Ferentz 10/23 Presser Live Blog (FINISHED)

It's funny because it seems like those that are the biggest touters of things like, Iowa being top 15 in revenue, Iowa being top 3 in producing NFL talent, Tight End U, etc. are also the ones who refuse to look at the other side of the coin. Consistent losses to inferior teams, unprepared for games, lack of improvement in things like clock mgt, no B10 titles in 8 years, etc. It makes little sense to me personally.
I'm almost positive that a temporary benching would clear the goblins out of James Hindenburg's skull and leave him better able to focus on performing at a higher level on the field. If he's any kind of competitor it would, anyway.
But Kap'n Kautious would nevar do such a thing, because it might upset young James.
Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.
Look, fan disappointment like this doesn't just happen in a vaccum, or over one season.....it's usually a cumulative effect. Take the following:

1. 2010 sucked given the talent on the field. For most people, this was the beginning of the end
2. 2011 was simply average and ended badly
3. KF has the chance to rejuvinate the program, especially on offense where with the exception of 2002, hadn't sniffed Top 50 in scoring offense. His answer was to hire a card carrying member of AARP who's answer to 3rd and 8 is to run a 3 yard out to the wide side of the field requiring the QB to throw the ball 30 yards horizontally to gain 3 yards vertically.
4. The results of that hire are playing out with one of the 10 worst offenses in college football
5. To make matters worse, the QB is having, statistically, the worst year EVER under Ferentz....worse even than either of the first 2 teams that won a combined 4 games. But KF is stubbornly sticking with him.
6. Given all this, the coach makes Top 10 money nationally and the athletic department makes Top 15 money nationally. But the product isn't even Top 50.
7. To pay for all of this, fans are paying triple and sometimes quadruple what they paid when Ferentz was first hired.

So yeah, I'd say every fan has a right to be pi$$ed right about now.

I'm almost positive that a temporary benching would clear the goblins out of James Hindenburg's skull and leave him better able to focus on performing at a higher level on the field. If he's any kind of competitor it would, anyway.
But Kap'n Kautious would nevar do such a thing, because it might upset young James.

Absolutely scorp!!!
Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

Oy. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I guess he's past that.
Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

Iowa is not a very good comeback team when they get down in the score early in the game. James puts a lot of pressure on himself, and I think he does have a confidence issue going on, especially when he gets into catch up mode and things just don't go his way. I think his confidence level drops a notch each time he fails to move the team in a series of downs. I also think he's conflicted on what he would like to do and what he is supposed to do in the GD system.
Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

OK Jon... then bench him and play Jake or Weinke or anyone...

if Weisman and Bullock are healthy... pound them forever. Every once in a while play action, a screen or a post route a "bomb".

Not real happy with the new OC Davis short routes, receiver screens, catch and runs... and the suppossed read and re=act for the receivers and QB. NOT WORKING... try something ELSE!
Yeah, JVB did play well enough to help the team win. He didn't play great enough to make it comfortable. The 31 yard fade pass to Keenan on 2nd and 26, I just looked up the play by play again to make sure and it did happen.

We all know JVB is not playing anywhere near where anyone expected nor where he expected. What is the point in piling on him because the head coach keeps playing him? Does it make you feel better about yourself?

Jon, we are not piling on JVB. We are piling on Ferentz. Why can't you see that?
Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

a talented kid playing scared and with mental demons is worse than a kid who is a question mark
Re: Ferentz 10/23 Presser Live Blog

Reactionary based on one game? WTF? Are you kidding me. The guy has 3 tds in 7 games and isn't even averaging 200yds/game. That is half a season's worth of reaction, Kirk, not one. Seriously, why even hold these press-conferences. If he's not snorting all over the place, he's talking down as if we're all 5 who don't know horrible football when we see it. Keep on chewin' that gum!

