? for Lick haters

We all may be looking at this the wrong way. There are three pages of people (haters) giving reasons why Lickliter should go. I'd like to see the reasons why the supporters think he should stay.

For the record, "we cannot get anyone better" is not a legit answer. Since no one can coach Iowa while Lickliter's there, it is impossible to compare an unknown variable to him to determine the difference.

BTW, Iowa (before this year) ranks historically as the nation's #10 all time team by RPI. So expectations for a highly successfull bball team are well-founded.

Please list some reasons why Lickliter should remain as coach so that we fans can look at a balance sheet and form a reasonable opinion.
We all may be looking at this the wrong way. There are three pages of people (haters) giving reasons why Lickliter should go. I'd like to see the reasons why the supporters think he should stay.

For the record, "we cannot get anyone better" is not a legit answer. Since no one can coach Iowa while Lickliter's there, it is impossible to compare an unknown variable to him to determine the difference.

BTW, Iowa (before this year) ranks historically as the nation's #10 all time team by RPI. So expectations for a highly successfull bball team are well-founded.

Please list some reasons why Lickliter should remain as coach so that we fans can look at a balance sheet and form a reasonable opinion.
There are no reasons why he should stay, he has no ability to recruit, he is more interested in his sons playing time, than the rest of the team. He is stubborn and has not changed his system at all since he arrived. I used to be a HUGE lickliter fan, i thought all the ball screens and slow paced basketball was because he didn't have the horses to keep up with the rest of the teams. Well we are in year 3 and we still don't have the horses. Something is going wrong here and unless he changes his system and his recruiting, we are going to be bottom of the big ten and the laughing stock of the state of Iowa.
Based on defections you have to give Lickliter 2 more seasons.

I disagree completely with this line of reasoning. The defections are not a reason why Lickliter should get more time - the defections are the big reason why he should be on the hot seat.

Lickliter, so far, has not proven at all that he can retain players and build any type of continuity in the program. And guess what? There continue to be rumblings of more transfers after this season is over as well. Maybe it's nothing more than rumor and things will be ok, but we all know that it's the 800 pound gorilla in the room. It's in the back of all of our minds.

If it happens again, Lickliter needs to go - not be given even MORE time to rebuild.

You can say all you want that Lickliter doesn't have a chance to get things done because players keep walking out the door on him, and that is true - he can't win if he has to keep starting over. But that is the whole problem. Is it not Lickliter's job to get players on campus and keep them in the program?

Yes, really.

I believe what's going on right now is because of Lickliter's leadership. Lickliter is the head coach of our program, and while I agree that not everything that has happened the past 2.5+ years is his fault (Tucker's arrests, Cy Tate's injury, Jake Kelly's mom), this is still TL's program, and almost every player on this roster is HIS recruit. There have still been a number of other players leaving the program because they are unhappy for one reason or another. We are still losing far more than we are winning.

To say that this year's 9-18 record has anything whatsoever to do with Steve Alford is simply, and blatantly, false.

Fact: The worst 3-year stretch of Iowa Basketball has occurred while Todd Lickliter has been our coach.

Fact: Steve Alford finished his tenure at Iowa with 7 straight winning seasons, and NCAA appearances in 2 of the last 3 years.

Fact: Todd Lickliter has been sub .500 in his first 3 seasons as our coach, following those 7 consecutive winning seasons.

It is backwards thinking to shift the blame from Todd Lickliter to Steve Alford, when Todd Lickliter has been the coach during all of this losing.

If we assume that Todd Lickliter is cleaning up Steve Alford's "mess", then he is doing a pi$$ poor job of it so far, given that we are losing at a far greater rate than at any time when Alford was our coach.

It's true that any player who can run, jump, and shoot will fit any system. The problem is not the physical aspect. More often than not, those guys who can run want to run. It's all mental, and not every guy is going to fit the system, because there are guys who will simply choose not to. That's a big difference from "the system can't work". It's up to the players to buy in.

You may be right that these types of players don't "fit", but that may be moreso because of a coach/player compatability issue and not seeing eye-to-eye, not so much because that type of player isn't capable of playing Lickliter's style of ball. It seems that we are pretty much on the same page there.

It also seems to be a factor in Lickliter being unable to recruit any highly-rated athletic recruits. As you say, the type of recruit that can run, will want to. There isn't much running involved with Lickliter's style of ball, and apparently isn't attracting many blue-chippers.
I am not a lickliter hater because I think we have a bright future ahead of us and we are going to be good as the years come we are just are to young
Give him 1 more year, the president gets 4 unless impeached. Maybe lick should be impeached?

This is funny. The same people on this board that are arguing for TL to get 4 yrs are probably the same people calling the Rush Limbaugh show, calling Barak Obama the worst president in US history, after 1 year.
You know who you are.
Hypocracy is a b****, isnt it?
Do we have to rehash this stuff? And do we have to continue down this "hater"/"apologist" road?

Just asking.

I've wondered that ALL season. We ALL knew this year was going to be rough, and then when it is, everyone falls apart. I don't get that reasoning at all.
I've wondered that ALL season. We ALL knew this year was going to be rough, and then when it is, everyone falls apart. I don't get that reasoning at all.

Well, a lot of us knew it was going to be rough. But definitely not all of us. Just like a lot of us know next season will be rough as well.

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