Former Hawkeye Don Nelson Smoking Some Pot

I have zero problem with weed, I just wish that I could stand it enough to have tried it once to see what it's all about. I instantly get sick to my stomach when I smell it. Seriously.

And it's getting worse the older I get, to the point that going to concerts now my stomach just rolls when I get even a small hint of it in the air. It's got to be one of those genetic things where some people can't stand the taste of cilantro and others love it, but pot just smells so horrifically bad to me I can't even put it in words.

I know people are going to chime in with the edibles, but my employer has our hospital's occ health dept do randoms 6 times a year and they guarantee that everyone (owners, office and plant) gets 2 out of those 6. They also do a cheek swab for alcohol.

So no trying it for me. I like my job, my paycheck, and the people I work with. Maybe when I retire.

I can take it or leave it. I mostly don't do it regularly because it's illegal. I don't want to be (In Iowa) in a car with it. I don't want to around it. I don't have randoms and honestly, if someone has it and I aint driving or aint got shit to do - sure give me a hit. But not regularly - maybe once or twice a year if someone else has it...which honestly, is increasing heavily in all age groups and circles over the last 5 or so years of my life. I'd never carry it or do something that could land me in the slammer.

That said I have purchased it legally (got some of it in CO last trip out - was kind of of fun) - But if it were legal - I'd probably never drink again. Give me the choice between booze and weed and their both legal? That's an easy one. F booze.

(I'll be drinking tons of whiskey tonight lol)
I'm amazed at how many people I know in Iowa that are still anti-pot. It's difficult for some people to break free from their brainwashing.

I'm not a fan of being high myself, but I did smoke pot before almost every softball game last year because it helped with my back pain. There are definite benefits. Alas, I'm way cooler drunk.
I can take it or leave it. I mostly don't do it regularly because it's illegal. I don't want to be (In Iowa) in a car with it. I don't want to around it. I don't have randoms and honestly, if someone has it and I aint driving or aint got shit to do - sure give me a hit. But not regularly - maybe once or twice a year if someone else has it...which honestly, is increasing heavily in all age groups and circles over the last 5 or so years of my life. I'd never carry it or do something that could land me in the slammer.

That said I have purchased it legally (got some of it in CO last trip out - was kind of of fun) - But if it were legal - I'd probably never drink again. Give me the choice between booze and weed and their both legal? That's an easy one. F booze.

(I'll be drinking tons of whiskey tonight lol)

That's basically where I'm at.

Weed is also calorie free (but watch out for munchies) and the best part is zero hangover. You can smoke up a new ozone layer at night, sleep great, and have basically no trouble getting out of bed in the AM.

But yeah, all else being equal - weed over booze.
I'm not a pot smoker, I tried it a couple of times when I was younger but that's it and I have no desire to smoke it now. But individual people should get to decide what they want to put into their bodies, not the laws governing the state. As long as you're not endangering anybody go for it. I don't believe smoking weed is not any worse than smoking tobacco.

Legalize it and then tax the crap out of it. Let it help pay for these government run healthcare programs or build new highways.
Damn! Are the butthole searches optional then?
We used to be randoms here or there, but two things happened a few years after I started working here (I've been at my job for 16 years) that they went to the system they have now.

1) A guy accidentally crushed himself with a forklift. It was his fault, he was climbing around on the mast to move something and stepped on the tilt lever. When it tilted back and smashed him it also smashed his foot into the lever which kept him from stopping it. Died a couple days later, in court it came out that when they took his blood at the hospital right after, he had pot in his system and enough alcohol that he was probably hungover pretty bad.

2) Our insurance provider gives us a ridiculous discount for having that many randoms and they also pay half of the occ health bill at the end of the year. Financially we'd be stupid not to; I've seen that check.

When people protest drug testing I guess I don't see the hubub. It's a job at a private business, and people have the choice to work there or not. This next part is going to make some of you guys bristle, so hold onto your seats and don't kill me yet...

Since we started doing what we're doing, we have WAAAAY less, attendance problems, less turnover, and I can't scientifically tie it to drug testing, but we have had a whole lot less lost time from injuries. A lot of that is a better safety program. Ok, here's where I may lose some of you...

