time. Good luck and God bless!
-Prayer for healing-
Hear my prayer, O Lord, heed my plea for mercy.
In time of trouble I call You, for You will answer me.
When pain and illness are my companions, let there be room in my heart for strength.
When the days and nights are filled with darkness, let the light of courage find its place.
Help me endure the suffering and dissolve the fear; renew within me the calm spirit of trust and peace.
Boruch Atah Adonai, Ro-fei HaCholim
We praise you, O God, Healer of the Sick

Be well, little one... you are in our thoughts.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family my friend. Just think...in 22 years when your son is scoring the winning TD for the Hawks in the Rose Bowl all this will be a distant memory.
The thoughts and pryaers of myself and my family were with you and your family this morning. Take care and please update us any and all good news.
Man we are there for you buddy. You are in the best place possible right now (UI Hospitals) and you have the best care probably in the world. Hang in there and keep us updated.

This! My daughter stayed at the U of I Childrens Hospital NICU for some time after she was born. There is no place better IMO! Prayers go out to you and yours!
Started reading the forum and immediately noticed your call for prayer. The replys gives me hope that our state and country may still have a chance.

You have my prayers and may God Bless your family and new son.
I, like others on here, know exactly what you are going through. We had 19 days of touch-and-go and NICU doctors telling us our son was the sickest baby in the wing. But, thanks to great doctors, unbelievable nurses and prayer, my son will celebrate his fifth birthday in September.

Your son is in the BEST possible hands.

Keep the faith (and I know how hard that can be at times). Our family (including my son) will include you in our prayers.
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Your son and family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers RJ...as has been said so many times already, you're in good hands at the U of I Hospitals and Clinics...stay strong!
Praying for your and your family. The Hawkeye Nation is here to support! As a pastor this thread of posts brought tears to my eyes. Another proud reason to be a HAWKEYE!
Gosh i dont even know what to say....you guys are awsome...You sure know how to make a man feel good. They told us on thursday when he was born that he had a 60% chance of dieing. So far he is beating the odds...And beating them handly. My wife and I did everything we could for him to better his chances. Last week on the 19th they wouldnt admit us because he wasnt viable(Spelling?) but they said that if he were to have ANY chance he needed to be born at the U, so we decided to stay at a Hotel in IA City untill either we delivered or got to the 23 week 5 day stage and get admitted. She delivered on thursday at 23 weeks 1 day. He had steroids 48hrs prior so they said that was perfect. His doctor says he is doing awsome. I have asked everyone I know for prayers because theres nothing else I can do now other then be here for him and love him and pray for him. I am not an overly religous man, but I am putting him in Gods hands now. I will keep you all updated and again. You have NO idea how much your thoughts and prayers and kind words mean to us! GO HAWKS and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
"The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD will make His face shine upon you and be gracious upon. The LORD look upon you with favor, and give you His peace." Amen.

RJ, you don't have to be "religious" ... just trust in the LORD, the Author and Creator of all life.

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