Fran McCaffery Says Hawkeyes Will Rebound from Down Season

So, that Jay Wright can get mad, huh? It takes all of his assistants to hold him back. :)

Jay Wright looks alot younger in this? Curious what year this is?.. We get to see this in Fran what 4 to 5 times a year? and you had to search archives to show us a video of Jay Wright's one time eruption from a decade ago. lol
Again that is not the case. It is unacceptable to call any portion of the fan base those names in his position. Even if fans can act that way he needs to be mindful of what he says comes across. That was unprofessional by Fran and should not be defended. I really think Iowa needs to invest in a very good PR firm.

If you really think about it.....what good comes out of a head coach referring to any segment of his or her fan base as "morons" or "idiots?"

Fran's just being honest. Every fan base has its share of morons and idiots and he was calling out those of ours who continued to bitch about the players Fran has defended, after they've helped bring an overall level of decent success to Iowa. I wasn't one of the morons or idiots so I don't feel bad about him calling them out at all.
Jay Wright looks alot younger in this? Curious what year this is?.. We get to see this in Fran what 4 to 5 times a year? and you had to search archives to show us a video of Jay Wright's one time eruption from a decade ago. lol

This happened in 2010. I didn't search any archives. It shows that coaches go a little crazy more than you realize - even good coaches. The fact is, when a team is winning, then the coach going crazy is OK. When they are not winning, then it looks bad.

How about Roy Williams ripping his jacket (or attempting to)?

Or Jim Boeheim?

Or Bob Huggins?

Or Bobby Hurley?

This happened in 2010. I didn't search any archives. It shows that coaches go a little crazy more than you realize - even good coaches. The fact is, when a team is winning, then the coach going crazy is OK. When they are not winning, then it looks bad.

How about Roy Williams ripping his jacket (or attempting to)?

Or Jim Boeheim?

Or Bob Huggins?

Or Bobby Hurley?

But, what is your point? Is it right or is it wrong? A number of us don't think it is. Some of us don't think it represents Iowa very well. Plenty of coaches win and don't do this.

You also pointed out men who did develop winner as opposed to a number of players declining under the tenure.

None of those guys should do that and I would be embarrassed with them as well.

Not to mention times have changed. They've changed a lot in a short period of time.
But, what is your point? Is it right or is it wrong? A number of us don't think it is. Some of us don't think it represents Iowa very well. Plenty of coaches win and don't do this.

You also pointed out men who did develop winner as opposed to a number of players declining under the tenure.

None of those guys should do that and I would be embarrassed with them as well.

Not to mention times have changed. They've changed a lot in a short period of time.

My point is his behavior isn't what the issue is ... it's his record. If he continues to struggle, he should lose his job.

When Lickliter was here, and he was losing, folks didn't like that he sat with his hands on his head and basically didn't do anything. Now, there's a coach who shows passion, sometimes over the top, and folks don't like that either. However, it's because he is losing.

Times have changed ... sure. Do you think Arizona should fire its' manager because he was arguing with an ump, called Yadier Molina a MFer, and started a near brawl? Sports is entertainment! :)

I didn't listen to what Fran that is on the table...

I just don't see the logic of calling any group of fans (customers) idiots or morons.

Different to say, "I get upset with some fans when they seem unfair to players who are giving it their all, say unkind frustrates me as a coach because I see the work they are putting in. These guys helped bring respect back to Iowa and I am proud of them for this. They deserve the thanks of every fan, whether the fan is upset or not."

IMHO...Fran is a ticking bomb...unprofessional in several ways...

I would like to see him take ownership of this wasted season..."I am the coach, the players didn't play sound defense, that's on me, at times the players quit that's on me...I am the coach. That we lost nearly 20 games, that is unacceptable to me as a coach. I ask the players to work hard, I need to match their intensity...this lost season, I want to make ON ME. I see next season a a season of redemption...I promise to work harder and smarter than anyone else on the team."

It isn't that difficult to be a leader, if you are one...
My point is his behavior isn't what the issue is ... it's his record. If he continues to struggle, he should lose his job.

When Lickliter was here, and he was losing, folks didn't like that he sat with his hands on his head and basically didn't do anything. Now, there's a coach who shows passion, sometimes over the top, and folks don't like that either. However, it's because he is losing.

