For those of you that don't remember re: Stoops a day before cell phones and email were widely used.the UI pres. Office and HIT were innundated with calls and faxes. Terry Allen was getting them in Lawrence. Bowlsby finally realized it was suicide to hire Allen, Allen learned he had no chance to be accepted by the most influential alumni. Thank goodness a member of Fry's staff called Ferentz and suggested applying. This contact was made after the Allen interview occurred, and after calls from Stooped (multiple calls) to Bowlsby were unreturned. Bob's interview with OU and offer came several days before he spoke with the committee.

For those thinking Iowa was one loved Iowa more than the stoppage family at that time. There father has a #41 jersey in his casket.
During the head coach search process after Fry announced he was retiring, several candidates were interviewed for the job.

Its fairly well known that Bob Stoops was one of those interviewed. What is less well known is that during the meeting between Bob Stoops and the 'search committee (Bob Bowlsby and a few others), Bob Stoops told our beloved AD that he wanted the job and he wanted to leave the meeting assured that he had the job. Our AD told him that he would make no such guarantee and wanted to complete the entire interview process before making his decision. Later in the week (may have been within a day or two), Bob Stoops announced he was taking the HC job at Oklahoma.

I bring this up because we had our shot at the Stoops family and ****** it down our leg. Don't think for a second that Bob, Mike or Mark are going to just forget that happened.[/QUOm
That was Bob Bowlsby, not the U of I. Stoops knows that. Bowlsby had his guy and was minutes away from announcing the hire. Lucky for us, some big money donors stepped up prior to Terry Allen being announced as the next head coach at Iowa and squashed the hire.
Perhaps not officially. But no doubt he had a pretty good idea of where things stood through his agent.

He indeed did have an interview and offer prior to the Iowa interview.

He indeed left the meeting, called OU, re entered and said to thehe just accepted the ou job.

Ferentz was interviewing the next day.

Patterson, long and Allen were already interviewed the previous week (thanks giving week)

Allen had a players only meeting scheduled at 3pm the day after the Ferentz intetview.

Booster outcry occurred (after stoops to OU).

Marv and Mark Jennings (search comm. Members) Put their foot down.

Players only meeting became a I love KU press conference. FWIW KU canned Allen the next season.

Bowlsby hired someone he didn't intend to(Ferentz).

Bowlsby then gripes to Coleman and Rhoads about being constrained by a committee.

A few months later he got his committee during the BB search. He picked Alford.

Search committee did not prevent hiring Stoopsie. Terry Allen did. search committee averted disaster.

Yes, I how it went down... At that point in life I spoke regularly with Marc, Jennings, members of Fry's staff, a member of the stooped family, and Bob Stools the summer before Fry retired...he was in IC networking with search committee members.
If KF were to leave, Bobby would be our next coach. No question. In the words of Urban: "Florida was my dream job, but Ohio is home". This is not delusion. As other posters said before, how do you not accept a job from the school, in who's jersey your father was buried. Period.
cecilB - Ferentz was encouraged to apply from Greg Morris and now retired Bill Dervrich. We can all thank Marv Cook and Ann Rhodes for averting disaster. The much maligned search committee saved Iowa football from Bowlsby and Terry Allen. Bowlsby looked like a dead man at Ferentz's introductory reception at the UIF the night he arrived in IC and yes, I know you were there.
Wow is that an interesting story and puts a whole new paint job on things. TA would not have been a good fit for us IMO...

cecilB - Ferentz was encouraged to apply from Greg Morris and now retired Bill Dervrich. We can all thank Marv Cook and Ann Rhodes for averting disaster. The much maligned search committee saved Iowa football from Bowlsby and Terry Allen. Bowlsby looked like a dead man at Ferentz's introductory reception at the UIF the night he arrived in IC and yes, I know you were there.
cecilB - Ferentz was encouraged to apply from Greg Morris and now retired Bill Dervrich. We can all thank Marv Cook and Ann Rhodes for averting disaster. The much maligned search committee saved Iowa football from Bowlsby and Terry Allen. Bowlsby looked like a dead man at Ferentz's introductory reception at the UIF the night he arrived in IC and yes, I know you were there.

Check out PJ with the inside scoop!
Bro, I had no idea how deep your connections are.
Check out PJ with the inside scoop!
Bro, I had no idea how deep your connections are.

Vin there's only one insider posting in this thread and its not me and lets just say this isn't the first time he (and a few others who know the real story) have posted on this matter on a Jon Miller run website :)

I know Cecil will also agree that had Bobby Elliott not gotten sick he would have been the head coach at the University of Iowa. He was very popular with the fanbase at the time and Fry's assistant HC.

Ferentz was unknown by virtually everyone, including Bowlsby (remember, KF left Hayden's staff before BB became the Iowa AD). At the time of the hire, KF was the default choice due to losing Stoops, Elliot's illness, the internal revolt over Terry Allen, and the uninspiring candidacies of Don Patterson and Chuck Long. It was an effin miracle that things ultimately turned out the way that they did.
Vin there's only one insider posting in this thread and its not me and lets just say this isn't the first time he (and a few others who know the real story) have posted on this matter on a Jon Miller run website :)

I know Cecil will also agree that had Bobby Elliott not gotten sick he would have been the head coach at the University of Iowa. He was very popular with the fanbase at the time and Fry's assistant HC.

