Ferentz Irritated with Peter Gray Question

Twinlaker brings up a good point. I'm speculating the lack of being prepared, and only after this incident sally mason releasing a statement is a PR blunder. Mentioned it before I got too involved in the breaking new's story.
I'm thinking that maybe the brass would have given KF a "heads up" to not respond in any way what so ever to any question regarding Gray.

Fair point. I'm not jumping off the conspiracy cliff, but I do think based on KF's reaction this deserves a little scrutiny.
Twinlaker brings up a good point. I'm speculating the lack of being prepared, and only after this incident sally mason releasing a statement is a PR blunder. Mentioned it before I got too involved in the breaking new's story.

Probably. The university's and athletics department's public relations are usually on top and in front of every breaking development. Hard to imagine how this could have been mishandled.
Fair point. I'm not jumping off the conspiracy cliff, but I do think based on KF's reaction this deserves a little scrutiny.

I'm interested to find out what this Gray guy knew that would allow him to get fired, then rehired soon after. Not saying its football related, but I can only assume he had some solid bargaining chips to put on the rehire negotiation table.
I'm interested to find out what this Gray guy knew that would allow him to get fired, then rehired soon after. Not saying its football related, but I can only assume he had some solid bargaining chips to put on the rehire negotiation table.

When Gray left the first time did the University have some idea of possible wrong doing?
I'm interested to find out what this Gray guy knew that would allow him to get fired, then rehired soon after. Not saying its football related, but I can only assume he had some solid bargaining chips to put on the rehire negotiation table.

It could be this, or could just be what I think is typical in Universities all across America. I wonder if we ever learn.

Whatever the case, I read through the leaked document, and I find it hard to believe there isn't an ongoing criminal investigation.
According to Murph and Andy, they talked to a former football player who said Gray was his adviser as recently as 2011. So much for it being a long time since he had been removed from working with football players like Kirk said. Also the player said Gray was known to always come up and rub backs, etc and make people uncomfortable, and that Gray was also just a lousy adviser/counselor, to the point they recommended that players who had him seek guidance elsewhere (not sure who they pertains to, coaches, etc). At least I am pretty sure this is what they were saying on the radio, as best as I could hear KXNO scratching in on my car radio.
According to Murph and Andy, they talked to a former football player who said Gray was his adviser as recently as 2011. So much for it being a long time since he had been removed from working with football players like Kirk said. Also the player said Gray was known to always come up and rub backs, etc and make people uncomfortable, and that Gray was also just a lousy adviser/counselor, to the point they recommended that players who had him seek guidance elsewhere (not sure who they pertains to, coaches, etc). At least I am pretty sure this is what they were saying on the radio, as best as I could hear KXNO scratching in on my car radio.

Oh crap.....
I sooooo badly want to post the classic Lee Elia meltdown from back in '83 when he was Cubs manager, but I just youtubed it and it is filthy and JD would pry ban me for poasting it.
Or Vikings coach Jerry Burns hilarious presser where he was sticking up for OC Bob Schnelker.
The whole thing should have been a non issue. It was Ferentz's reaction that made it an issue. Ferentz has been asked "stupid" questions before, but never reacted in this manner. It makes me wonder if it was really the "stupid" question, or that a reporter was actually getting close to a something the University would rather not come to light.
That was my first thought as well. Hope it is not true
I was pretty frustrated by all that. I was asking the D-Rob questions for this weeks Pregame cover story, and Ferentz wasn't able to give me more solid answers because he was hot under the collar.

I got ****in boned lol.
Wow. You know it's a bad season when the most entertainment I've had in regards to the Iowa football program is a Kirk Ferentz press conference!

If you have the ability to put things into perspective... it's really quite funny to see how the Iowa fanbase blows everything out of proportion, whether it's positive or negative. I used to be embarrassed because our fanbase reacts like this. Now I just think it's funny.
1. This thread would not even be here if we were having a decent football season.
2. The matter with Gray is in the hands of the university administration and probably their attorneys...therefore, KF could not address questions in this area...period. The media creep knew darn well that was the case and was simply trying to ambush KF.
3. I am glad KF got angry. He should be angry.
4. Given that the team KF deeply cares about is going through a rough time, I do not expect perfection out of him in the media circus surrounding Iowa football.
5. Any of you guys ever had to deal with the media when you cannot give them information due to legal barriers? Try it. You won't like it.