Times have changed ... sure. Do you think Arizona should fire its' manager because he was arguing with an ump, called Yadier Molina a MFer, and started a near brawl? Sports is entertainment! :)

My point is his behavior isn't what the issue is ... it's his record. If he continues to struggle, he should lose his job.

When Lickliter was here, and he was losing, folks didn't like that he sat with his hands on his head and basically didn't do anything. Now, there's a coach who shows passion, sometimes over the top, and folks don't like that either. However, it's because he is losing.

Times have changed ... sure. Do you think Arizona should fire its' manager because he was arguing with an ump, called Yadier Molina a MFer, and started a near brawl? Sports is entertainment! :)

I can't understand, for the life of me, how a major league umpire can stand right over the catcher's shoulder and not be able to see him framing a pitch.

Some of these catcher's jerk their gloves six inches or more.

If the plate umpire can't catch it, the second base umpire sure should, just like the plate umpire should be able to help the first base ump on those close plays where the pitcher covers first.

Umps in the seventies and eighties like Run Luciano, Doug Harvey and Dutch Rennert never fell for the sleight of hand and would tell the catcher to cool it if he wanted any strike zone.

Baseball umps don't help each other enough. Can you imagine a back judge in football trying to determine if a receiver made the catch, got his feet inbounds, and wasn't interfered with? He gets help on those plays.
My point is his behavior isn't what the issue is ... it's his record. If he continues to struggle, he should lose his job.

When Lickliter was here, and he was losing, folks didn't like that he sat with his hands on his head and basically didn't do anything. Now, there's a coach who shows passion, sometimes over the top, and folks don't like that either. However, it's because he is losing.

Times have changed ... sure. Do you think Arizona should fire its' manager because he was arguing with an ump, called Yadier Molina a MFer, and started a near brawl? Sports is entertainment! :)

We could go on and on. Colleges have changed. Hospitals have changed. The work place has changed. Mark Cuban will change. MSU, PSU, Baylor, IU and so forth.

You are lumping a lot of people. If he was winning sure a number would him pass. A number of us won't.

You support him. Some of us don't. I divide his performance several ways.

1. Player development - not great
2. Behavior on the court - Terrible
3. Fundamentals - overall not very good and maybe terrible.

Even if 1 and 3 were better, with me you can't get past 2.
College sports and pro sports are different. Both are changing.

I still think, and someday we'll know, this will go down in flames due to 2ndary issues.

I've bumped an official. I've screamed at players and made a h s girls bb player cry on the court once. I've had breaks when it was because of the other coach's behavior. I get all that. Fran is a time bomb. Even if he's not, do we really need to have a screaming red faced mad man. Several of the coaches you put up have done those things. But they are not known for that being their main trait. As other Big fans what Fran is about. I know what that answer is.
1. Player development - not great
2. Behavior on the court - Terrible
3. Fundamentals - overall not very good and maybe terrible.

I would say this about these points (and no I don't necessarily support Fran - I just think focusing on his behavior is overblown):

1) Player development - some good and some not so good. He has helped develop some 1st team all-Big 10 performers like Uthoff, White, and Jok (among others) while some players have not developed as they aged through the program.
2) Behavior on the court - improved, but everyone can strive to be better (as you mentioned about yourself). Fran didn't get ejected for 4 years until the Maryland game this year, so I think he has toned it down some. Most folks seem to calm down some as they age.
3) Fundamentals - needs to improve so the team can be better. I wish the defense would have improved this year, but hopefully it will next year. I don't agree that their half court offense is bad, but I wish it could be better. For a team that supposedly has a bunch of players who can't get their own shot and are slow, they score a lot of points. That can't be attributed to transition offense only. I think a change in the coaching staff could possibly help (at least a different set of eyes to help).

Again, I think he will ultimately be judged on his record (as well as attendance and other factors). I don't think his behavior is that over the top, but you disagree. That's OK. I don't think Fran has shown some of the characteristics like a Larry Eustachy (who was fired due to his behavior a couple of times).

