Ferentz Era Over

If 18 and 19 was an audition for BF to take over in 2020......well the audition has mixed results so far.
Wah, wah, wah. You had a defense with three new LBs, and playing two freshman corners. At some point, didn't you expect the defense to struggle? I knew it was going to happen...and we were going to have to outscore teams. We almost did.

It's so interesting to see these types of posts. I think we have a very good team. A team that is young, a team with talent, and a team with what appears to be promising players waiting their turn. All positive.

Not one team has physically dominated us...and until yesterday, not one team has truly exploited our defense. The loss against Wisconsin was self inflicted (two costly turnovers and poor red zone execution)...the loss at Penn State was due to the poor play at QB...plain and simple. If Stanley plays average we beat Penn State by two TDs.

Yesterday was the first time a team made the plays themselves to beat us. That being said there were some very, very questionable calls in that game...that went Purdue's way.

Tough losses all...but with the vast majority of this team back, and other non starters getting plenty of time...how can you not be upbeat?
There are always plenty of excuses for Ferentz and this program.

I wonder when “next year” will come?
When Iowa fans start feeling bad about losing their wide receivers to graduation or the NFL we will know that Kirk has moved the program beyond meh vanilla.

BTW, wonder how that feels?
I've enjoyed watching this team play. Penn State was tough because Stanleys poor play cost them that game...but I've enjoyed this team. We were down two scores at Purdue and this team didn't quit...didn't fold...they kept playing and made plays to get the lead.

Honestly...I think they got screwed yesterday...but that's just me. You have to be better than the referee calls and we weren't. The call on Render was the biggest joke call I've ever seen. The dude fell down. Render just fell on top of him. The play was gone too. That set the tone for that drive. The subsequent hold was questionable too. Purdue got away with so much holding in the secondary it was ridiculous. ISM was held on a play in the end zone where it was just crazy that nothing was called...inconceivable.

The call on Render was ridiculous. To make matters worse, we had a nice gain on that play and it would have set us up nicely on 2nd down. Instead, we are behind the sticks and because of that, we get another (questionable) holding call. It was almost like a 20 yard bad call.
I think it's a bit hyperbolic to claim that yesterday was the end of the feel-good era for Coach Ferentz. It assumes there was some general such feeling that existed among the fanbase before yesterday, that somehow suddenly evaporated. The OP even admits that the giddy excitement was difficult to understand, hardly the statement of someone caught up in the season.

Instead, I think there are a lot of pent-up I told you so's waiting to be launched by both sides before each big game, and if the outcome had been different yesterday, a whole different set of opinions would have been the lead. Then, both sides would have re-loaded, and waited on the outcome of the NW game to send out their salvos. Yesterday was hardly the end of any era, simply the retreading of the argument that has been going for the last ____ years or so. It's the Never-Ferentzers time to preen now.
To support the OP:

Seriously, name me a couple of other perennial 7-5/8-4 teams that have/have had as many players in the NFL as Iowa.

The "talent waste" at Iowa under KF is actually pretty staggering.
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To support the OP:

Seriously, name me a couple of other perennial 7-5/8-4 teams that have as many players in the NFL as Iowa.

The "talent waste" at Iowa under KF is actually pretty staggering.

sure. unfortunately, though, the qty of NFL'ers doesn't count towards getting into the playoff. and, it sort of begs the question: "with all of the NFL talent that has passed through Iowa under kirk, why no way more wins and B1G titles?
As long as the money keeps flowing in, the Ferentz era isn't ending any time soon


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