Fran's Contract

see, that is the problem, this team isn't Lickliter bad. we don't have a true pg. who on any of lick's teams were as good as Cook? Or Garza? Or Baer? How many times did lickliter's teams even sniff scoring 60 points let alone 80's?

How many folks were calling for Tom Davis' head in 89-90 and 93-94 when he won 12 and 11 respectively? How much success did Mr. Davis really have once all of George Ravelings recruits were gone?

Uh, Lickliter's teams scored eighty point every season he was here*

*Routinely, took two to three games (cumulative) to reach that "milestone"
No extension should be given for poor coaching in a lost season. It's like looking for a raise in a job when you got caught looking at porn on company time.
see, that is the problem, this team isn't Lickliter bad. we don't have a true pg. who on any of lick's teams were as good as Cook? Or Garza? Or Baer? How many times did lickliter's teams even sniff scoring 60 points let alone 80's?

How many folks were calling for Tom Davis' head in 89-90 and 93-94 when he won 12 and 11 respectively? How much success did Mr. Davis really have once all of George Ravelings recruits were gone?
Matt Gatens was a better OVERALL basketball player than those 3 listed
How many folks were calling for Tom Davis' head in 89-90 and 93-94 when he won 12 and 11 respectively? How much success did Mr. Davis really have once all of George Ravelings recruits were gone?

Are you saying Fran is the second coming of Tom Davis? Cuz Davis was fired. Which would put you in the position of arguing for Fran's dismissal.
Plus Fran has a long way to go to catch Davis 7 tourney wins he got the program after the Raveling recruits were history
Are you saying Fran is the second coming of Tom Davis? Cuz Davis was fired. Which would put you in the position of arguing for Fran's dismissal.

actually, no, my point is that Mr. Davis was allowed to have shitty seasons in '89-'90 and then '93-'94, and each time given the opportunity to rebound for several additional seasons. Fran has not yet had a shitty season, at Iowa, including this season because it isn't over, yet.
You're telling me that Matt Gatens is a better basketball player than Tyler Cook? Matt Gatens was a good player and a good leader. But he is not a better player than Cook. Not even a chance.

Other than February of his senior year. That month he was maybe.better than Cook has shown so far .
No need to worry about giving Fran the shove off. I sure don't want Barta making the decision on who to hire next. Barta needs to be replaced before any coach.
You're telling me that Matt Gatens is a better basketball player than Tyler Cook? Matt Gatens was a good player and a good leader. But he is not a better player than Cook. Not even a chance.
I said overall didn’t I ? Just because your a better scorer than somebody doesn’t make you a better basketball player . I give Gatens the nod on 3 point shooting , free throw shooting , mid range shooting , ball handling , lateral side to side defense I give Cook the nod on rebounding and inside scoring . Your right it isn’t close
LMFAO @ you for thinking that is above average. He's literally finished ranked 31.5% of the time he's been a head coach at Iowa. 68.5% of the time he's finished average to mediocre. #LivingLegend
To put it in perspective, over the length of KF's tenure at Iowa, Wisconsin has finished in the top 25...14 times!
Wut? So....should have kept Lick for 3 or 4 more years to really bottom out?

He had the problem of the best players leaving for 3 straight years. The advise of fixing a problem before it becomes a bigger problem would be firing Lick after year 1 because the best players left. That would have been ridiculous at the time (although in hindsight it would have been better). My point was you can't fire a coach at the first sign of something bad. You would be firing coaches all the time with that logic.
He had the problem of the best players leaving for 3 straight years. The advise of fixing a problem before it becomes a bigger problem would be firing Lick after year 1 because the best players left. That would have been ridiculous at the time (although in hindsight it would have been better). My point was you can't fire a coach at the first sign of something bad. You would be firing coaches all the time with that logic.
Fair enough.
Define "success". If you mean "Getting to the Elite Eight, Final Four or better", then you're correct, he has not had "success".

But, given what was in Iowa City (in terms of the program) when he arrived, I'd say he has succeeded in turning things around.

Getting to the next level is the question. It's not a question that can be answered yet, IMO.

Success would be winning and Kirk has success that Fran could only dream of having.
I said overall didn’t I ? Just because your a better scorer than somebody doesn’t make you a better basketball player . I give Gatens the nod on 3 point shooting , free throw shooting , mid range shooting , ball handling , lateral side to side defense I give Cook the nod on rebounding and inside scoring . Your right it isn’t close

friend, if you would pick matt gatens over cook as first pick in a pickup game, i wouldn't want to be on your team. look, matt gatens was a tough, hard-nosed player with an engine and he was a good leader. he had a fantastic SR season, but you're describing him to have better athleticism than a kid who's probably turning pro after this season; and Gatens couldn't even stick in Europe.


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