What did you think about the video I posted of Kirk Ferentz losing it on the sidelines (because of a missed call). He got a warning and a penalty, but seems to get a pass because a) Iowa won the game (I think) and b) people seem to like him and his overall demeanor better than Fran and c) he has a pretty good record overall. Personally, I don't have an issue with what Kirk did. However, I was trying to show how similar actions can be looked at in different ways. Would you agree?
I would say this about these points (and no I don't necessarily support Fran - I just think focusing on his behavior is overblown):

1) Player development - some good and some not so good. He has helped develop some 1st team all-Big 10 performers like Uthoff, White, and Jok (among others) while some players have not developed as they aged through the program.
2) Behavior on the court - improved, but everyone can strive to be better (as you mentioned about yourself). Fran didn't get ejected for 4 years until the Maryland game this year, so I think he has toned it down some. Most folks seem to calm down some as they age.
3) Fundamentals - needs to improve so the team can be better. I wish the defense would have improved this year, but hopefully it will next year. I don't agree that their half court offense is bad, but I wish it could be better. For a team that supposedly has a bunch of players who can't get their own shot and are slow, they score a lot of points. That can't be attributed to transition offense only. I think a change in the coaching staff could possibly help (at least a different set of eyes to help).

Again, I think he will ultimately be judged on his record (as well as attendance and other factors). I don't think his behavior is that over the top, but you disagree. That's OK. I don't think Fran has shown some of the characteristics like a Larry Eustachy (who was fired due to his behavior a couple of times).

What did you think about the video I posted of Kirk Ferentz losing it on the sidelines (because of a missed call). He got a warning and a penalty, but seems to get a pass because a) Iowa won the game (I think) and b) people seem to like him and his overall demeanor better than Fran and c) he has a pretty good record overall. Personally, I don't have an issue with what Kirk did. However, I was trying to show how similar actions can be looked at in different ways. Would you agree?
There's some truth here. Most people wouldn't think of Tom Davis as a hothead. But I would be willing to bet that he accrued more technical fouls per season than Fran does. Tom got more than his share. The difference is that he calmed down a lot quicker. Fran's sideline demeanor is much more demonstrative, even when he isn't getting T'd up.
There's some truth here. Most people wouldn't think of Tom Davis as a hothead. But I would be willing to bet that he accrued more technical fouls per season than Fran does. Tom got more than his share. The difference is that he calmed down a lot quicker. Fran's sideline demeanor is much more demonstrative, even when he isn't getting T'd up.

Agreed. Records aside, would you prefer Fran's demeanor to Lickliter's? Passion/fire versus lackluster? Different strokes for different folks. Oh, and I would prefer Tom Davis to both of my choices. :)
This happened in 2010. I didn't search any archives. It shows that coaches go a little crazy more than you realize - even good coaches. The fact is, when a team is winning, then the coach going crazy is OK. When they are not winning, then it looks bad.

How about Roy Williams ripping his jacket (or attempting to)?

Or Jim Boeheim?

Or Bob Huggins?

Or Bobby Hurley?

There's some truth here. Most people wouldn't think of Tom Davis as a hothead. But I would be willing to bet that he accrued more technical fouls per season than Fran does. Tom got more than his share. The difference is that he calmed down a lot quicker. Fran's sideline demeanor is much more demonstrative, even when he isn't getting T'd up.

but, but, but...he only got technicals on purpose to motivate his team. Mr. Davis certainly wouldn't have lost his composure at all. they all must have been on purpose.
This happened in 2010. I didn't search any archives. It shows that coaches go a little crazy more than you realize - even good coaches. The fact is, when a team is winning, then the coach going crazy is OK. When they are not winning, then it looks bad.

How about Roy Williams ripping his jacket (or attempting to)?

Or Jim Boeheim?

Or Bob Huggins?

Or Bobby Hurley?

thank you for posting. i'm sure you could have found some really good ones on Izzo, Motta, and Bo Ryan, too. Oh, and coach k.
I would say this about these points (and no I don't necessarily support Fran - I just think focusing on his behavior is overblown):

1) Player development - some good and some not so good. He has helped develop some 1st team all-Big 10 performers like Uthoff, White, and Jok (among others) while some players have not developed as they aged through the program.
2) Behavior on the court - improved, but everyone can strive to be better (as you mentioned about yourself). Fran didn't get ejected for 4 years until the Maryland game this year, so I think he has toned it down some. Most folks seem to calm down some as they age.
3) Fundamentals - needs to improve so the team can be better. I wish the defense would have improved this year, but hopefully it will next year. I don't agree that their half court offense is bad, but I wish it could be better. For a team that supposedly has a bunch of players who can't get their own shot and are slow, they score a lot of points. That can't be attributed to transition offense only. I think a change in the coaching staff could possibly help (at least a different set of eyes to help).