Like I said I have no issues with weed, but I'm making the blanket statement that since we did this, we get more dependable people working here. I totally understand that there are people who function better with a bowl before bed and one in the morning, but unfortunately along with that crowd you also have people who are baked to the hilt, and you also get the meth and pill heads and they ruin it for everyone. Part of it is also that the word has been out for a long time that if you like to party this isn't the place to come work. If you come in and pee dirty or blow over .02 you get walked out. The ADA (debatably) covers alcoholism, but the decision management made is to err on the side of firing people for booze and deal with getting sued later. No one has tried to fight it since I've been here.

Again just to be clear, I am not anti pot or booze. In fact, I'd like to try THC if I could. But I like my job and co-workers a bunch.
I'm not a pot smoker, I tried it a couple of times when I was younger but that's it and I have no desire to smoke it now. But individual people should get to decide what they want to put into their bodies, not the laws governing the state. As long as you're not endangering anybody go for it. I don't believe smoking weed is not any worse than smoking tobacco.

Legalize it and then tax the crap out of it. Let it help pay for these government run healthcare programs or build new highways.
I don't believe in stealing from someone because he or she chooses to utilize/consume a plant. Just let people fucking be free for once.
We used to be randoms here or there, but two things happened a few years after I started working here (I've been at my job for 16 years) that they went to the system they have now.

1) A guy accidentally crushed himself with a forklift. It was his fault, he was climbing around on the mast to move something and stepped on the tilt lever. When it tilted back and smashed him it also smashed his foot into the lever which kept him from stopping it. Died a couple days later, in court it came out that when they took his blood at the hospital right after, he had pot in his system and enough alcohol that he was probably hungover pretty bad.

2) Our insurance provider gives us a ridiculous discount for having that many randoms and they also pay half of the occ health bill at the end of the year. Financially we'd be stupid not to; I've seen that check.

When people protest drug testing I guess I don't see the hubub. It's a job at a private business, and people have the choice to work there or not. This next part is going to make some of you guys bristle, so hold onto your seats and don't kill me yet...

Since we started doing what we're doing, we have WAAAAY less, attendance problems, less turnover, and I can't scientifically tie it to drug testing, but we have had a whole lot less lost time from injuries. A lot of that is a better safety program. Ok, here's where I may lose some of you...

Like I said I have no issues with weed, but I'm making the blanket statement that since we did this, we get more dependable people working here. I totally understand that there are people who function better with a bowl before bed and one in the morning, but unfortunately along with that crowd you also have people who are baked to the hilt, and you also get the meth and pill heads and they ruin it for everyone. Part of it is also that the word has been out for a long time that if you like to party this isn't the place to come work. If you come in and pee dirty or blow over .02 you get walked out. The ADA (debatably) covers alcoholism, but the decision management made is to err on the side of firing people for booze and deal with getting sued later. No one has tried to fight it since I've been here.

Again just to be clear, I am not anti pot or booze. In fact, I'd like to try THC if I could. But I like my job and co-workers a bunch.
I'm very voluntaryist leaning, so I have no problem with people that are ok with a voluntary association with a company that does this. That said, in a region/state where it is illegal, the people that use (such as in your employment situation) will trend towards being the non-dependable/party types, while in a region/state where it is legal, you'll find a lot more people that use responsibly and still be very productive. Without a test, you'd never know if someone was using, let's say, a 5:1 CBD/THC ratio or higher of an edible, tablet form, hash, etc. Not attacking you Fry, but the reason it's still illegal in a lot of places is due to ignorance of the substance and quite literally ethnocentrism or maybe more accurately brainwashing via the likes of the DARE program that a lot of us experienced as youths and associations between politicians and lobbyists that fight legalization.
I'm very voluntaryist leaning, so I have no problem with people that are ok with a voluntary association with a company that does this. That said, in a region/state where it is illegal, the people that use (such as in your employment situation) will trend towards being the non-dependable/party types, while in a region/state where it is legal, you'll find a lot more people that use responsibly and still be very productive. Without a test, you'd never know if someone was using, let's say, a 5:1 CBD/THC ratio or higher of an edible, tablet form, hash, etc. Not attacking you Fry, but the reason it's still illegal in a lot of places is due to ignorance of the substance and quite literally ethnocentrism or maybe more accurately brainwashing via the likes of the DARE program that a lot of us experienced as youths.
I gotcha man, no offense taken.

