Fran's contract extension was premature

Tim Miles has accomplished in 3 seasons at a football school what Fran McCaffrey has NOT done in 4. So I'd say Fran is getting out coached and maybe just maybe we need to re-evaluate. We certainly should NOT make the NCAA tournament.
And Tim Miles? I think you can see what I am getting at. It might be easy to have patience if we weren't surrounded by examples of coaches/programs doing more. There is absolutely ZERO reason for Nebraska to be sitting in a better place than Iowa, in College Basketball.

Agreed. Tim Miles is probably going to have Nebraska in the Tournament in his second year, and Hoiberg 3 out of his first 4.

THEY CAN'T DO THAT!!!! Don't they know that's against the rules??? Good grief!!
You got it.

It's an ignorant opinion..ignorant of the big picture, which is what the program needs and what an AD looks at. When he was hired, most everyone said year four would be the first realistic year for the team to make it to the NCAA's given the utter crater of a waste hole the program had devolved into. While it's not with momentum or fanfare, they're likely in the year four.

The arena is full again, people are interested. The team plays an entertaining brand of basketball. Fran is recruiting to be expected.

So, that's why its ignorant. Because the expectations of some fans are out of whack and they are insufferable in their self loathing.

Only thing I disagree with is this is not entertaining basketball the last month. It is actually more frustrating to me than about any Hawkeye team in my 35 years of existence. This team has talent and to tank like this is pretty disappointing. I like Fran, but he is to the point of his tenure he has to show he can actually out-coach a top notch coach instead of consistently being outcoached in-game. Things have improved for sure since Lick, but now we have to see the actual in-game coaching abilities come forth.
I would. Frankly, I wish Fran had done that as well. Things are working out ok in the end, sure, but Fran is at least 2-3 years behind the pace Fred set at ISU. Fred DID WHAT IT TOOK to get some talent injected quickly, and you know what? They are now going to their 3rd straight NCAA tournament while Iowa is "probably" looking at their first.

I don't see what is wrong with taking transfers.. As if there is some moral high ground to recruiting players out of high school. As if either Iowa or ISU was in a position to be picky 4 years ago...

As for the extension, it was warranted. It's not like we're talking a KF-type extension for the next 10 years or something. IIRC, it was an extra 1-2 years and maybe a slight bump in pay? Big deal.

I believe Lute used to take transfers see Steve Krafcisin forgive the spelling.
Fred Hoiberg has done a phenomenal job. Incredible. Frankly, it may be one of the best hires given the risk and zero experience I can think of. They do things a different way and it has worked...and many Iowa fans wouldnt tolerate taking least, that's what they act like

Iowa State has much more mental and physical toughness than Iowa. All five of their starters and their 2 bench players are tough as nails.

Iowa is as soft as:

I believe Lute used to take transfers see Steve Krafcisin forgive the spelling.

Tom Davis did it, too. Without taking transfers, there would have been no Matt Bullard or Andre Woolridge, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some other guys. That's not including JUCO transfers like Val Barnes. Or Luke Recker and Reggie Evans under Steve Alford, to name a couple more.

Yeah, we don't want players like that at Iowa. :confused:
If anyone thinks that Barta is going to fire Fran they are insane. An athletic director doesn't get a chance to hire a third bball coach at a major program. Barta will go down with the ship if this turns out badly.

Nobody is suggesting that Fran be fired. I'm simply suggesting the extension was premature.
I really like Fran McCaffrey but if it isn't right, it isn't right. I want Iowa to compete for BIG titles and occasionally win one every 5 or 6 years. I'd love to see Fran's son's play for Iowa. I'm not sure the body of work supports keeping him around. Maybe next year will be better but I'd venture to say that nobody will be picking Iowa to finish better than 5/6th.
I really like Fran McCaffrey but if it isn't right, it isn't right. I want Iowa to compete for BIG titles and occasionally win one every 5 or 6 years. I'd love to see Fran's son's play for Iowa. I'm not sure the body of work supports keeping him around. Maybe next year will be better but I'd venture to say that nobody will be picking Iowa to finish better than 5/6th.

This year is obviously a disappointment, but up until a few weeks ago, this program had been on a consistent upward trajectory. You don't fire a coach over a few really bad weeks. Get back to me in a couple years on this one.
lol at the newfound perspective on transfers. Hoiberg and Fran as coaches, probably a wash, they're both head coaches at major conference schools so they are both at least very knowledgeable about basketball. But Fred Hoiberg is Fred Hoiberg now. Fran Macaffery is WHO? Just like when he started here.
Fred Hoiberg has done a phenomenal job. Incredible. Frankly, it may be one of the best hires given the risk and zero experience I can think of. They do things a different way and it has worked...and many Iowa fans wouldnt tolerate taking least, that's what they act like

I think the lack of tolerance is because people need to find fault with success especially with the competition, and their so called holier than though attitude comes out.

I am still trying to figure out what some fools mean by the "right way" when comparing how the 2 programs are run. At the end of the day what Hoiberg does is within the rules. It is possible to have several different business models when running your operation.

Maybe Fran is realizing it is not easy to recruit kids to the state, at least the top end ones. And it would not surprise me to see him take more of the Hoiberg approach on some kids. Seems he is hitting the JC's much harder. The question is would people tolerate that or would, they try to tell everyone about ethics, and not giving kids a 2nd opportunity.

