Fran has to figure this out...

Normally your posts are more thought out than "were the higher seed so we should have won". It sucks we lost and it big time sucks that the 2nd half got out of hand, but people were just waiting to use this loss as another example of Fran somehow forgetting how to coach when we play in a Big 10 tournament. When the fact is, we had a 50/50 shot on what Indiana would show up. And if the wrong one showed up, we were in serious trouble.

I've never said before, or now, that he's forgotten how to coach. Far from it. But there's a difference between coaching your team in regular season games game in and game out over the long grind of a season and coaching them in a one and done tourney environment. Even the greatest college bball coach of our generation, Coach K, has said on numerous occasions that you HAVE to coach differently in tourney environments than you do during the regular season. I just think Fran needs to figure out what needs to change in his approach to try and get a better result. Because other than an NIT run, his record in one and done tourney games is atrocious...
I've never said before, or now, that he's forgotten how to coach. Far from it. But there's a difference between coaching your team in regular season games game in and game out over the long grind of a season and coaching them in a one and done tourney environment. Even the greatest college bball coach of our generation, Coach K, has said on numerous occasions that you HAVE to coach differently in tourney environments than you do during the regular season. I just think Fran needs to figure out what needs to change in his approach to try and get a better result. Because other than an NIT run, his record in one and done tourney games is atrocious...

I think he proved he can coach tournaments in the NIT, the last 2 first round NCAA games, and the 2 Big 10 tournaments before we pissed away 3 games to bad teams.

The last 3 years were a trend. The trend was our team couldn't handle business when being a huge favorite. Tonight was a different trend that had nothing to do with the last 3 games. This trend was a Fran coached team losing by a bunch in a game they should only lose by a little. That trend annoys me a bit, but not a ton because a loss is a loss.
What trait makes you good at one and bad at the other
Simply by changing the head coach you can change the effort and belief of a team happens in business and sports and I think Fran's fire makes him great at the first. Why does Coach K win title
I think this has nothing to do with coaching. Iowa had several players who usually play well not show up. Jok had a bad game. Cook got blocked so many times and this will be a lesson for him. Nicholas had a terrible game. Indiana played perfectly and was on fire. I am very proud of this t
What trait makes you good at one and bad at the other?
Well PC based on the number of years playing and coaching it is unlikely that anyone Fran coaches against will have MORE knowledge about fundamentals. Why does Coach K win championship after championship? Why was Dan Gable invincible for nearly a decade? It's not because there weren't people with as much knowledge about the game. We've seen Fran teams completely fall apart at the seams I mean total collapses why? It goes back to coaching from being able to motivate the team and individual kids to making the proper in game decisions related to subs etc. There have been a couple years recently, one inparticular where we were sitting in first place after a win at Maryland and then completely collapsed the last month of the season. What was the difference? Coaching you can't put it on anything else. So
Watching Purdue and Michigan you can see why those teams can win titles and make runs. They are flying at people closing out I mean hair on fire. Rarely have I seen this type of effort from Iowa on the defensive end. Sometimes you can get them going in that 3/4 trap press but when we play half-court D we can't stop penetration and we don't hustle to close out because we are too interested in getting the rebound and scoring in 10 sec.
Simply by changing the head coach you can change the effort and belief of a team happens in business and sports and I think Fran's fire makes him great at the first. Why does Coach K win title

Well PC based on the number of years playing and coaching it is unlikely that anyone Fran coaches against will have MORE knowledge about fundamentals. Why does Coach K win championship after championship? Why was Dan Gable invincible for nearly a decade? It's not because there weren't people with as much knowledge about the game. We've seen Fran teams completely fall apart at the seams I mean total collapses why? It goes back to coaching from being able to motivate the team and individual kids to making the proper in game decisions related to subs etc. There have been a couple years recently, one inparticular where we were sitting in first place after a win at Maryland and then completely collapsed the last month of the season. What was the difference? Coaching you can't put it on anything else. So

But when we've seen 5 teams get better as the year went on and 2 get worse, how was that coaching? Especially when the 2 bad finishes surrounded the best finish.
But when we've seen 5 teams get better as the year went on and 2 get worse, how was that coaching? Especially when the 2 bad finishes surrounded the best finish.
Defense....coaching Defense. 3 terrible performances in the Big Ten tournament in a row.
Tournament time is completely different than the regular season period. It's why Gable's grapplers could always go into the National Tournament ranked 2nd or 3rd not favored to win and then kick everyone's ass. That's coaching. Your argument suggests it's the kids we recruit...oh btw that's a coaching responsibility too.
BTW Fran's never gotten out of the first weekend of the NCAA tournament either wherever he has been...that's coaching.
Again I'm a Fran backer for 2 more years if this team with it's freshmen class and the guys coming in next year are dramatically tougher with a couple wins in the NCAA tournament like a Sweet 16 appearance then I'm off the Franwagon. Until then Go Hawks and Go Fran.
Indiana wasn't your typical 10 seed in BTT tourny. They beat North Carolina and Kansas earlier this year. They have had injuries since then, but still are a very good 10 seed. I understand the complaints from prior years, but this was a tough 10 seed match up.