In fact, I'm 100% in favor of a test that would only show if you were effed up at the time. We have a threshold of .02 for booze that's allowable, I think it's hypocritical to fire someone for a test that could flag them if they smoked two weeks ago. I'd argue that someone who drank an 18 pack starting at 8:00 the night before is more dangerous with that hangover than someone who smoked at the same time.

I hope it wasn't taken that I'm arguing against weed. I just like where I work, and I'm lucky enough to work for people who treat you like honest family. My boss and his brother are bazillionaires who own the place. I was driving home from vacation when I got the call that my mom had died; called into work to leave a message that I wouldn't be in, and both of those guys were waiting in my driveway when I pulled in. I get 28 days PTO every year and they give everyone the week between Christmas and New Year off paid. Hell, my boss's wife showed up to my kid's kindergarten graduation and all I ever did was mention I had to leave early for it.
We used to be randoms here or there, but two things happened a few years after I started working here (I've been at my job for 16 years) that they went to the system they have now.

1) A guy accidentally crushed himself with a forklift. It was his fault, he was climbing around on the mast to move something and stepped on the tilt lever. When it tilted back and smashed him it also smashed his foot into the lever which kept him from stopping it. Died a couple days later, in court it came out that when they took his blood at the hospital right after, he had pot in his system and enough alcohol that he was probably hungover pretty bad.

2) Our insurance provider gives us a ridiculous discount for having that many randoms and they also pay half of the occ health bill at the end of the year. Financially we'd be stupid not to; I've seen that check.

When people protest drug testing I guess I don't see the hubub. It's a job at a private business, and people have the choice to work there or not. This next part is going to make some of you guys bristle, so hold onto your seats and don't kill me yet...

Since we started doing what we're doing, we have WAAAAY less, attendance problems, less turnover, and I can't scientifically tie it to drug testing, but we have had a whole lot less lost time from injuries. A lot of that is a better safety program. Ok, here's where I may lose some of you...

Like I said I have no issues with weed, but I'm making the blanket statement that since we did this, we get more dependable people working here. I totally understand that there are people who function better with a bowl before bed and one in the morning, but unfortunately along with that crowd you also have people who are baked to the hilt, and you also get the meth and pill heads and they ruin it for everyone. Part of it is also that the word has been out for a long time that if you like to party this isn't the place to come work. If you come in and pee dirty or blow over .02 you get walked out. The ADA (debatably) covers alcoholism, but the decision management made is to err on the side of firing people for booze and deal with getting sued later. No one has tried to fight it since I've been here.

Again just to be clear, I am not anti pot or booze. In fact, I'd like to try THC if I could. But I like my job and co-workers a bunch.

nah I believe that and I think if a business wants to test for it, that's their right. I would have no issues working at a place that did randoms if the money and work was good. A lot of habitual smokers I know don't have a ton ambition. But I do know some people who are a little wound too tight and they smoke it and it evens them out. Helps with anxiety and actually makes them productive people. There's multiple sides to it like with anything. My stance is this - it's 1000% better and healthier then booze. I would be a lot less concerned about my kids growing up and going out if I knew that they were going to go smoke a J instead of take shots of fireball. I just think that it's crazy that booze is so socially accepted to the point that some employers provide it to their employees several times a year, yet weed - which is safer in almost any regard would get ya fired.
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I don't believe in stealing from someone because he or she chooses to utilize/consume a plant. Just let people fucking be free for once.
That's just the thing- weed isn't exactly legal in CO. It's legal to buy. You still can't grow it. You still can only have so much. You still have to pay taxes. You still have to provide photo identification and your name goes into a register.

