Fran has to figure this out...


Well-Known Member
I love how this team competed this year and it was one of the more fun and enjoyable seasons I can remember in a long time. So I'm not going to let one loss define how I view the season as a whole.

But Fran has now lost to every double digit seed possible in the last 4 years except for the 14. The players have changed every year, but the one constant is Fran. At some point he's got to figure out a different approach because it sucks ass bowing out in the opening game of the BTT every freaking year...
was very concerned about this game, but didn't think we get beat by 20 in the 2nd half. couldn't keep pace shooting and defense and hustle was sub avg.
In this case Indiana just had more talent and wanted it really badly.

But yeah, I'm to the point of just penciling in Iowa for a loss first round of BTTs henceforth.
I think this has nothing to do with coaching. Iowa had several players who usually play well not show up. Jok had a bad game. Cook got blocked so many times and this will be a lesson for him. Nicholas had a terrible game. Indiana played perfectly and was on fire. I am very proud of this team and the coaching.
Baer went from being absolutely on fire to bricking badly his first several threes. Jok was bad and IU made a bunch on contested end of shot clock threes. Not much a coach can do.
This is real easy folks:
Fran is a great coach if you need to get your program out of the cellar.
He's an awful coach if your program is rising and you are poised for a conference championship run.

Look at the dudes resume
I don't really care about this year...the freshmen just weren't ready for this one, and Jok flat-out quit. But can't keep putting yourself behind the NCAA sledgehammer every year by urinating all over yourself in the conference tourney. I don't understand how you can be so unprepared to play year after year in a tournament you know is coming.
Don't really care about spread. We were the higher seed, we won the head to head, and had much more momentum coming into this game.

We lost, to a double digit seed, for the fourth year in a row...feels pretty damn similar to me...

Normally your posts are more thought out than "were the higher seed so we should have won". It sucks we lost and it big time sucks that the 2nd half got out of hand, but people were just waiting to use this loss as another example of Fran somehow forgetting how to coach when we play in a Big 10 tournament. When the fact is, we had a 50/50 shot on what Indiana would show up. And if the wrong one showed up, we were in serious trouble.
This is real easy folks:
Fran is a great coach if you need to get your program out of the cellar.
He's an awful coach if your program is rising and you are poised for a conference championship run.

Look at the dudes resume

What trait makes you good at one and bad at the other?

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