But to say you want the guy fired or it was stupid to extend him, is beyond ridiculous. If you have a coach that can get you 20 wins a season in one of the best basketball conferences in the country you hang on to him for dear life.

Just look around, at some of the other conferences and see how many wins their hoops programs have. In the major conferences 20 wins is not the norm! Its the exception. If Iowa lets Fran go he has another job in less than 30 days easy.

People really need to check their expectations.
This year is obviously a disappointment, but up until a few weeks ago, this program had been on a consistent upward trajectory. You don't fire a coach over a few really bad weeks. Get back to me in a couple years on this one.
He's starting to look like an average BIG coach to me. Yrs 3 and 4 = 9-9 conference records. Consistently getting out-coached at every halftime. Are these the types of results we want? I don't see any way we are winning more games next year but I could be wrong on that one.
The arena is full again, people are interested. The team plays an entertaining brand of basketball. Fran is recruiting to be expected.

Will the arena be full again next season? Will fans still be interested? At first I think they will...but if the team continues on its current trend, I can see attendance and interest fall rapidly.

There is something wrong with this team. Be it the players, Fran...whatever. It won't (and can't) be fixed in a week. I think it is highly likely the Hawks make a quick and uninspiring exit from the NIT/NCAA.

What is wrong? I really would like to know what the heck happened. How can a team start the year playing with great chemistry and enthusiasm, and then end the year as a bunch of lifeless, selfish players just going thru the motions?
He's starting to look like an average BIG coach to me. Yrs 3 and 4 = 9-9 conference records. Consistently getting out-coached at every halftime. Are these the types of results we want? I don't see any way we are winning more games next year but I could be wrong on that one.

I hear ya. I have some concerns too, like a horrendous record in close games the last two years. But at this point I'm just curious to see if these last few weeks are a blip on the radar, or if this thing is going to start looking more like the Alford era the next few years. Indeed, this year's meltdown was a bit too Alfordesque as far as I'm concerned.. Reminds me a lot of the 2001-02 season.
The first season or two, I ridiculed ISU and Fred for basically being a "team for hire"...I don't anymore...I think he is on to something...bring in guys that are experienced and talented...and they are the "leaders" for the team...they have been there and done that.

Frankly I think it's the way to go.
I'm not saying I want him replaced after this season. I can wait and see how this plays out through next year. I'd start compiling a list of replacements if I was the new athletic director.
......of course we have to have a NEW AD to start with. Wonder if Santa is listening?
I think the lack of tolerance is because people need to find fault with success especially with the competition, and their so called holier than though attitude comes out.

I am still trying to figure out what some fools mean by the "right way" when comparing how the 2 programs are run. At the end of the day what Hoiberg does is within the rules. It is possible to have several different business models when running your operation.

Maybe Fran is realizing it is not easy to recruit kids to the state, at least the top end ones. And it would not surprise me to see him take more of the Hoiberg approach on some kids. Seems he is hitting the JC's much harder. The question is would people tolerate that or would, they try to tell everyone about ethics, and not giving kids a 2nd opportunity.

But to say you want the guy fired or it was stupid to extend him, is beyond ridiculous. If you have a coach that can get you 20 wins a season in one of the best basketball conferences in the country you hang on to him for dear life.

Just look around, at some of the other conferences and see how many wins their hoops programs have. In the major conferences 20 wins is not the norm! Its the exception. If Iowa lets Fran go he has another job in less than 30 days easy.

People really need to check their expectations.

20 wins is not what it used to be...especially when you can potentially win 13 through OOC...and we don't even have 20 wins...didn't realize this until the other day...but the D2 win apparently doesn't count...we are officially at 19 for all intents and purposes.

But yeah, I don't think Fran is the long term answer...however he is here till 2019...and I just hope he doesn't leave the cupboard bare for the next guy.
Do you remember Fran's last NCAA tourney appearance at Siena? Go back and watch that game against Purdue....almost a carbon copy of the way he loses games at Iowa. I do not see any indication that we are building momentum for conference championship with this bunch leading the ship.
You got it.

It's an ignorant opinion..ignorant of the big picture, which is what the program needs and what an AD looks at. When he was hired, most everyone said year four would be the first realistic year for the team to make it to the NCAA's given the utter crater of a waste hole the program had devolved into. While it's not with momentum or fanfare, they're likely in the year four.

The arena is full again, people are interested. The team plays an entertaining brand of basketball. Fran is recruiting to be expected.

So, that's why its ignorant. Because the expectations of some fans are out of whack and they are insufferable in their self loathing.

Sorry Jon I totally disagree here. Fans can have their expectations met by reaching the tourament and be incredibly frustrated at the same time based on what has happened with the team the last few weeks. That loss last night defies all rational thought.

You can't look at this as a team that will make the tourney in a vacuum and not look at the context of what has happened. There is something flat out busted with this team, and that is as much Fran's fault as the good job he has done rebuilding the program.

Over the top, whining, fire everybody crap is annoying, but the frustration is justified. This is a team that looks like it can't wait to reactivate their twitter accounts as soon as possible.

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