Again, I think he will ultimately be judged on his record (as well as attendance and other factors). I don't think his behavior is that over the top, but you disagree. That's OK. I don't think Fran has shown some of the characteristics like a Larry Eustachy (who was fired due to his behavior a couple of times).

What did you think about the video I posted of Kirk Ferentz losing it on the sidelines (because of a missed call). He got a warning and a penalty, but seems to get a pass because a) Iowa won the game (I think) and b) people seem to like him and his overall demeanor better than Fran and c) he has a pretty good record overall. Personally, I don't have an issue with what Kirk did. However, I was trying to show how similar actions can be looked at in different ways. Would you agree?

thank you again. agreed.
All, let's also not forget that when a basketball game is on t.v. the head coach (if he is standing) is framed in the picture for all side court shots. You see every reaction of the head coaches. With football, the HC is not in every camera shot and, in fact, you probably have no clue where the HC is on any given play. There is just more to see in hoops t.v. coverage.
I would say this about these points (and no I don't necessarily support Fran - I just think focusing on his behavior is overblown):

1) Player development - some good and some not so good. He has helped develop some 1st team all-Big 10 performers like Uthoff, White, and Jok (among others) while some players have not developed as they aged through the program.
2) Behavior on the court - improved, but everyone can strive to be better (as you mentioned about yourself). Fran didn't get ejected for 4 years until the Maryland game this year, so I think he has toned it down some. Most folks seem to calm down some as they age.
3) Fundamentals - needs to improve so the team can be better. I wish the defense would have improved this year, but hopefully it will next year. I don't agree that their half court offense is bad, but I wish it could be better. For a team that supposedly has a bunch of players who can't get their own shot and are slow, they score a lot of points. That can't be attributed to transition offense only. I think a change in the coaching staff could possibly help (at least a different set of eyes to help).

Again, I think he will ultimately be judged on his record (as well as attendance and other factors). I don't think his behavior is that over the top, but you disagree. That's OK. I don't think Fran has shown some of the characteristics like a Larry Eustachy (who was fired due to his behavior a couple of times).

What did you think about the video I posted of Kirk Ferentz losing it on the sidelines (because of a missed call). He got a warning and a penalty, but seems to get a pass because a) Iowa won the game (I think) and b) people seem to like him and his overall demeanor better than Fran and c) he has a pretty good record overall. Personally, I don't have an issue with what Kirk did. However, I was trying to show how similar actions can be looked at in different ways. Would you agree?

My issues with Kirk on not his on field demeanor and it has nothing to do with winning or losing.

Fran's behavior is better on court.

I think he needs therapy, but my show is booked.;)

I don't think the behavior is overblown. We can disagree. In the end one of us may be proven wrong.

His teams still stink at 1/2 court, but any team with Cook and J Bo...and Moss under the right coach is gonna score. They are still bad at 1/2 court as a team.

JBo can get his own shot, but not off the dribble. Cook can do about what he wants with more support.

Uthoff strikes me as a self motivated player. White the same. Jok is just plain gifted, but your point is noted.
I saw an article on ESPN today talking about players testing the draft process, and Cook wasn’t even listed as a Top 100 prospect. Now granted Uthoff wouldn’t have been either at that point in his career, so maybe Cook will improve mightily.

It’s an interesting point you brought up about scoring, because right now it’s the only thing that Cook doesn’t at an above average level.

Right now gun to head if I was asked which guy has a better chance at an NBA contract I’d still say Uthoff, granted I don’t expect either of them to ever get one.

Well at this moment you are right, because Uthoff has already had an NBA contract.
Fran said in an article today Pemsl would be back, Connor getting a ride and banking the other for 19. Coming off a 14-19 disaster of a season Iowa does nothing to improve the roster. Zero pressure on these coaches to win. Thanks Gary

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