In conclusion: This thread ranks right up there with the dumbest I have seen. Waste of time.
1. This thread would not even be here if we were having a decent football season.
2. The matter with Gray is in the hands of the university administration and probably their attorneys...therefore, KF could not address questions in this area...period. The media creep knew darn well that was the case and was simply trying to ambush KF.
3. I am glad KF got angry. He should be angry.
4. Given that the team KF deeply cares about is going through a rough time, I do not expect perfection out of him in the media circus surrounding Iowa football.
5. Any of you guys ever had to deal with the media when you cannot give them information due to legal barriers? Try it. You won't like it.

In conclusion: This thread ranks right up there with the dumbest I have seen. Waste of time.

1. This thread would not even be here if we were having a decent football season.
2. The matter with Gray is in the hands of the university administration and probably their attorneys...therefore, KF could not address questions in this area...period. The media creep knew darn well that was the case and was simply trying to ambush KF.
3. I am glad KF got angry. He should be angry.
4. Given that the team KF deeply cares about is going through a rough time, I do not expect perfection out of him in the media circus surrounding Iowa football.
5. Any of you guys ever had to deal with the media when you cannot give them information due to legal barriers? Try it. You won't like it.

In conclusion: This thread ranks right up there with the dumbest I have seen. Waste of time.

Respectfuly disagree. In light of what happened at Penn State, this is a potentially big story. Not simply an Iowa football story, but a potential sexual scandal involving the University of Iowa Athletic department in particular. As the premier face of Iowa athletics, Ferentz is a logical person to ask questions about this story. He should have been prepared for questions along this line, if only to have a canned response of; "I can't comment on an ongoing investigation."

Look again to Penn State. The media wasn't (initally) focused on the administration's handling of the incident the primary focus was on JoePa and his handling of the situation. The average person couldn't name any of the non athletic department people involved in the cover-up. But they know JoePa was involved.

Regardelss of the topic or controversy, you can't play the "ah shucks, Mr. Vanilla, boring, coach" role for 12+ years, then all the sudden blow a gasket and not expect it to be a story.

Does everyone have a bad day? Sure. But this is a guy who publicly keeps his emotions in check with little, if any, exceptions. He's been down this road before with reporters during other off-field issues. This is about more than some creep reporter ambushing him. There's more to situation (Whether it's more to the whole story with Gray, a past history with this reporter or something else). A simple "phrasing of a question" doesn't rattle KF like this. My gut tells me there's more to this than what's at face value.
Respectfuly disagree. In light of what happened at Penn State, this is a potentially big story. Not simply an Iowa football story, but a potential sexual scandal involving the University of Iowa Athletic department in particular. As the premier face of Iowa athletics, Ferentz is a logical person to ask questions about this story. He should have been prepared for questions along this line, if only to have a canned response of; "I can't comment on an ongoing investigation."

Look again to Penn State. The media wasn't (initally) focused on the administration's handling of the incident the primary focus was on JoePa and his handling of the situation. The average person couldn't name any of the non athletic department people involved in the cover-up. But they know JoePa was involved.

Regardelss of the topic or controversy, you can't play the "ah shucks, Mr. Vanilla, boring, coach" role for 12+ years, then all the sudden blow a gasket and not expect it to be a story.

Does everyone have a bad day? Sure. But this is a guy who publicly keeps his emotions in check with little, if any, exceptions. He's been down this road before with reporters during other off-field issues. This is about more than some creep reporter ambushing him. There's more to situation (Whether it's more to the whole story with Gray, a past history with this reporter or something else). A simple "phrasing of a question" doesn't rattle KF like this. My gut tells me there's more to this than what's at face value.

I have no argument with much of what you say. Where we part company on this issue is where you indicate that KF is a major player in this story. I absolutely reject that assumption. And, personally, I have no problem with the head coach jumping on what he believes is a dumb question. Fair is fair.

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