Fran scheduled for teleconference tonight at 8:45 PM

They didn't have one last year at this time. I would guess Iowa would know now if it were in the NIT...or perhaps if it were going to be asked to host an NIT game
There is no way we have a presser to say, well we made strides, but no postseason this year. No way. We're going to the NIT! And likely hosting or again why the presser? Need to get publicity so we can get the fans aware and buying tickets.
Timing on the Iowa presser announcement bodes well. Seeing as NCAA runs both tourneys they can now alert teams. Just my two cents.
There must be something to predictions as high as #4 seed. This will be very interesting, comparing reality to the final "NIT-ology" prediction and differing predictions.
There is a ZERO% chance that Fran is hosting this to deliver bad news to Hawkeye Nation. Why would you publicize bad news? Iowa is hosting an NIT game, book it.
Crossing my fingers....

It would be consistent with Fran's track record of taking losing teams and getting them to NCAA or NIT by year 2 or 3.
So wait, you're saying that Barta might know what he's doing, and that ignoring a rival tournament might help a team get into the one that actually matters? Shocking.

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