Fran needs to get his anger under control

My defense of Fran is when you see his measured response after the game as well as the sheer joy of his reactions with his players. I am thinking of the few locker room clips of him seem like a kid celebrateing a victory.

I often ask myself how I would respond if an opponent (politics, sports, whatever) acted this way. I can only begin to imagine the abuse from this forum that would be heaped on an opposing coach who exhibited Fran's extreme behaviors. I doubt such actions in the coach of a different school in the B1G would be defended by anyone here.

Of course no one would like Fran's antics if he wasn't our coach. Just like most people hate good players on another team.
Hawkfan33 is a special kind of troll. Anyone who has an opinion different than his has to be a troll and than he will stalk you on this site attacking any chance he can. He's a sad man.

Hey Cyclones17! What's that about being a sad man? Does creating a fake user name and pretending to be a Hawk fan and posting on a rivals message board for two year to try, and fail, to troll people and get called out by Jon and then to act like you don't know what he's talking that you happen to have the exact same IP address as Clones17 LOL, does that make someone a sad man?
Hawkfan33 is a special kind of troll. Anyone who has an opinion different than his has to be a troll and than he will stalk you on this site attacking any chance he can. He's a sad man.

Plus you're just butthurt that I've called you out as a troll all along and turned out to be right, as Jon validated.
I've maintained since the chair throw that some day he very well could lose his cool and do something that will be a 100% guaranteed pink slip (ala Knight...Iowa fans criticize the BIG, but I bet the league is just trying to prevent Bobby 2.0 in Iowa City). It would be a little sad for him..I thought we may see it at Wisky.
What did that announcer just say? Oh, yeah--"Iowa Hawkeyes playing with ANGER!"

Maybe Fran is rubbing off on the players. Looks good to me..

I'll take an angry Fran over whatever the **** this is ^^^^^ anytime.
Is this the only coach you've ever seen. Did you see Groce tonight or Bo Ryan any night, how about Bob Knight, Coach K, how about almost every coach in America. How a person coaches is almost never the kind of man he is outside of a game situation. If you have a problem with Fran and his temper I suggest you follow the Clowns and Fred Hoiberg. Maybe you'd like his milk toast passion.
Is this the only coach you've ever seen. Did you see Groce tonight or Bo Ryan any night, how about Bob Knight, Coach K, how about almost every coach in America. How a person coaches is almost never the kind of man he is outside of a game situation. If you have a problem with Fran and his temper I suggest you follow the Clowns and Fred Hoiberg. Maybe you'd like his milk toast passion.

Have you seen any of the other coaches you mention pound a scorer's table, angrily slam a chair, kick an advertising board or kick a notebook off the media table?

Oh, that's right ... one of those did toss a chair across the floor one time and supposedly threw things in his office. Whatever happened to him again?

If you can't see the difference between an emotional reaction and an anger that occasionally gets out of control, I can't help you.

Except to suggest the next time you get really mad at work go out and slam a desk, kick a wall or knock the keyboard off the secretary's desk. See how far that gets you.
Plus you're just butthurt that I've called you out as a troll all along and turned out to be right, as Jon validated.
Usually, the poster calling another poster a troll, is a troll. Why else would you call someone a troll? "Cause your opinion is better? No, it's to stir things up.. That's what trolls do.

I mean, who's really the troll, here? The one who posts his opinions or the one who gets 'hurt' by those opinions and calls the other a troll? Hum?
I am amazed Fran did not lose it yesterday.

Here is the thing and my wife and I discussed this again last night.

When Fran loses it, he really loses it and he doesn't really seem to say a whole lot to the officials throughout the game, until he just goes off. That is what I have gathered watching live. He is T'd up quickly because of that and I do get that, makes some sense.

Here is what I don't get, watch Groce, Chambers, Ryan, Izzo, Collins, Ricky just go ballistic the whole night and stop officials, go onto the court during play, yell at every poor call and they get nothing when they have their Fran-like psychotic rage, because they are screaming the entire game.

Maybe Fran needs to follow suit and be ticked from the start and yelling, then he won't build it up and have one large rage episode.

I will take how Fran acts, yes he goes a bit bezerk, but honestly, he doesn't go on the court during play when the ball is on his side of the court and he really conducts himself well, until he has a moment and when that moment passes he moves on a refocusing to coaching. Did he cross the line at Wisconsin, yes. Was the chair slamming at MSU far overblown for what it really was, yes. Do I think he anger management issues, partly, but I do believe his rep for flying off proceeds him.
Fyi I gotz ma 'Frans the man' shirt. Must have after seeing him hulk hogan leg drop that hawkeye notebook/folder off the scorers table. You know he's wanted to do that for a while now

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