Ferentz was unknown by virtually everyone, including Bowlsby (remember, KF left Hayden's staff before BB became the Iowa AD). At the time of the hire, KF was the default choice due to losing Stoops, Elliot's illness, the internal revolt over Terry Allen, and the uninspiring candidacies of Don Patterson and Chuck Long. It was an effin miracle that things ultimately turned out the way that they did.

Listen, between you and CecilB, this thread is suddenly very compelling.
It started out sucking (again, consider the idiot source), but it is finishing with a terrific kick. :)
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LOL @ Duff. Stoops took over an Oklahoma program that had gone 12-22 in the three years prior to him arriving. He has a national championship and several conference championships under his belt. That could have theoretically been Iowa's.

You realize that Oklahoma is on a level that Iowa will never reach, correct? They were way down, but a program like that is a sleeping giant. Notre Dame and Miami are, too. With the right coach, they are back to dominating like the days of old.

Iowa has no such history.
You realize that Oklahoma is on a level that Iowa will never reach, correct? They were way down, but a program like that is a sleeping giant. Notre Dame and Miami are, too. With the right coach, they are back to dominating like the days of old.

Iowa has no such history.

Careful with that axe o' hyperbole, Young Man. At one point in time, Minnesota dominated the college football landscape. As did Army. And Yale.
He has a national championship and several conference championships under his belt. That could have theoretically been Iowa's.

Naaaaa no way no how, you cant recruit in Iowa.....all those great athletes would have followed anyone else who happened to take the Oklahoma job because all stud football players would choose OK over IA hands down.....Of sarcasm aside I do actually agree I think we would have a lot more Conference championships and maybe some sniffs at a National Title....just to hard to play hindsight and what if with a crappy system like the BCS.
Careful with that axe o' hyperbole, Young Man. At one point in time, Minnesota dominated the college football landscape. As did Army. And Yale.

At one point in time, is the key phrase my friend. A three-year downturn at a program like OU can easily be corrected by the right coach. Minnesota has an awful lot more negative momentum than OU ever had. Yale dominated when they were the most learned in the intricacies of the game, and they are SEVERELY limited by academic requirements. And Navy/Army's big run of glory was more a result of WWII than anything else. A large portion of America's best and most athletic kids wanted to enlist. Many went straight into service, others went to West Point/Annapolis.

When the need for servicemen dissipated, so did Army's talent level.
Vin there's only one insider posting in this thread and its not me and lets just say this isn't the first time he (and a few others who know the real story) have posted on this matter on a Jon Miller run website :)

I know Cecil will also agree that had Bobby Elliott not gotten sick he would have been the head coach at the University of Iowa. He was very popular with the fanbase at the time and Fry's assistant HC.

Ferentz was unknown by virtually everyone, including Bowlsby (remember, KF left Hayden's staff before BB became the Iowa AD). At the time of the hire, KF was the default choice due to losing Stoops, Elliot's illness, the internal revolt over Terry Allen, and the uninspiring candidacies of Don Patterson and Chuck Long. It was an effin miracle that things ultimately turned out the way that they did.

Interesting shiate to be sure. In this case it sounds like the selection committee saved the AD, and the university, from a bad hire. Thanks for posting.
Believe it or not and I hate to admit this, but he is 100% accurate with his statement. I know someone on that committee and Stoops wanted the job offered to him on the spot, we went thru the process and hired KF and Stoops took the Oklahoma job.

I had met Bowlsby's wife a few times back in 1999 and 2000 and we talked about the fan backlash on not hirin' Stoops. She said Bob wanted Ferentz. I think she was tryin' to save his skin a bit but what the dang do I know?
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At one point in time, is the key phrase my friend. A three-year downturn at a program like OU can easily be corrected by the right coach. Minnesota has an awful lot more negative momentum than OU ever had. Yale dominated when they were the most learned in the intricacies of the game, and they are SEVERELY limited by academic requirements. And Navy/Army's big run of glory was more a result of WWII than anything else. A large portion of America's best and most athletic kids wanted to enlist. Many went straight into service, others went to West Point/Annapolis.

When the need for servicemen dissipated, so did Army's talent level.

Sheesh. I don't need a history lesson, Young Man...and particularly not from a pup like you! ;):D

You're right though, OU recruits itself. Stoops would not have had the same talent had he taken the Iowa job, ergo he would not have had the same results.
I contend that Stoops' record, had he taken the Iowa job instead of Ferentz, would have been very similar to that of Ferentz, +/- maybe 10-15 wins.
He's not a "better" coach than Ferentz; he's just in a "better" football program.
If what I have heard of the situation is accurate, Ferentz knocked it out of the park at the interview, surprising and impressing all.
If what I have heard of the situation is accurate, Ferentz knocked it out of the park at the interview, surprising and impressing all.

Wow. This is surprising. KF showing some emotion and fire perhaps. Oh that was sooo long ago.

Maybe he should channel Bob Bowlsby and his initial interview on Saturdays at about 1030am.:)

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