NIT is where I hoped the team would be at end of the year. They did better than I expected. Fran is still a good coach. The future looks bright. Hoping for success in the NIT tournament and a trip to Madison Square Garden for the team.
Defense wins ball games and championships....we lack in a few areas of defense, yelling for help, boxing out, too much space between the guy your guarding, sprinting back. I'm only pointing out what I see on I consistent basis. The BTT is not a friendly stage for Fran & Co.
Tournament time is completely different than the regular season period. It's why Gable's grapplers could always go into the National Tournament ranked 2nd or 3rd not favored to win and then kick everyone's ass. That's coaching. Your argument suggests it's the kids we recruit...oh btw that's a coaching responsibility too.

Two things about the team Fran recruited. One is you don't not take Uthoff just because he's not mentally tough. You just deal with his weaknesses. Two is I'm not sure Gesell was destined to become the head case he ended up being. I think he developed it.
When you sign an ALL AMERICAN point guard from the Junior College ranks and he comes in and looks terrible................whelp that one has had me scratching my head. Also that is the position and the type of player that has been a failure recruiting and developing in the Iowa Program under Fran. I am biting my fingers here trying not to be too critical but the truth is what it is............. and yes defense, defense, defense as most of you have pointed out.

In two more years Fran will have been here for ten years and will have seen the best that he has to offer as a coach. The freshmen class we have and a FEW of the incoming recruits in next year's and following years class APPEAR to be upgrades in talent and ability so that's why I am being patient. If we still are at the same level and having the same results two years from today we'll then the gloves come off.
The way I see it is the 3 Big 10 tournament games prior to this year were different than all other tournament games Fran has coached here. They were different because we were huge favorites. Other than those 3 games, how Fran has done in tournaments is right in line with where he has had us as a team.

The question is, what happened those 3 years. Does Fran have a coaching flaw when preparing his team's for a weak opponent in a tournament setting? Possibly. But it's more likely that the players on the team didn't have the mental toughness to not look past a weak opponent in a tournament they were good enough to win. There is also the possibility that losing those 3 games in a row where we were huge favorites was just random. I personally think it was the players tho.
When you sign an ALL AMERICAN point guard from the Junior College ranks and he comes in and looks terrible................whelp that one has had me scratching my head. Also that is the position and the type of player that has been a failure recruiting and developing in the Iowa Program under Fran. I am biting my fingers here trying not to be too critical but the truth is what it is............. and yes defense, defense, defense as most of you have pointed out.

In two more years Fran will have been here for ten years and will have seen the best that he has to offer as a coach. The freshmen class we have and a FEW of the incoming recruits in next year's and following years class APPEAR to be upgrades in talent and ability so that's why I am being patient. If we still are at the same level and having the same results two years from today we'll then the gloves come off.

Are you saying Fran didn't do a good job of developing Dickerson? Because he didn't hang around enough to really be developed.

As far as recruiting the point guard position goes, I don't know if you've been paying attention but it looks like we have a really good one.
Are you insinuating that defensive coaching is the reason 5 out of 7 of Fran's teams improved as the year went on?
PC Learn how to count my man here's Fran's handy work last 10 games since he's been here I'm not insinuating anything other than you don't know your facts:

10-11 3-7 LOSER
11-12 5-5 DRAW
12-13 7-3
13-14 3-7 LOSER
14-15 7-3
15-16 4-6 LOSER
16-17 6-4

TOTAL 35-35 .500 And that my friend is worse than his overall record at Iowa so yeah I'm not insinuating I'm backing it with facts.
When you sign an ALL AMERICAN point guard from the Junior College ranks and he comes in and looks terrible................whelp that one has had me scratching my head. Also that is the position and the type of player that has been a failure recruiting and developing in the Iowa Program under Fran. I am biting my fingers here trying not to be too critical but the truth is what it is............. and yes defense, defense, defense as most of you have pointed out.

In two more years Fran will have been here for ten years and will have seen the best that he has to offer as a coach. The freshmen class we have and a FEW of the incoming recruits in next year's and following years class APPEAR to be upgrades in talent and ability so that's why I am being patient. If we still are at the same level and having the same results two years from today we'll then the gloves come off.

One more comment on after 10 years we will have seen the best Fran has to offer. How is there any way to know that? How can you know he won't land a couple big time stud recruits after the 10 year mark? How can you know that Weiscamp and Patrick won't lay a foundation for Fran's best team ever in year 12? Maybe that Foster kid ends up being the best big man in the history of Iowa. I just don't know how people don't understand that a coach can just as easily land his best team ever in year 12 or 15 or 20 than he can in his first 10 years.

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