Fever vs Liberty

Curious. Would the Hawk team, 2024, beat the Fever?
No, nor the CC - Czinano team that beat Boston's SoCar team.

It's still relative ... Even as lower rung that Boston and Smith are at the WNBA level, their size would still dominate Stuelke / O'Grady / Goodman. I do think it would be more watchable / competitive game because of the Hawk's chemistry, which is sorely lacking on the Fever right now.

Thanks to CC, Fever were more competitive today. I'm still just shocked how unathletic Boston and Smith look and how poorly they are playing in terms of basic post play - setting and holding picks, rolling TO the hoop, actually gathering the ball without a bobble or dribble, let alone making shots. My goodness, you have bigs shooting in the high 30% / low 40%!?

Hopefully it's mostly a reflection of having to play 2 of the top teams in the league right out of the gate during a time when you're trying to build chemistry and transition from a half-court, Boston-focused team to a motion / transition game meant to get CC open shots or quick passes.
Sure seems like it, zebras royally fucked the Fever the entire game

Same as it ever was for Hawkeye Fans

Looked like a completely different team tonight, perhaps they have turned the corner and
have developed a team concept

Caitlin and the Fever seemed in sync tonight

It's All Good
I do think they looked much better. I was referring specifically to all the flops that were called fouls on the Fever. There also seems to be a huge preferential treatment of vets over 1st and 2nd year players which is why the Fever never seems to get fair calls.

I just hope Caitlin's legs will hold up this season. Their schedule looks like it's every other games which only provides some rest, not healing.
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Sure seems like it, zebras royally fucked the Fever the entire game

Same as it ever was for Hawkeye Fans

Looked like a completely different team tonight, perhaps they have turned the corner and
have developed a team concept

Caitlin and the Fever seemed in sync tonight

It's All Good
The WNBA commissioner needs to evaluate how the games are refereed. There are too many inconsistencies in what is a foul and one that is not. It seems to me that the games are called to slow the pace of the games in order to protect the older women. The Thomas woman really was allowed to push her defender off.

On Monday against the Suns, the Fever's fast pace began to show what they need to do to win. The Mitchell woman for the fever was a big factor in taking pressure off of Clark.
The WNBA commissioner needs to evaluate how the games are refereed. There are too many inconsistencies in what is a foul and one that is not. It seems to me that the games are called to slow the pace of the games in order to protect the older women. The Thomas woman really was allowed to push her defender off.

On Monday against the Suns, the Fever's fast pace began to show what they need to do to win. The Mitchell woman for the fever was a big factor in taking pressure off of Clark.
You’re making it out to be way more complicated than it really is.

The reality is that no matter how much training and instruction you give, you are dealing with the bottom of the barrel of the profession. It’s like the bottom 2% of people who barely make it through med school and pass boards. Are they doctors? Technically yes. But they still suck and get weeded out and relegated to lower level jobs (hopefully).

Think about how many NBA, G-league, NBA 2K League, ABA, Men’s D-1, and Women’s D-1 basketball referees there are. Thousands of them. Welp, the WNBA gets the flunkie leftovers after all the rest of those leagues plus others are done having their pick.

The reason you have shitty officiating and coaching is because you are getting the bottom of the barrel hires at those position, because there’s no pay and no demand. There’s no pay and no demand because women’s pro basketball is a subpar, boring, sloppy product. Show me some evidence otherwise. If it weren’t, wouldn’t there be fans actually going to games or watching on tv? Wouldn’t WNBA actually be televised if it was fun to watch? Don’t take my word for it, attendance and viewership speaks for itself. Let’s not kid ourselves, it isn’t going to take too many more 10-15 point games from CC and the Fever going 2-37 to stop the sellout crowds and put Indiana back at a couple thousand fans with tickets they literally have to give away.

Honestly, what the heck to people expect?
The Fever played probably their best game against Seattle. It was a 18,000+ and the noise level was very good. I think Clark played her best game to date. Her stat line was good. She was a +7 for the game and had her least amount of Turn Overs. She played much better on defense and didn't get called for ticky tact fouls. Aliyah Boston is playing poorly. She isn't in shape and her foot speed isn't a fit in a fast pace offense.

They play Las Vegas next and she and Martin will be reacquainted as opponents. Should be interesting.
The Fever played probably their best game against Seattle. It was a 18,000+ and the noise level was very good. I think Clark played her best game to date. Her stat line was good. She was a +7 for the game and had her least amount of Turn Overs. She played much better on defense and didn't get called for ticky tact fouls. Aliyah Boston is playing poorly. She isn't in shape and her foot speed isn't a fit in a fast pace offense.

They play Las Vegas next and she and Martin will be reacquainted as opponents. Should be interesting.

Aliyah perhaps spent too much time doing color telecasting during the Women's NCAA Basketball Tournament

Enjoying the limelight rather than paying attention to conditioning
I think I did the math right. By the end of tomorrow night's game, the Fever would have played 7 games in 11 days with 5 of the 7 games against the best 3 teams. Not sure if the WNBA could have realistically made it any harder on CC.

I'm not making excuses, as she's playing at the level now that I thought she get to later in the season avg 20 pts, almost 6 boards, and almost 7 assists the last 3 games. I just think the WNBA, either thru stupidity or malpractice is going to break her down physically sooner than it should have this year.
nothing changes until something changes. CC needs to break out of her shooting slump. When that happens, a lot will open up.
Aces vs Fever - I missed the entire 1st half and part of the 3rd quarter. You had to know Indiana had no chance in this game. Back to back games and the 7th game in 11 days with 5 games on the road. Great scheduling by the WNBA to schedule 5 games against the top three teams in the league to start the season. At least they get two days of rest after the Saturday game.

I was happy for Kate Martin. She made a couple of threes and does the little things that don't show up statistically. It is obvious she and her coach have figured out how to substitute her into the lineup. She is like a coach on the floor.

I think the big problem is the system the coach is trying to operate. Indiana has a mishmash of players that don't fit into it, Clark being one. It is obvious Sides wants her to be a ball distributor point guard. Clark took 8 of the 70 shots last night. She had some assist but would have had more if her teammates had made some easy shots. Boston cannot run the floor, "she ain't no Stulke or Affolter" . Clarke feeds Mitchell the ball and it isn't going back to Clark, ever. If the ball goes inside to the bigs it isn't coming back out. Right now Indiana doesn't have the personnel to be an uptempo team.
I did enjoy seeing them on the floor together.

Fever played a night game in LA Friday Night

Traveled to Las Vegas for a Saturday Night game

The game against the Sparks was intense

They had the energy for the First Quarter, then the fatigue became a factor

Insane scheduling

The Aces are undoubtedly the cream of the crop in the WNBA

Superstars on the bench and solid coaching
I did enjoy seeing them on the floor together.


It was cool to see Kate and Caitlin on the floor against each other, with their Hawkeye coaches
watching the game from the bench

They were cheering wildly for Kate and the Aces

Kate looked Good, had a solid game and was fun to watch

Megan Gustafson is primarily a reserve off the bench and just takes up space on the court
It was cool to see Kate and Caitlin on the floor against each other, with their Hawkeye coaches
watching the game from the bench

They were cheering wildly for Kate and the Aces

Kate looked Good, had a solid game and was fun to watch

Megan Gustafson is primarily a reserve off the bench and just takes up space on the court
Except for the part where CC had ANOTHER crap shooting night and Indiana continued it's completely disjointed suckitude!
Kate looks to be enjoying life with no pressure. To her credit, seizing the moment!
Caitlin is battling Caitlin and the frustration of trying to make possibly the worst "professional" team in existence right now, a little better.

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