Look no further then Canada - they have total legalization but they don't have like head shops. You can't go to a brick and mortar store and buy weed there. You have to order it online and it gets delivered in the mail. But what you can do there, is grow it. They DO have stores where you can buy everything you need and different strains to grow your own. They even have them labeled and marked by "easy to grow needs little work" - To "extremely hard to grow, needs constant attention."

Know what else is weird? You can't even cross the Canada border if you have a DUI. They won't let you in. Yet you can get a work permit if you've had 3 of them here and you go to jail in Iowa with more than an ounce of it. America!
But I do know some people who are a little wound too tight and they smoke it and it evens them out. Helps with anxiety and actually makes them productive person.
Describes my wife at work.

That's just the thing- weed isn't exactly legal in CO. It's legal to buy. You still can't grow it. You still can only have so much. You still have to pay taxes. You still have to provide photo identification and your name goes into a register.

Look no further then Canada - they have total legalization but they don't have like head shops. You can't go to a brick and mortar store and buy weed there. You have to order it online and it gets delivered in the mail. But what you can do there, is grow it. They DO have stores where you can buy everything you need and different strains to grow your own. They even have them labeled and marked by "easy to grow needs little work" - To "extremely hard to grow, needs constant attention."

Know what else is weird? You can't even cross the Canada border if you have a DUI. They won't let you in. Yet you can get a work permit if you've had 3 of them here and you go to jail in Iowa with more than an ounce of it. America!
You actually can grow it here. There's just a plant limit.
Describes my wife at work.

You actually can grow it here. There's just a plant limit.

Yep - my best friend since Kindergarten lives there and we talk often. He's been growing 2 plants since the day they were allowed. There is a limit to how many you can grow - but he thinks they are just staging it in and eventually that won't be the case.
Yep - my best friend since Kindergarten lives there and we talk often. He's been growing 2 plants since the day they were allowed. There is a limit to how many you can grow - but he thinks they are just staging it in and eventually that won't be the case.
Some cities try doing their own things. In Lakewood, they banned rec shops (people still allowed to possess it rec), only med shops allowed.
Damn! Are the butthole searches optional then?

I'm amazed at how many people I know in Iowa that are still anti-pot. It's difficult for some people to break free from their brainwashing.

God damit Sirius...I was convinced there would never be anything I could agree with you on and you go and say that. Well...ok, I agree with you. I know so many people that are so brainwashed against MJ that it's weird. These same guys will drink until they can't stand up. Trust me...i'd rather meet a stoner driving a car than a drunk any day...typically the stoner is going 15 MPH in the slow lane.
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To clarify for those that don't know, these companies are beginning to research and develop pot infused beverages to distribute in areas where it would be legal. Interesting times we'll live in in the not so distant future.

hey, pot is one thing. but lacing every food and drink product with it is way over the line. I'm in favor of pot. but hell, you're gonna have kids drinking potpsi, pot-acola, poterade and eating "pot"ato chips. gotta be a line drawn.
I can take it or leave it. I mostly don't do it regularly because it's illegal. I don't want to be (In Iowa) in a car with it. I don't want to around it. I don't have randoms and honestly, if someone has it and I ain't driving or ain't got shit to do - sure give me a hit. But not regularly - maybe once or twice a year if someone else has it...which honestly, is increasing heavily in all age groups and circles over the last 5 or so years of my life. I'd never carry it or do something that could land me in the slammer.

That said I have purchased it legally (got some of it in CO last trip out - was kind of fun) - But if it were legal - I'd probably never drink again. Give me the choice between booze and weed and their both legal? That's an easy one. F booze.

(I'll be drinking tons of whiskey tonight lol)
Spoken like a Drunken Master, I wish I'm in Emergency Room hooked up to I.V. full of Morphine. I fixed your grammar.
hey, pot is one thing. but lacing every food and drink product with it is way over the line. I'm in favor of pot. but hell, you're gonna have kids drinking potpsi, pot-acola, poterade and eating "pot"ato chips. gotta be a line drawn.

Dating myself, but this clip is from the classic Barney Miller episode (hash brownies) is from 1976.
