Fan's temper worries me

Didn't see it live but just watched the chair incident. I don't think it's embarrassing at all. People like to blow up incidents like this, but they don't last long. Frank Martin "hitting" a player last year or two years got everyone worked up for a day then it blew over. This is no big deal.
In White's post game interview, he said he was disappointed the team didn't show more fight. McCaffrey said post game the team spent a lot of time on one dribble and kick in practice to keep MSU from doubling the ball, but guys didn't follow the plan. I didn't think it was possible to trump the bad decision making exhibited in the OSU game, but I was wrong.
Lick was the worst. I liked Tom Davis, but the way he would nod his head and clap when we were down 20 would drive me nuts. I like that Fran shows some real emotion

really? is that the measuring stick now? your level of passion is measured by how red your face gets, or how hard you slam a chair on the court?
He is building a reputation that he will not put up with any lack of effort by players or bad officiating. It will pay off in a couple years. Right now he is a time bomb. This is going to great.
really? is that the measuring stick now? your level of passion is measured by how red your face gets, or how hard you slam a chair on the court?

uh yeah didn't you know that!! WE WANT PASSION AND FIRE!!! It doesn't matter how many hours the coach spends teaching or scouting...if he doesn't explode and act like a fool he has no passion. I'm not surprised so many people wanted Mike Stoops...
I grew up with Norm Stewart. Beside him only knight was more volatile. But growing up with that and watching other coaches be perennial winners without that attitude taught me that fire like that is not what it means to be a winner. Fans like to see the fire (ESP when we have to watch Ferentz), but it does not mean he is a great competitor, it just means he has a temper.
I grew up with Norm Stewart. Beside him only knight was more volatile. But growing up with that and watching other coaches be perennial winners without that attitude taught me that fire like that is not what it means to be a winner. Fans like to see the fire (ESP when we have to watch Ferentz), but it does not mean he is a great competitor, it just means he has a temper.

Totally agree with this...Kirk gets a very bad rap though. Seriously I believe he has his faults but criticizing him for sideline demeanor is ridiculous.
I grew up with Norm Stewart. Beside him only knight was more volatile. But growing up with that and watching other coaches be perennial winners without that attitude taught me that fire like that is not what it means to be a winner. Fans like to see the fire (ESP when we have to watch Ferentz), but it does not mean he is a great competitor, it just means he has a temper.

Bo Ryan and Tom Izzo ride the officials just as much as anyone, but they have a built a reputation over the years that seems to provide a buffer with the officiating crews. A lot of coaches are the same way.

Bob Knight had an uncontrollable anger at times; to the point of hurting his players and his University. Fran does not go that far. He obviously is very passionate about what he does and that is great...his players don't appear to be threatened by his outbursts. His anger is aimed at the officials because he feels "his" players are not getting a fair shake in the game...he is sticking up for his guys.

If players start transferring out because of Fran and his "temper" then we have a problem, but the players seem to support the coaching staff and they want to play for them.
If he's getting a T and slamming a chair and getting in players faces, showing a lot of emotion, and being animated, it can be looked at in one of two ways depending on the context. If he's trying to get his players fired up, and is screaming at the officials on the player's behalf, and has the players backs; and gets animated to get some emotional response from his players, it's called passion.
If he's doing all of the above things out of frustration, and is unhappy, cannot cope with the situation and is screaming at the refs and players to take it out on them, it's called abuse.
And, you can actually have two different people see the same display, and come away with totally different impressions like this. People like this are usually described as a person that you "either love or hate." Bobby Knight was a perfect example of this, but there are others as well.

By the way, the opposite is true. If a coach doesn't react at all in an animated fashion, he's usually thought of us wise and contemplative (John Wooden) or as someone who is emotionally flat, out of touch, and aloof. Lots of people on this board like to paint Ferentz with that brush.

As for tonight's episode, it was late in the game, and I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish.
If he's getting a T and slamming a chair and getting in players faces, showing a lot of emotion, and being animated, it can be looked at in one of two ways depending on the context. If he's trying to get his players fired up, and is screaming at the officials on the player's behalf, and has the players backs; and gets animated to get some emotional response from his players, it's called passion.
If he's doing all of the above things out of frustration, and is unhappy, cannot cope with the situation and is screaming at the refs and players to take it out on them, it's called abuse.
And, you can actually have two different people see the same display, and come away with totally different impressions like this. People like this are usually described as a person that you "either love or hate." Bobby Knight was a perfect example of this, but there are others as well.

By the way, the opposite is true. If a coach doesn't react at all in an animated fashion, he's usually thought of us wise and contemplative (John Wooden) or as someone who is emotionally flat, out of touch, and aloof. Lots of people on this board like to paint Ferentz with that brush.

As for tonight's episode, it was late in the game, and I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish.

Trying to accomplish? He is coaching. Coaches coach no matter what the score is. Was the chair a bit much, of course. He obviously expects more than what he got tonight and in the previous game.
Totally agree with this...Kirk gets a very bad rap though. Seriously I believe he has his faults but criticizing him for sideline demeanor is ridiculous.

just like the person - hawkdrummer - complaining about ferentz during the national championship game - alabama putting 3 or 4 passes in a row before half and drummer mocking ferentz for not being able to do same - if people would just stop and think - ferentz now has the 2 top rated receivers, maybe 3, in the stat books.........hmmm.......and i thought Fry was the pass-happy coach??

guys got the best results of any iowa coach in the majority of people's lifetime (on this board), and yet that is not good enough.

people just have revisionist history with fry, i think. out of all of fry's 20 years, his best years are two #10 final rankings. ferentz has 4 top ten finishes in half the time, plus a bcs-level bowl victory.

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