Ferentz Irritated with Peter Gray Question

This entire thing is so stupid. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with the football program. This is just idiot muckracking journalists trying to stir up crap. There is a ton of stuff that KF is responsible for and needs to answer to, and this is not one of them. I for one am glad he dropped an F bomb on that idiot reporter. Stick to football related questions moron.

I'm pretty sure the well being and safety of his players ranks somewhere fairly high in his list of things to do.
This entire thing is so stupid. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with the football program. This is just idiot muckracking journalists trying to stir up crap. There is a ton of stuff that KF is responsible for and needs to answer to, and this is not one of them. I for one am glad he dropped an F bomb on that idiot reporter. Stick to football related questions moron.

Yep, the ostrich approach was clearly sanctioned by the NCAA in the recent Penn State case. Heck, that guy had nothing to do with the football program either, he wasn't even employed by them.
This entire thing is so stupid. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with the football program. This is just idiot muckracking journalists trying to stir up crap. There is a ton of stuff that KF is responsible for and needs to answer to, and this is not one of them. I for one am glad he dropped an F bomb on that idiot reporter. Stick to football related questions moron.

Yep, as I have said before, there will be people like this guy defending ferentz even if he goes 0-12. Sighs...........hopefully there are getting to be fewer and fewer people defending the indefesible - ferentz.


My take is that KF runs a dictatorship. At this point with that long contract and that $20-ish million buyout, the guy only fears one thing - getting terminated for cause and losing the buyout. The Gray thing is irrelevant, he simply doesn't want ANY information about the football program EVER getting out unless it comes from his mouth or has otherwise been blessed. The key to running a good dictatorship is to control the flow of information and when people have rumors that may or may not contain an iota of truth, Kurt gets unhappy, hence his anger toward reporters.

Who is Kurt?
SIAP, but I have speech impediment and I occasionally mithpell words how I hear them because I speak while typing. Should have read "Kirk." Sorry.

Perhaps you should type a bit slower bince teh speech impediment appears to impede.

Irregardless, glad you are le here.
Yep, as I have said before, there will be people like this guy defending ferentz even if he goes 0-12. Sighs...........hopefully there are getting to be fewer and fewer people defending the indefesible - ferentz.FreedComanche
Nice try dummy, but I am one of the biggest Ferentz critics around. Unlike you, however, I possess enough intelligence to understand what things he is actually responsible for, and the ones that he had absolutely nothing at all to do with. People like you make the intelligent critics look worse than we actually are. Get a clue.
Exactly how in the hell was the safety of any football player ever in jeopardy? You can't possibly be that stupid.

Have you paid any attention to what happened at Penn State? McQueary, an Assistant Coach, was scared to report anything.

To assume that just because they are football players they aren't at risk is naive. Perhaps they weren't at risk to be physically abused or molested, but they could have been put in situations where they witnessed or were involved with covering up a situation.
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Nice try dummy, but I am one of the biggest Ferentz critics around. Unlike you, however, I possess enough intelligence to understand what things he is actually responsible for, and the ones that he had absolutely nothing at all to do with. People like you make the intelligent critics look worse than we actually are. Get a clue.

Hey Fool, it's not surprising that you totally missed the point of all this. I'd explain, but not worth my time talking sense to a fool.


Have you paid any attention to what happened at Penn State? McQueary, an Assistant Coach, was scared to report anything. To assume that just because they are football players they aren't at risk is naive. Perhaps they weren't at risk to be physically abused or molested, but they could have been put in situations where they witnessed or were involved with covering up a situation.
So let's just assume that's what happened. Brilliant idea. I can't believe Kirk still has a job. What the hell is wrong with our incompetent administration? Time to clean house and avoid the NCAA death penalty.
Anyway, get to the OP. Kirk got asked a question. He seemed irritated after reading his answer in context, that the question was asked by a guy who has had long term access to the coach, and framed in a way that KF needed to respond to a rumor.

Life goes on.
Chris Hassel viewed the entire thing and said that Ferentz berated him - not just a "f-bomb" slipping out... but that he dressed him down in anger.

He also never saw Kirk apologize
In other news, Iowa trying to find bright spot during an other wise dismal season. Rumors all over that this is a direct result of KoK's recruits, or lack of. AP reporting via Twitter and Hawkeye Football message board.s Observers indicate hardly anyone at all must be giving their employer a full day's work today. Employers in the State of Iowa interviewed indicate no disciplinary action due to the severity of the crisis, but expected business as usual tomorrow.
So let's just assume that's what happened. Brilliant idea. I can't believe Kirk still has a job. What the hell is wrong with our incompetent administration? Time to clean house and avoid the NCAA death penalty.

What the heck?! When did we jump the shark to fire Kirk. The whole discussion we were having was whether or not it was appropriate for a reporter to ask Kirk about his players contact with Peter Gray being stopped. No one is saying fire Kirk because of this. You were the one arguing it was an irrelevant question. I disagree and have made my case as to why.

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