Do yourself a favor and watch any number of college or pro weekly press conferences. Coaches typically don't say much of anything. It's called "coach speak" for a reason. I wouldn't let it get you upset.
My favorite quote (when asked about problems with passing game):

"Protection, route running, throwing and catching"

yeah, that about covers it. LOL.
Re: Ferentz 10/23 Presser Live Blog

Vandenberg actually made a great, clutch pass to Davis on the last possession in the MSU game, a good 5 yard run on the goal line, and another great pass in overtime. We won the game. Vandy was a part of the win.

Is he a good QB? Not right now, but he is the best we have. Next year Sokol and perhaps others will be in the mix. You won't see them this year because they aren't ready to play.

Why is this so hard for people to understand? This is a 6 win team, best case. It's OK. If we win 6, we go to a good bowl game. If we don't, we won't. Deal with it

I have no problem with not seeing Sokol and saving the redshirt. But down 31-0 or was it 38-0 why not Rudock even if he is not ready. Certainly he is ready for a series or two??? It wasn't like the expectation was a miracle comeback.
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Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

I'm wondering if this offense is just too advanced for JVB (and the backups) and is creating a lot of the problems. (No progressions, short & safe passes, nothing down the middle, etc.) Maybe JVB hasn't completely picked it up, hence the game hasn't "slowed down" for him. To Jon's point, if the game didn't slow down for JVB after 4 years in one offense, how could it ever "speed up" for him in his 1st year of a new offense...one that is probably more advanced. I feel like his discomfort leads to his poor play. (Add the other QB's into this same dilemma.)

Maybe GD's new offense is to blame for being too difficult? Or difficult enough to where it takes longer to learn? I mean, JVB has a long list of IA HS state passing records...so he certainly knows how to throw a football, right? At this point even JVB's numbers from last year would be acceptable, which weren't that bad. But even if this were the case, KF does a d@mn good job of protecting his guys, both his OC and his QB.....hence "we must execute better".

Just trying to find an underlying reason for KF's defensive tactics, as opposed to bashing everything, for my own sanity.
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Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

If that is the case then if the underclassman isn't ready and they don't want to burn Sokol's year..At the VERY least let Weineke play. This guy has had to hold a clipboard his entire career. He stuck it out and vested and gave his all for the program and this is the way he gets treated for it. He may suck like Vandy,but I can't believe his suckiest could apporach what Vandy has given this season.

It's getting to the point (I'm not talking about just myself) I would like KF to retire or get some kind of gig in the NFL. We are the laughing stock of the Big for what we pay him(yes ,his pay is an issue)
Lost in all of this "Rudock isn't ready" is the apparent assumption that JVB is "ready". Right now, for whatever reason, he clearly is not. We are not talking about marginal or serviceable QB play here. We are talking about a QB that is in a complete and total mental funk. Another horrendous performance puts the situation at or close to the point where KF isn't doing JVB any favors by continually putting him out there. I don't have the answer, I don't go to practice so I don't know how bad Rudock is. It appears from what people are saying they don't think Rudock is ready to take any snaps, but neither is JVB.

Matt Rodgers wasn't ready as a sophomore. I would argue Stanzi wasn't "ready" as a sophomore either, but he improved tremendously as his sophomore season progressed b/c he got the chance to play. Drew Tate didn't play well his first three games, either. There is no way to quantify how much improvement can come from game experience, and how much game experience can show someone just isn't improving. Sometimes you don't have the luxury of waiting for guys to be "ready" (whatever that means) before you need to play them. Saturday would have been the ideal time to see what Rudock can do and it went completely wasted.

I'm really curious about Rudock's current mindset. It very well could be, "thank god coach didn't play me, I'm not ready", but it could also be, "I'm getting pretty tired of coach telling the entire world I'd wet myself if I had to go in to the game - I think I'm better than that."
Scorp, the game never slowed down for James last year. That was always my biggest critique, is that he felt phantom pressures, didn't set up under himself, etc. I think a lot of us assumed it would slow down for him this year. If anything, that problem has gotten worse. So I just don't think the kid is going to be able to clear his head. I think it is what it is.

So in a sense then James is not ready. Then who the eff on this team is ready to play QB?

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